#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # AutoRecon is a multi-threaded network reconnaissance tool which performs automated enumeration of services. # # This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the # GNU General Public License, either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # import atexit import argparse import asyncio import colorama from colorama import Fore, Style from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed, FIRST_COMPLETED from datetime import datetime import ipaddress import os import re import socket import string import sys import time import toml import termios import appdirs import shutil # Globals verbose = 0 nmap = "-vv --reason -Pn" srvname = "" heartbeat_interval = 60 port_scan_profile = None port_scan_profiles_config = None service_scans_config = None global_patterns = [] username_wordlist = "/usr/share/seclists/Usernames/top-usernames-shortlist.txt" password_wordlist = "/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/darkweb2017-top100.txt" single_target = False only_scans_dir = False def _quit(): TERM_FLAGS = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin.fileno()) termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin.fileno(), termios.TCSADRAIN, TERM_FLAGS) def _init(): global port_scan_profiles_config global service_scans_config global global_patterns atexit.register(_quit) appname = "AutoRecon" rootdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) default_config_dir = os.path.join(rootdir, "config") config_dir = appdirs.user_config_dir(appname) port_scan_profiles_config_file = os.path.join(config_dir, "port-scan-profiles.toml") service_scans_config_file = os.path.join(config_dir, "service-scans.toml") global_patterns_config_file = os.path.join(config_dir, "global-patterns.toml") # Confirm this directory exists; if not, populate it with the default configurations if not os.path.exists(config_dir): os.makedirs(config_dir, exist_ok=True) shutil.copy( os.path.join(default_config_dir, "port-scan-profiles-default.toml"), port_scan_profiles_config_file, ) shutil.copy( os.path.join(default_config_dir, "service-scans-default.toml"), service_scans_config_file, ) shutil.copy( os.path.join(default_config_dir, "global-patterns-default.toml"), global_patterns_config_file, ) with open(port_scan_profiles_config_file, "r") as p: try: port_scan_profiles_config = toml.load(p) if len(port_scan_profiles_config) == 0: fail( "There do not appear to be any port scan profiles configured in the {port_scan_profiles_config_file} config file." ) except toml.decoder.TomlDecodeError as e: fail( "Error: Couldn't parse {port_scan_profiles_config_file} config file. Check syntax and duplicate tags." ) with open(service_scans_config_file, "r") as c: try: service_scans_config = toml.load(c) except toml.decoder.TomlDecodeError as e: fail( "Error: Couldn't parse service-scans.toml config file. Check syntax and duplicate tags." ) with open(global_patterns_config_file, "r") as p: try: global_patterns = toml.load(p) if "pattern" in global_patterns: global_patterns = global_patterns["pattern"] else: global_patterns = [] except toml.decoder.TomlDecodeError as e: fail( "Error: Couldn't parse global-patterns.toml config file. Check syntax and duplicate tags." ) if "username_wordlist" in service_scans_config: if isinstance(service_scans_config["username_wordlist"], str): username_wordlist = service_scans_config["username_wordlist"] if "password_wordlist" in service_scans_config: if isinstance(service_scans_config["password_wordlist"], str): password_wordlist = service_scans_config["password_wordlist"] def e(*args, frame_index=1, **kvargs): frame = sys._getframe(frame_index) vals = {} vals.update(frame.f_globals) vals.update(frame.f_locals) vals.update(kvargs) return string.Formatter().vformat(' '.join(args), args, vals) def cprint(*args, color=Fore.RESET, char='*', sep=' ', end='\n', frame_index=1, file=sys.stdout, **kvargs): frame = sys._getframe(frame_index) vals = { 'bgreen': Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT, 'bred': Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT, 'bblue': Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT, 'byellow': Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT, 'bmagenta': Fore.MAGENTA + Style.BRIGHT, 'green': Fore.GREEN, 'red': Fore.RED, 'blue': Fore.BLUE, 'yellow': Fore.YELLOW, 'magenta': Fore.MAGENTA, 'bright': Style.BRIGHT, 'srst': Style.NORMAL, 'crst': Fore.RESET, 'rst': Style.NORMAL + Fore.RESET } vals.update(frame.f_globals) vals.update(frame.f_locals) vals.update(kvargs) unfmt = '' if char is not None: unfmt += color + '[' + Style.BRIGHT + char + Style.NORMAL + ']' + Fore.RESET + sep unfmt += sep.join(args) fmted = unfmt for attempt in range(10): try: fmted = string.Formatter().vformat(unfmt, args, vals) break except KeyError as err: key = err.args[0] unfmt = unfmt.replace('{' + key + '}', '{{' + key + '}}') print(fmted, sep=sep, end=end, file=file) def debug(*args, color=Fore.BLUE, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, **kvargs): if verbose >= 2: cprint(*args, color=color, char='-', sep=sep, end=end, file=file, frame_index=2, **kvargs) def info(*args, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, **kvargs): cprint(*args, color=Fore.GREEN, char='*', sep=sep, end=end, file=file, frame_index=2, **kvargs) def