Hackvent_2023/Day 20/exploit.py

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2023-12-20 15:12:59 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# THE BASE OF THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY template.py, for more information, visit
# https://git.romanh.de/Roman/HackingScripts
import os
import io
import re
import sys
import json
import time
import base64
import requests
import subprocess
import urllib.parse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from hackingscripts import util, rev_shell
from hackingscripts.fileserver import HttpFileServer
from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
import struct
from candy_maps import *
IP_ADDRESS = util.get_address()
BASE_URL = "https://603f2fa6-8131-45da-b831-f0bc598e4b4a.idocker.vuln.land" if "LOCAL" not in sys.argv else ""
PROXIES = {"http": "", "https": ""}
def request(method, uri, **kwargs):
if not uri.startswith("/") and uri != "":
uri = "/" + uri
client = requests
if "session" in kwargs:
client = kwargs["session"]
del kwargs["session"]
if "allow_redirects" not in kwargs:
kwargs["allow_redirects"] = False
if "verify" not in kwargs:
kwargs["verify"] = False
if "proxies" not in kwargs:
kwargs["proxies"] = PROXIES
url = BASE_URL + uri
return client.request(method, url, **kwargs)
def get_license():
res = request("GET", "/license")
util.assert_status_code(res, 200)
util.assert_content_type(res, "application/json")
return json.loads(res.text)
def put_license(license_key):
res = request("POST", "/license", json={"LicenseKey": license_key})
util.assert_status_code(res, 200)
util.assert_content_type(res, "application/json")
util.assert_json_path(res, ".isValid", True)
return json.loads(res.text)
def num_to_chr(num):
assert num >= 0 and num < 32
i = CANDY_MAP.index(num)
assert i != -1
return chr(i)
def compute_shuffle(arr):
value = 0
for i in range(24):
value += arr[i] + SHUFFLER[i]
return value % 32
def arr_to_license(arr):
license_key = ""
for i, num in enumerate(arr):
license_key += num_to_chr(num)
if len(license_key) in [5, 11, 17, 23]:
license_key += "-"
assert len(license_key) == 29
assert license_key[5] == '-'
assert license_key[11] == '-'
assert license_key[17] == '-'
assert license_key[23] == '-'
return license_key
def shuffle_array(byte_arr):
shuffle_num_2 = byte_arr[24]
assert shuffle_num_2 < 32
for shuffle_num_1 in range(0, 32):
shuffled_arr = list(None for i in range(25))
for i in range(24):
value = CANDY_MIX_HORIZONTALS[shuffle_num_2].index(byte_arr[i])
destination = CANDY_MIX_VERTICALS[shuffle_num_1].index(i)
shuffled_arr[destination] = value
if shuffle_num_1 == compute_shuffle(shuffled_arr):
shuffled_arr[24] = byte_arr[24]
return shuffled_arr
def binary_to_array(byte_arr):
arr = []
for i in range(0, 15, 5):
num = struct.unpack(">Q", util.lpad(byte_arr[i:i+5], 8, b"\x00"))[0]
arr.append((num >> 35) & 0x1F)
arr.append((num >> 30) & 0x1F)
arr.append((num >> 25) & 0x1F)
arr.append((num >> 20) & 0x1F)
arr.append((num >> 15) & 0x1F)
arr.append((num >> 10) & 0x1F)
arr.append((num >> 5) & 0x1F)
arr.append(num & 0x1F)
arr.append(byte_arr[-1] >> 3)
assert len(arr) == 25
return arr
def create_license_block(product_name, time_gen, time_exp):
byte_arr = b""
byte_arr += struct.pack("<I", time_exp)
byte_arr += struct.pack("<I", time_gen)
byte_arr += struct.pack("B", product_name) # product_name = CandyCaneMachine2000
byte_arr += struct.pack("B", 0) # flags
byte_arr += struct.pack("<H", 0) # count
byte_arr += struct.pack("<H", 0) # premium
byte_arr += struct.pack("B", 2) # product_type = Premium
byte_arr += struct.pack("B", 0) # shuffle
assert len(byte_arr) == 16
return byte_arr
def generate_license_key(product_name):
now = int(time.time())
license_block = create_license_block(product_name, now, now + 1000)
arr = binary_to_array(license_block)
arr = shuffle_array(arr)
license_key = arr_to_license(arr)
return license_key
if __name__ == "__main__":
key_1 = generate_license_key(0)
flag = put_license(key_1)["flag"]
print("[+] Flag:", flag)
key_2 = generate_license_key(1)
flag = put_license(key_2)["flag"]
print("[+] Flag:", flag)