# Configurable Variables username_wordlist = '/usr/share/seclists/Usernames/top-usernames-shortlist.txt' password_wordlist = '/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/darkweb2017-top100.txt' [all-services] # Define scans here that you want to run against all services. service-names = [ '.+' ] [[all-services.scan]] name = 'sslscan' command = 'if [ "{secure}" == "True" ]; then sslscan --show-certificate --no-colour {address}:{port} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_sslscan.txt"; fi' [cassandra] service-names = [ '^apani1' ] [[cassandra.scan]] name = 'nmap-cassandra' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(cassandra* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_cassandra_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_cassandra_nmap.xml" {address}' [cups] service-names = [ '^ipp' ] [[cups.scan]] name = 'nmap-cups' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(cups* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_cups_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_cups_nmap.xml" {address}' [distcc] service-names = [ '^distccd' ] [[distcc.scan]] name = 'nmap-distcc' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,distcc-cve2004-2687" --script-args="distcc-cve2004-2687.cmd=id" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_distcc_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_distcc_nmap.xml" {address}' [dns] service-names = [ '^domain' ] [[dns.scan]] name = 'nmap-dns' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(dns* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_dns_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_dns_nmap.xml" {address}' [finger] service-names = [ '^finger' ] [[finger.scan]] nmap = 'nmap-finger' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,finger" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_finger_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_finger_nmap.xml" {address}' [ftp] service-names = [ '^ftp', '^ftp\-data' ] [[ftp.scan]] name = 'nmap-ftp' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(ftp* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_ftp_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_ftp_nmap.xml" {address}' [[ftp.scan.pattern]] description = 'Anonymous FTP Enabled!' pattern = 'Anonymous FTP login allowed' [[ftp.manual]] description = 'Bruteforce logins:' commands = [ 'hydra -L "{username_wordlist}" -P "{password_wordlist}" -e nsr -s {port} -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_ftp_hydra.txt" ftp://{address}', 'medusa -U "{username_wordlist}" -P "{password_wordlist}" -e ns -n {port} -O "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_ftp_medusa.txt" -M ftp -h {address}' ] [http] service-names = [ '^http', ] ignore-service-names = [ '^nacn_http$' ] [[http.scan]] name = 'nmap-http' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(http* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or http-slowloris* or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_http_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_nmap.xml" {address}' [[http.scan.pattern]] description = 'Identified HTTP Server: {match}' pattern = 'Server: ([^\n]+)' [[http.scan.pattern]] description = 'WebDAV is enabled' pattern = 'WebDAV is ENABLED' [[http.scan]] name = 'curl-index' command = 'curl -sSik {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ -m 10 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_index.html"' [[http.scan.pattern]] pattern = '(?i)Powered by [^\n]+' [[http.scan]] name = 'curl-robots' command = 'curl -sSik {scheme}://{address}:{port}/robots.txt -m 10 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_robots.txt"' [[http.scan]] name = 'wkhtmltoimage' command = 'if hash wkhtmltoimage 2> /dev/null; then wkhtmltoimage --format png {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ {scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_screenshot.png; fi' [[http.scan]] name = 'whatweb' command = 'whatweb --color=never --no-errors -a 3 -v {scheme}://{address}:{port} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_whatweb.txt"' [[http.scan]] name = 'nikto' command = 'nikto -ask=no -h {scheme}://{address}:{port} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_nikto.txt"' [[http.scan]] name = 'gobuster' command = 'if [[ `gobuster -h 2>&1 | grep -F "mode (dir)"` ]]; then gobuster -u {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -e -k -l -s "200,204,301,302,307,401,403" -x "txt,html,php,asp,aspx,jsp" -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_gobuster.txt"; else