warn(*args, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stderr, **kvargs): cprint(*args, color=Fore.YELLOW, char='!', sep=sep, end=end, file=file, frame_index=2, **kvargs) def error(*args, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stderr, **kvargs): cprint(*args, color=Fore.RED, char='!', sep=sep, end=end, file=file, frame_index=2, **kvargs) def fail(*args, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stderr, **kvargs): cprint(*args, color=Fore.RED, char='!', sep=sep, end=end, file=file, frame_index=2, **kvargs) exit(-1) def calculate_elapsed_time(start_time): elapsed_seconds = round(time.time() - start_time) m, s = divmod(elapsed_seconds, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) elapsed_time = [] if h == 1: elapsed_time.append(str(h) + ' hour') elif h > 1: elapsed_time.append(str(h) + ' hours') if m == 1: elapsed_time.append(str(m) + ' minute') elif m > 1: elapsed_time.append(str(m) + ' minutes') if s == 1: elapsed_time.append(str(s) + ' second') elif s > 1: elapsed_time.append(str(s) + ' seconds') else: elapsed_time.append('less than a second') return ', '.join(elapsed_time) async def read_stream(stream, target, tag='?', patterns=[], color=Fore.BLUE): address = target.address while True: line = await stream.readline() if line: line = str(line.rstrip(), 'utf8', 'ignore') debug(color + '[' + Style.BRIGHT + address + ' ' + tag + Style.NORMAL + '] ' + Fore.RESET + '{line}', color=color) for p in global_patterns: matches = re.findall(p['pattern'], line) if 'description' in p: for match in matches: if verbose >= 1: info('Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} - {bmagenta}' + p['description'].replace('{match}', '{bblue}{match}{crst}{bmagenta}') + '{rst}') async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(target.scandir, '_patterns.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('{tag} - ' + p['description'] + '\n\n')) else: for match in matches: if verbose >= 1: info('Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} - {bmagenta}Matched Pattern: {bblue}{match}{rst}') async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(target.scandir, '_patterns.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('{tag} - Matched Pattern: {match}\n\n')) for p in patterns: matches = re.findall(p['pattern'], line) if 'description' in p: for match in matches: if verbose >= 1: info('Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} - {bmagenta}' + p['description'].replace('{match}', '{bblue}{match}{crst}{bmagenta}') + '{rst}') async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(target.scandir, '_patterns.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('{tag} - ' + p['description'] + '\n\n')) else: for match in matches: if verbose >= 1: info('Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} - {bmagenta}Matched Pattern: {bblue}{match}{rst}') async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(target.scandir, '_patterns.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('{tag} - Matched Pattern: {match}\n\n')) else: break async def run_cmd(semaphore, cmd, target, tag='?', patterns=[]): async with semaphore: address = target.address scandir = target.scandir info('Running task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst}' + (' with {bblue}{cmd}{rst}' if verbose >= 1 else '')) async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, '_commands.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('{cmd}\n\n')) start_time = time.time() process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(cmd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, executable='/bin/bash') async with target.lock: target.running_tasks.append(tag) await asyncio.wait([ read_stream(process.stdout, target, tag=tag, patterns=patterns), read_stream(process.stderr, target, tag=tag, patterns=patterns, color=Fore.RED) ]) await process.wait() async with target.lock: target.running_tasks.remove(tag) elapsed_time = calculate_elapsed_time(start_time) if process.returncode != 0: error('Task {bred}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}') async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, '_errors.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('[*] Task {tag} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}. Command: {cmd}\n')) else: info('Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} finished successfully in {elapsed_time}') return {'returncode': process.returncode, 'name': 'run_cmd'} async def parse_port_scan(stream, tag, target, pattern): address = target.address ports = [] while True: line = await stream.readline() if line: line = str(line.rstrip(), 'utf8', 'ignore') debug(Fore.BLUE + '[' + Style.BRIGHT + address + ' ' + tag + Style.NORMAL + '] ' + Fore.RESET + '{line}', color=Fore.BLUE) parse_match = re.search(pattern, line) if parse_match: ports.append(parse_match.group('port')) for p in global_patterns: matches = re.findall(p['pattern'], line) if 'description' in p: for match in matches: if verbose >= 1: info('Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} - {bmagenta}' + p['description'].replace('{match}', '{bblue}{match}{crst}{bmagenta}') + '{rst}') async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(target.scandir, '_patterns.