Roman Hergenreder 5 years ago

Day 8/4dv3ntSn4il.png

Day 8/4dv3ntSn4il_cropped.png

+ 93 - 0
Day 8/

@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+from PIL import Image
+import types
+im ="4dv3ntSn4il_cropped.png")
+pix = im.load()
+numTiles = 25
+tileSize = im.size[0] // numTiles
+data = [["0" for x in range(numTiles)] for y in range(numTiles)]
+for x in range(0, numTiles):
+    for y in range(0, numTiles):
+        x_abs = x*tileSize + tileSize // 2
+        y_abs = y*tileSize + tileSize // 2
+        pixel = pix[x_abs, y_abs]
+        if type(pixel) is tuple:
+            data[x][y] = "0" if pixel == (255,255,255) else "1"
+        else:
+            data[x][y] = "0" if pixel / 255 > 0.5 else "1"
+bits = ''.join([''.join([data[x][y] for x in range(numTiles)]) for y in range(numTiles)])
+print("Number of Zeros:", bits.count("0"), "Number of Ones:", bits.count("1"), "Length:", len(bits))
+snail = ""
+clockwise = False
+bounds = [[0,numTiles-1],[0, numTiles-1]]
+pos = [0,0]
+dir = [1,0] if clockwise else [0, 1]
+pixels = []
+while len(snail) < numTiles*numTiles:
+    if pos in pixels:
+        print("Fault:", pos, "already processed")
+    pixels.append(pos)
+    snail += data[pos[0]][pos[1]]
+    next_pos = [pos[0] + dir[0], pos[1] + dir[1]]
+    if dir[0] == 1 and next_pos[0] > bounds[0][1] or dir[0] == -1 and next_pos[0] < bounds[0][0] or dir[1] == 1 and next_pos[1] > bounds[1][1] or dir[1] == -1 and next_pos[1] < bounds[1][0]:
+        if clockwise:
+            if dir[0] == 1:
+                dir = [0, 1]
+                bounds[0][1] -= 1
+            elif dir[0] == -1:
+                dir = [0, -1]
+                bounds[0][0] += 1
+            elif dir[1] == 1:
+                dir = [-1, 0]
+                bounds[1][1] -= 1
+            elif dir[1] == -1:
+                dir = [1, 0]
+                bounds[1][0] += 1
+        else:
+            if dir[0] == 1:
+                dir = [0, -1]
+                bounds[1][1] -= 1
+            elif dir[0] == -1:
+                dir = [0, 1]
+                bounds[0][1] -= 1
+            elif dir[1] == 1:
+                dir = [1, 0]
+                bounds[0][0] += 1
+            elif dir[1] == -1:
+                dir = [-1, 0]
+                bounds[1][0] += 1
+        next_pos = [pos[0] + dir[0], pos[1] + dir[1]]
+    pos = next_pos
+if snail.count("0") != bits.count("0") or snail.count("1") != bits.count("1"):
+    print("Bits do not match")
+    exit()
+im ='RGB', im.size)
+pix = im.load()
+for tileY in range(0, numTiles):
+    for tileX in range(0, numTiles):
+        bit = snail[tileX * numTiles + tileY]
+        for x in range(0, tileSize):
+            for y in range(0, tileSize):
+                x_abs = tileX * tileSize + x
+                y_abs = tileY * tileSize + y
+                pix[x_abs,y_abs] = (0,0,0,255) if bit == "1" else (255,255,255,255)

Day 8/decoded.png

+ 52 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+from time import time
+from itertools import chain, product
+import zipfile
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import sys
+charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+charset = charset + charset.upper()
+charset = charset + "0123456789- ."
+def bruteforce(maxlength):
+    return (''.join(candidate)
+        for candidate in chain.from_iterable(product(charset, repeat=i)
+        for i in range(1, maxlength + 1)))
+def main():
+    while True:
+        try:
+            myZip = zipfile.ZipFile("")
+        except zipfile.BadZipfile:
+            print("[!] There was an error opening your zip file.")
+            return
+        passwordFound = False
+        for password in bruteforce(1):
+            try:
+                myZip.extract("", "tmp/", password.encode("utf-8"))
+                shutil.move("tmp/", "")
+                sys.stdout.write(password)
+                sys.stdout.flush()
+                passwordFound = True
+                break
+            except Exception as e:
+                if 'Bad password for file' in str(e) or "Bad CRC-32 for file" in str(e):
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    print(e)
+        if not passwordFound:
+            print("Sorry, password not found.")
+            return
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	main()