gobuster dir -u {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -z -k -l -x "txt,html,php,asp,aspx,jsp" -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_gobuster.txt"; fi' [[http.manual]] description = '(dirsearch) Multi-threaded recursive directory/file enumeration for web servers using various wordlists:' commands = [ 'dirsearch -u {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ -t 16 -r -e txt,html,php,asp,aspx,jsp -f -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/big.txt --plain-text-report="{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_dirsearch_big.txt"', 'dirsearch -u {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ -t 16 -r -e txt,html,php,asp,aspx,jsp -f -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt --plain-text-report="{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_dirsearch_dirbuster.txt"' ] [[http.manual]] description = '(dirb) Recursive directory/file enumeration for web servers using various wordlists (same as dirsearch above):' commands = [ 'dirb {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/big.txt -l -r -S -X ",.txt,.html,.php,.asp,.aspx,.jsp" -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_dirb_big.txt"', 'dirb {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -l -r -S -X ",.txt,.html,.php,.asp,.aspx,.jsp" -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_dirb_dirbuster.txt"' ] [[http.manual]] description = '(gobuster v3) Directory/file enumeration for web servers using various wordlists (same as dirb above):' commands = [ 'gobuster dir -u {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/big.txt -e -k -l -s "200,204,301,302,307,403,500" -x "txt,html,php,asp,aspx,jsp" -z -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_gobuster_big.txt"', 'gobuster dir -u {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -e -k -l -s "200,204,301,302,307,403,500" -x "txt,html,php,asp,aspx,jsp" -z -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_gobuster_dirbuster.txt"' ] [[http.manual]] description = '(gobuster v1 & v2) Directory/file enumeration for web servers using various wordlists (same as dirb above):' commands = [ 'gobuster -u {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/big.txt -e -k -l -s "200,204,301,302,307,403,500" -x "txt,html,php,asp,aspx,jsp" -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_gobuster_big.txt"', 'gobuster -u {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -e -k -l -s "200,204,301,302,307,403,500" -x "txt,html,php,asp,aspx,jsp" -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_gobuster_dirbuster.txt"' ] [[http.manual]] description = '(wpscan) WordPress Security Scanner (useful if WordPress is found):' commands = [ 'wpscan --url {scheme}://{address}:{port}/ --no-update -e vp,vt,tt,cb,dbe,u,m --plugins-detection aggressive --plugins-version-detection aggressive -f cli-no-color 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_wpscan.txt"' ] [[http.manual]] description = "Credential bruteforcing commands (don't run these without modifying them):" commands = [ 'hydra -L "{username_wordlist}" -P "{password_wordlist}" -e nsr -s {port} -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_auth_hydra.txt" {scheme}-get://{address}/path/to/auth/area', 'medusa -U "{username_wordlist}" -P "{password_wordlist}" -e ns -n {port} -O "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_auth_medusa.txt" -M http -h {address} -m DIR:/path/to/auth/area', 'hydra -L "{username_wordlist}" -P "{password_wordlist}" -e nsr -s {port} -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_form_hydra.txt" {scheme}-post-form://{address}/path/to/login.php:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:invalid-login-message', 'medusa -U "{username_wordlist}" -P "{password_wordlist}" -e ns -n {port} -O "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_{scheme}_form_medusa.txt" -M web-form -h {address} -m FORM:/path/to/login.php -m FORM-DATA:"post?username=&password=" -m DENY-SIGNAL:"invalid login message"', ] [imap] service-names = [ '^imap' ] [[imap.scan]] name = 'nmap-imap' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(imap* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_imap_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_imap_nmap.xml" {address}' [kerberos] service-names = [ '^kerberos', '^kpasswd' ] [[kerberos.scan]] name = 'nmap-kerberos' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,krb5-enum-users" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_kerberos_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_kerberos_nmap.xml" {address}' [ldap] service-names = [ '^ldap' ] [[ldap.scan]] name = 'nmap-ldap' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(ldap* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_ldap_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_ldap_nmap.xml" {address}' [[ldap.scan]] name = 'enum4linux' command = 'enum4linux -a -M -l -d {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/enum4linux.txt"' run_once = true ports.tcp = [139, 389, 445] ports.udp = [137] [[ldap.manual]] description = 'ldapsearch command (modify before running)' commands = [ 'ldapsearch -x -D "" -w """ -p {port} -h {address} -b "dc=example,dc=com" -s sub "(objectclass=*) 2>&1 | tee > "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_ldap_all-entries.txt"' ] [mongodb] service-names = [ '^mongod' ] [[mongodb.scan]] name = 'nmap-mongodb' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(mongodb* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_mongodb_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_mongodb_nmap.xml" {address}' [mssql] service-names = [ '^mssql', '^ms\-sql' ] [[mssql.scan]] name = 'nmap-mssql' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(ms-sql* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" --script-args="mssql.instance-port={port},mssql.username=sa,mssql.password=sa" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_mssql_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_mssql_nmap.xml" {address}' [[mssql.manual]] description = '(sqsh) interactive database shell' commands = [ 'sqsh -U -P -S {address}:{port}' ] [mysql] service-names = [ '^mysql' ] [[mysql.scan]] name = 'nmap-mysql' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(mysql* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_mysql_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_mysql_nmap.xml" {address}' [nfs] service-names = [ '^nfs', '^rpcbind' ] [[nfs.scan]] name = 'nmap-nfs' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(rpcinfo or nfs*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_nfs_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_nfs_nmap.xml" {address}' [[nfs.scan]] name = 'showmount' command = 'showmount -e {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_showmount.txt"' [nntp] service-names = [ '^nntp' ] [[nntp.scan]] name = 'nmap-nntp' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,nntp-ntlm-info" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_nntp_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_nntp_nmap.xml" {address}' [oracle] service-names = [ '^oracle' ] [[oracle.scan]] name = 'nmap-oracle' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(oracle* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_oracle_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_oracle_nmap.xml" {address}' [[oracle.scan]] name = 'oracle-tnscmd-ping' command = 'tnscmd10g ping -h {address} -p {port} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_oracle_tnscmd_ping.txt"' [[oracle.scan]] name = 'oracle-tnscmd-version' command = 'tnscmd10g version -h {address} -p {port} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_oracle_tnscmd_version.txt"' [[oracle.scan]] name = 'oracle-tnscmd-version' command = 'tnscmd10g version -h {address} -p {port} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_oracle_tnscmd_version.txt"' [[oracle.scan]] name = 'oracle-scanner' command = 'oscanner -v -s {address} -P {port} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_oracle_scanner.txt"' [[oracle.manual]] description = 'Brute-force SIDs using Nmap' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,oracle-sid-brute" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_oracle_sid-brute_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_oracle_sid-brute_nmap.xml" {address}' [[oracle.manual]] description = 'Install ODAT (https://github.com/quentinhardy/odat) and run the following commands:' commands = [ 'python odat.py tnscmd -s {address} -p {port} --ping', 'python odat.py tnscmd -s {address} -p {port} --version', 'python odat.py tnscmd -s {address} -p {port} --status', 'python odat.py sidguesser -s {address} -p {port}', 'python odat.py passwordguesser -s {address} -p {port} -d --accounts-file accounts/accounts_multiple.txt', 'python odat.py tnspoison -s {address} -p {port} -d --test-module' ] [[oracle.manual]] description = 'Install Oracle Instant Client (https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/wiki/How-to-get-Oracle-Support-working-with-Kali-Linux) and then bruteforce with