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('{tag} - ' + p['description'] + '\n\n')) else: for match in matches: if verbose >= 1: info('Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} - {bmagenta}Matched Pattern: {bblue}{match}{rst}') async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(target.scandir, '_patterns.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('{tag} - Matched Pattern: {match}\n\n')) else: break return ports async def parse_service_detection(stream, tag, target, pattern): address = target.address services = [] while True: line = await stream.readline() if line: line = str(line.rstrip(), 'utf8', 'ignore') debug(Fore.BLUE + '[' + Style.BRIGHT + address + ' ' + tag + Style.NORMAL + '] ' + Fore.RESET + '{line}', color=Fore.BLUE) parse_match = re.search(pattern, line) if parse_match: services.append((parse_match.group('protocol').lower(), int(parse_match.group('port')), parse_match.group('service'))) for p in global_patterns: matches = re.findall(p['pattern'], line) if 'description' in p: for match in matches: if verbose >= 1: info('Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} - {bmagenta}' + p['description'].replace('{match}', '{bblue}{match}{crst}{bmagenta}') + '{rst}') async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(target.scandir, '_patterns.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('{tag} - ' + p['description'] + '\n\n')) else: for match in matches: if verbose >= 1: info('Task {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} - {bmagenta}Matched Pattern: {bblue}{match}{rst}') async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(target.scandir, '_patterns.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('{tag} - Matched Pattern: {match}\n\n')) else: break return services async def run_portscan(semaphore, tag, target, service_detection, port_scan=None): async with semaphore: address = target.address scandir = target.scandir nmap_extra = nmap ports = '' if port_scan is not None: command = e(port_scan[0]) pattern = port_scan[1] info('Running port scan {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst}' + (' with {bblue}{command}{rst}' if verbose >= 1 else '')) async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, '_commands.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('{command}\n\n')) start_time = time.time() process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(command, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, executable='/bin/bash') async with target.lock: target.running_tasks.append(tag) output = [ parse_port_scan(process.stdout, tag, target, pattern), read_stream(process.stderr, target, tag=tag, color=Fore.RED) ] results = await asyncio.gather(*output) await process.wait() async with target.lock: target.running_tasks.remove(tag) elapsed_time = calculate_elapsed_time(start_time) if process.returncode != 0: error('Port scan {bred}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}') async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, '_errors.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('[*] Port scan {tag} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}. Command: {command}\n')) return {'returncode': process.returncode} else: info('Port scan {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} finished successfully in {elapsed_time}') ports = results[0] if len(ports) == 0: return {'returncode': -1} ports = ','.join(ports) command = e(service_detection[0]) pattern = service_detection[1] info('Running service detection {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst}' + (' with {bblue}{command}{rst}' if verbose >= 1 else '')) async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, '_commands.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('{command}\n\n')) start_time = time.time() process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(command, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, executable='/bin/bash') async with target.lock: target.running_tasks.append(tag) output = [ parse_service_detection(process.stdout, tag, target, pattern), read_stream(process.stderr, target, tag=tag, color=Fore.RED) ] results = await asyncio.gather(*output) await process.wait() async with target.lock: target.running_tasks.remove(tag) elapsed_time = calculate_elapsed_time(start_time) if process.returncode != 0: error('Service detection {bred}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}') async with target.lock: with open(os.path.join(scandir, '_errors.log'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('[*] Service detection {tag} returned non-zero exit code: {process.returncode}. Command: {command}\n')) else: info('Service detection {bgreen}{tag}{rst} on {byellow}{address}{rst} finished successfully in {elapsed_time}') services = results[0] return {'returncode': process.returncode, 'name': 'run_portscan', 'services': services} async def start_heartbeat(target, period=60): while True: await asyncio.sleep(period) async with target.lock: tasks = target.running_tasks count = len(tasks) tasks_list = '' if verbose >= 1: tasks_list = ': {bgreen}' + ', '.join(tasks) + '{rst}' current_time = datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S') if count > 1: info('{bgreen}[{current_time}]{rst} - There are {byellow}{count}{rst} tasks still running on {byellow}{target.address}{rst}' + tasks_list) elif count == 1: info('{bgreen}[{current_time}]{rst} - There is {byellow}1{rst} task still running