patator:' commands = [ 'patator oracle_login host={address} port={port} user=COMBO00 password=COMBO01 0=/usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Default-Credentials/oracle-betterdefaultpasslist.txt -x ignore:code=ORA-01017 -x ignore:code=ORA-28000' ] [pop3] service-names = [ '^pop3' ] [[pop3.scan]] name = 'nmap-pop3' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(pop3* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_pop3_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_pop3_nmap.xml" {address}' [rdp] service-names = [ '^rdp', '^ms\-wbt\-server', '^ms\-term\-serv' ] [[rdp.scan]] name = 'nmap-rdp' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(rdp* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_rdp_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_rdp_nmap.xml" {address}' [[rdp.manual]] description = 'Bruteforce logins:' commands = [ 'hydra -L "{username_wordlist}" -P "{password_wordlist}" -e nsr -s {port} -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_rdp_hydra.txt" rdp://{address}', 'medusa -U "{username_wordlist}" -P "{password_wordlist}" -e ns -n {port} -O "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_rdp_medusa.txt" -M rdp -h {address}' ] [rmi] service-names = [ '^java\-rmi', '^rmiregistry' ] [[rmi.scan]] name = 'nmap-rmi' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,rmi-vuln-classloader,rmi-dumpregistry" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_rmi_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_rmi_nmap.xml" {address}' [rpc] service-names = [ '^msrpc', '^rpcbind', '^erpc' ] [[rpc.scan]] name = 'nmap-msrpc' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,msrpc-enum,rpc-grind,rpcinfo" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_rpc_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_rpc_nmap.xml" {address}' [[rpc.manual]] description = 'RPC Client:' commands = [ 'rpcclient -p {port} -U "" {address}' ] [sip] service-names = [ '^asterisk' ] [[sip.scan]] name = 'nmap-sip' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,sip-enum-users,sip-methods" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_sip_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_sip_nmap.xml" {address}' [[sip.scan]] name = 'svwar' command = 'svwar -D -m INVITE -p {port} {address}' [ssh] service-names = [ '^ssh' ] [[ssh.scan]] name = 'nmap-ssh' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,ssh2-enum-algos,ssh-hostkey,ssh-auth-methods" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_ssh_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_ssh_nmap.xml" {address}' [[ssh.manual]] description = 'Bruteforce logins:' commands = [ 'hydra -L "{username_wordlist}" -P "{password_wordlist}" -e nsr -s {port} -o "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_ssh_hydra.txt" ssh://{address}', 'medusa -U "{username_wordlist}" -P "{password_wordlist}" -e ns -n {port} -O "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_ssh_medusa.txt" -M ssh -h {address}' ] [smb] service-names = [ '^smb', '^microsoft\-ds', '^netbios' ] [[smb.scan]] name = 'nmap-smb' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(nbstat or smb* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" --script-args="unsafe=1" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_smb_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_smb_nmap.xml" {address}' [[smb.scan]] name = 'enum4linux' command = 'enum4linux -a -M -l -d {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/enum4linux.txt"' run_once = true ports.tcp = [139, 389, 445] ports.udp = [137] [[smb.scan]] name = 'nbtscan' command = 'nbtscan -rvh {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/nbtscan.txt"' run_once = true ports.udp = [137] [[smb.scan]] name = 'smbclient' command = 'smbclient -L\\ -N -I {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/smbclient.txt"' run_once = true ports.tcp = [139, 445] [[smb.scan]] name = 'smbmap-share-permissions' command = 'smbmap -H {address} -P {port} 2>&1 | tee -a "{scandir}/smbmap-share-permissions.txt"; smbmap -u null -p "" -H {address} -P {port} 2>&1 | tee -a "{scandir}/smbmap-share-permissions.txt"' [[smb.scan]] name = 'smbmap-list-contents' command = 'smbmap -H {address} -P {port} -R 2>&1 | tee -a "{scandir}/smbmap-list-contents.txt"; smbmap -u null -p "" -H {address} -P {port} -R 2>&1 | tee -a "{scandir}/smbmap-list-contents.txt"' [[smb.scan]] name = 'smbmap-execute-command' command = 'smbmap -H {address} -P {port} -x "ipconfig /all" 2>&1 | tee -a "{scandir}/smbmap-execute-command.txt"; smbmap -u null -p "" -H {address} -P {port} -x "ipconfig /all" 2>&1 | tee -a "{scandir}/smbmap-execute-command.txt"' [[smb.manual]] description = 'Nmap scans for SMB vulnerabilities that could potentially cause a DoS if scanned (according to Nmap). Be careful:' commands = [ 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="smb-vuln-ms06-025" --script-args="unsafe=1" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_smb_ms06-025.