on {byellow}{target.address}{rst}' + tasks_list) async def scan_services(loop, semaphore, target): address = target.address scandir = target.scandir pending = [] heartbeat = loop.create_task(start_heartbeat(target, period=heartbeat_interval)) for profile in port_scan_profiles_config: if profile == port_scan_profile: for scan in port_scan_profiles_config[profile]: service_detection = (port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]['service-detection']['command'], port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]['service-detection']['pattern']) if 'port-scan' in port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]: port_scan = (port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]['port-scan']['command'], port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]['port-scan']['pattern']) pending.append(run_portscan(semaphore, scan, target, service_detection, port_scan)) else: pending.append(run_portscan(semaphore, scan, target, service_detection)) break services = [] while True: if not pending: heartbeat.cancel() break done, pending = await asyncio.wait(pending, return_when=FIRST_COMPLETED) for task in done: result = task.result() if result['returncode'] == 0: if result['name'] == 'run_portscan': for service_tuple in result['services']: if service_tuple not in services: services.append(service_tuple) else: continue protocol = service_tuple[0] port = service_tuple[1] service = service_tuple[2] info('Found {bmagenta}{service}{rst} on {bmagenta}{protocol}/{port}{rst} on target {byellow}{address}{rst}') if not only_scans_dir: with open(os.path.join(target.reportdir, 'notes.txt'), 'a') as file: file.writelines(e('[*] {service} found on {protocol}/{port}.\n\n\n\n')) if protocol == 'udp': nmap_extra = nmap + " -sU" else: nmap_extra = nmap secure = True if 'ssl' in service or 'tls' in service else False # Special cases for HTTP. scheme = 'https' if 'https' in service or 'ssl' in service or 'tls' in service else 'http' if service.startswith('ssl/') or service.startswith('tls/'): service = service[4:] for service_scan in service_scans_config: # Skip over configurable variables since the python toml parser cannot iterate over tables only. if service_scan in ['username_wordlist', 'password_wordlist']: continue ignore_service = False if 'ignore-service-names' in service_scans_config[service_scan]: for ignore_service_name in service_scans_config[service_scan]['ignore-service-names']: if re.search(ignore_service_name, service): ignore_service = True break if ignore_service: continue matched_service = False if 'service-names' in service_scans_config[service_scan]: for service_name in service_scans_config[service_scan]['service-names']: if re.search(service_name, service): matched_service = True break if not matched_service: continue if 'manual' in service_scans_config[service_scan]: heading = False with open(os.path.join(scandir, '_manual_commands.txt'), 'a') as file: for manual in service_scans_config[service_scan]['manual']: if 'description' in manual: if not heading: file.writelines(e('[*] {service} on {protocol}/{port}\n\n')) heading = True description = manual['description'] file.writelines(e('\t[-] {description}\n\n')) if 'commands' in manual: if not heading: file.writelines(e('[*] {service} on {protocol}/{port}\n\n')) heading = True for manual_command in manual['commands']: manual_command = e(manual_command) file.writelines('\t\t' + e('{manual_command}\n\n')) if heading: file.writelines('\n') if 'scan' in service_scans_config[service_scan]: for scan in service_scans_config[service_scan]['scan']: if 'name' in scan: name = scan['name'] if 'command' in scan: tag = e('{protocol}/{port}/{name}') command = scan['command'] if 'ports' in scan: port_match = False if protocol == 'tcp': if 'tcp' in scan['ports']: for tcp_port in scan['ports']['tcp']: if port == tcp_port: port_match = True break elif protocol == 'udp': if 'udp' in scan['ports']: for udp_port in scan['ports']['udp']: if port == udp_port: port_match = True break if port_match == False: warn(Fore.YELLOW + '[' + Style.BRIGHT + tag + Style.NORMAL + '] Scan cannot be run against {protocol} port {port}. Skipping.' + Fore.RESET) continue if 'run_once' in scan and scan['run_once'] == True: scan_tuple = (name,) if scan_tuple in target.scans: warn(Fore.YELLOW + '[' + Style.BRIGHT + tag + ' on ' + address + Style.NORMAL + '] Scan should only be run once and it appears to have already been queued. Skipping.' + Fore.RESET) continue else: target.scans.append(scan_tuple) else: scan_tuple = (protocol, port, service, name) if scan_tuple in target.scans: warn(Fore.YELLOW + '[' + Style.BRIGHT + tag + ' on ' + address + Style.NORMAL + '] Scan appears to have already been queued, but it is not marked as run_once in service-scans.toml. Possible duplicate tag? Skipping.' + Fore.RESET) continue else: target.scans.append(scan_tuple) patterns = [] if 'pattern' in scan: patterns = scan['pattern'] pending.add(asyncio.ensure_future(run_cmd(semaphore, e(command), target, tag=tag, patterns=patterns))) def scan_host(target, concurrent_scans, outdir): start_time = time.time() info('Scanning target {byellow}{target.address}{rst}') if single_target: basedir = os.path.abspath(outdir) else: basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outdir, target.address + srvname)) target.basedir = basedir os.makedirs(basedir, exist_ok=True) if not only_scans_dir: exploitdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, 'exploit')) os.makedirs(exploitdir, exist_ok=True) lootdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, 'loot')) os.makedirs(lootdir, exist_ok=True) reportdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, 'report')) target.reportdir = reportdir os.makedirs(reportdir, exist_ok=True) open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(reportdir, 'local.txt')), 'a').close() open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(reportdir, 'proof.txt')), 'a').close() screenshotdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(reportdir, 'screenshots')) os.makedirs(screenshotdir, exist_ok=True) scandir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, 'scans')) target.scandir = scandir os.makedirs(scandir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(scandir, 'xml')), exist_ok=True) # Use a lock when writing to specific files that may be written to by other asynchronous functions. target.lock = asyncio.Lock() # Get event loop for current process. loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # Create a semaphore to limit number of concurrent scans. semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(concurrent_scans) try: loop.run_until_complete(scan_services(loop, semaphore, target)) elapsed_time = calculate_elapsed_time(start_time) info('Finished scanning target {byellow}{target.address}{rst} in {elapsed_time}') except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) class Target: def __init__(self, address): self.address = address self.basedir = '' self.reportdir = '' self.scandir = '' self.scans = [] self.lock = None self.running_tasks = [] def main(): global single_target global only_scans_dir global port_scan_profile global heartbeat_interval global nmap global srvname global verbose _init() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Network reconnaissance tool to port scan and automatically enumerate services found on multiple targets.') parser.add_argument('targets', action='store', help='IP addresses (e.g., CIDR notation (e.g., or resolvable hostnames (e.g. foo.bar) to scan.', nargs="*") parser.add_argument('-t', '--targets', action='store', type=str, default='', dest='target_file', help='Read targets from file.') parser.add_argument('-ct', '--concurrent-targets', action='store', metavar='', type=int, default=5, help='The maximum number of target hosts to scan concurrently. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('-cs', '--concurrent-scans', action='store', metavar='', type=int, default=10, help='The maximum number of scans to perform per target host. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--profile', action='store', default='default', dest='profile_name', help='The port scanning profile to use (defined in port-scan-profiles.toml). Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', action='store', default='results', dest='output_dir', help='The output directory for results. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--single-target', action='store_true', default=False, help='Only scan a single target. A directory named after the target will not be created. Instead, the directory structure will be created within the output directory. Default: false') parser.add_argument('--only-scans-dir', action='store_true', default=False, help='Only create the "scans" directory for results. Other directories (e.g. exploit, loot, report) will not be created. Default: false') parser.add_argument('--heartbeat', action='store', type=int, default=60, help='Specifies the heartbeat interval (in seconds) for task status messages. Default: %(default)s') nmap_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() nmap_group.add_argument('--nmap', action='store', default='-vv --reason -Pn', help='Override the {nmap_extra} variable in scans. Default: %(default)s') nmap_group.add_argument('--nmap-append', action='store', default='', help='Append to the default {nmap_extra} variable in scans.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Enable verbose output. Repeat for more verbosity.') parser.add_argument('--disable-sanity-checks', action='store_true', default=False, help='Disable sanity checks that would otherwise prevent the scans from running. Default: false') parser.error = lambda s: fail(s[0].upper() + s[1:]) args = parser.parse_args() single_target = args.single_target only_scans_dir = args.only_scans_dir errors = False if args.concurrent_targets <= 0: error('Argument -ch/--concurrent-targets: must be at least 1.') errors = True concurrent_scans = args.concurrent_scans if concurrent_scans <= 0: error('Argument -ct/--concurrent-scans: must be at least 1.') errors = True port_scan_profile = args.profile_name found_scan_profile = False for profile in port_scan_profiles_config: if profile == port_scan_profile: found_scan_profile = True for scan in port_scan_profiles_config[profile]: if 'service-detection' not in port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]: error('The {profile}.{scan} scan does not have a defined service-detection section. Every scan must at least have a service-detection section defined with a command and a corresponding pattern that extracts the protocol (TCP/UDP), port, and service from the result.') errors = True else: if 'command' not in port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]['service-detection']: error('The {profile}.