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_smb_ms06-025.xml" {address}', 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="smb-vuln-ms07-029" --script-args="unsafe=1" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_smb_ms07-029.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_smb_ms07-029.xml" {address}', 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="smb-vuln-ms08-067" --script-args="unsafe=1" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_smb_ms08-067.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_smb_ms08-067.xml" {address}' ] [smtp] service-names = [ '^smtp' ] [[smtp.scan]] name = 'nmap-smtp' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(smtp* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_smtp_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_smtp_nmap.xml" {address}' [[smtp.scan]] name = 'smtp-user-enum' command = 'smtp-user-enum -M VRFY -U "{username_wordlist}" -t {address} -p {port} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_smtp_user-enum.txt"' [snmp] service-names = [ '^snmp' ] [[snmp.scan]] name = 'nmap-snmp' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(snmp* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_snmp-nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_snmp_nmap.xml" {address}' [[snmp.scan]] name = 'onesixtyone' command = 'onesixtyone -c /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/SNMP/common-snmp-community-strings-onesixtyone.txt -dd {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_snmp_onesixtyone.txt"' run_once = true ports.udp = [161] [[snmp.scan]] name = 'snmpwalk' command = 'snmpwalk -c public -v 1 {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_snmp_snmpwalk.txt"' run_once = true ports.udp = [161] [[snmp.scan]] name = 'snmpwalk-system-processes' command = 'snmpwalk -c public -v 1 {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_snmp_snmpwalk_system_processes.txt"' run_once = true ports.udp = [161] [[snmp.scan]] name = 'snmpwalk-running-processes' command = 'snmpwalk -c public -v 1 {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_snmp_snmpwalk_running_processes.txt"' run_once = true ports.udp = [161] [[snmp.scan]] name = 'snmpwalk-process-paths' command = 'snmpwalk -c public -v 1 {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_snmp_snmpwalk_process_paths.txt"' run_once = true ports.udp = [161] [[snmp.scan]] name = 'snmpwalk-storage-units' command = 'snmpwalk -c public -v 1 {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_snmp_snmpwalk_storage_units.txt"' run_once = true ports.udp = [161] [[snmp.scan]] name = 'snmpwalk-software-names' command = 'snmpwalk -c public -v 1 {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_snmp_snmpwalk_software_names.txt"' run_once = true ports.udp = [161] [[snmp.scan]] name = 'snmpwalk-user-accounts' command = 'snmpwalk -c public -v 1 {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_snmp_snmpwalk_user_accounts.txt"' run_once = true ports.udp = [161] [[snmp.scan]] name = 'snmpwalk-tcp-ports' command = 'snmpwalk -c public -v 1 {address} 2>&1 | tee "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_snmp_snmpwalk_tcp_ports.txt"' run_once = true ports.udp = [161] [telnet] service-names = [ '^telnet' ] [[telnet.scan]] name = 'nmap-telnet' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,telnet-encryption,telnet-ntlm-info" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_telnet-nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_telnet_nmap.xml" {address}' [tftp] service-names = [ '^tftp' ] [[tftp.scan]] name = 'nmap-tftp' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,tftp-enum" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_tftp-nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_tftp_nmap.xml" {address}' [vnc] service-names = [ '^vnc' ] [[vnc.scan]] name = 'nmap-vnc' command = 'nmap {nmap_extra} -sV -p {port} --script="banner,(vnc* or realvnc* or ssl*) and not (brute or broadcast or dos or external or fuzzer)" --script-args="unsafe=1" -oN "{scandir}/{protocol}_{port}_vnc_nmap.txt" -oX "{scandir}/xml/{protocol}_{port}_vnc_nmap.xml" {address}'