{scan}.service-detection section does not have a command defined. Every service-detection section must have a command and a corresponding pattern that extracts the protocol (TCP/UDP), port, and service from the results.') errors = True else: if '{ports}' in port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]['service-detection']['command'] and 'port-scan' not in port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]: error('The {profile}.{scan}.service-detection command appears to reference a port list but there is no port-scan section defined in {profile}.{scan}. Define a port-scan section with a command and corresponding pattern that extracts port numbers from the result, or replace the reference with a static list of ports.') errors = True if 'pattern' not in port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]['service-detection']: error('The {profile}.{scan}.service-detection section does not have a pattern defined. Every service-detection section must have a command and a corresponding pattern that extracts the protocol (TCP/UDP), port, and service from the results.') errors = True else: if not all(x in port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]['service-detection']['pattern'] for x in ['(?P', '(?P', '(?P']): error('The {profile}.{scan}.service-detection pattern does not contain one or more of the following matching groups: port, protocol, service. Ensure that all three of these matching groups are defined and capture the relevant data, e.g. (?P\d+)') errors = True if 'port-scan' in port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]: if 'command' not in port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]['port-scan']: error('The {profile}.{scan}.port-scan section does not have a command defined. Every port-scan section must have a command and a corresponding pattern that extracts the port from the results.') errors = True if 'pattern' not in port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]['port-scan']: error('The {profile}.{scan}.port-scan section does not have a pattern defined. Every port-scan section must have a command and a corresponding pattern that extracts the port from the results.') errors = True else: if '(?P' not in port_scan_profiles_config[profile][scan]['port-scan']['pattern']: error('The {profile}.{scan}.port-scan pattern does not contain a port matching group. Ensure that the port matching group is defined and captures the relevant data, e.g. (?P\d+)') errors = True break if not found_scan_profile: error('Argument --profile: must reference a port scan profile defined in {port_scan_profiles_config_file}. No such profile found: {port_scan_profile}') errors = True heartbeat_interval = args.heartbeat nmap = args.nmap if args.nmap_append: nmap += " " + args.nmap_append outdir = args.output_dir srvname = '' verbose = args.verbose raw_targets = args.targets targets = [] if len(args.target_file) > 0: if not os.path.isfile(args.target_file): error('The target file {args.target_file} was not found.') sys.exit(1) try: with open(args.target_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.read() for line in lines.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or len(line) == 0: continue if line not in raw_targets: raw_targets.append(line) except OSError: error('The target file {args.target_file} could not be read.') sys.exit(1) for target in raw_targets: try: ip = str(ipaddress.ip_address(target)) if ip not in targets: targets.append(ip) except ValueError: try: target_range = ipaddress.ip_network(target, strict=False) if not args.disable_sanity_checks and target_range.num_addresses > 256: error(target + ' contains ' + str(target_range.num_addresses) + ' addresses. Check that your CIDR notation is correct. If it is, re-run with the --disable-sanity-checks option to suppress this check.') errors = True else: for ip in target_range.hosts(): ip = str(ip) if ip not in targets: targets.append(ip) except ValueError: try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(target) if target not in targets: targets.append(target) except socket.gaierror: error(target + ' does not appear to be a valid IP address, IP range, or resolvable hostname.') errors = True if len(targets) == 0: error('You must specify at least one target to scan!') errors = True if single_target and len(targets) != 1: error('You cannot provide more than one target when scanning in single-target mode.') sys.exit(1) if not args.disable_sanity_checks and len(targets) > 256: error('A total of ' + str(len(targets)) + ' targets would be scanned. If this is correct, re-run with the --disable-sanity-checks option to suppress this check.') errors = True if errors: sys.exit(1) with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.concurrent_targets) as executor: start_time = time.time() futures = [] for address in targets: target = Target(address) futures.append(executor.submit(scan_host, target, concurrent_scans, outdir)) try: for future in as_completed(futures): future.result() except KeyboardInterrupt: for future in futures: future.cancel() executor.shutdown(wait=False) sys.exit(1) elapsed_time = calculate_elapsed_time(start_time) info('{bgreen}Finished scanning all targets in {elapsed_time}!{rst}') if __name__ == '__main__': main()