Initial Commit

This commit is contained in:
Roman Hergenreder 2017-11-17 17:04:37 +01:00
parent 960657c809
commit 7b345827c1
14 changed files with 2027 additions and 0 deletions

AutoQueueBG.lua Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
AutoQueueBG = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("AutoQueueBG", "AceConsole-3.0","AceEvent-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0")
local AutoQueueBG = _G.AutoQueueBG
local RAID_MARK_STAR = 1
local RAID_MARK_MOON = 5
local QueuedMemberCount = QueuedMemberCount
local Enabled = Enabled
local Frame = Frame
local Tick = Tick
local hasJoined = hasJoined
local messageSent = messageSent
local function OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
local doUpdate = (floor(Tick + elapsed) > floor(Tick))
Tick = Tick + elapsed
if doUpdate and Enabled then
function AutoQueueBG:CanQueue()
return (GetBattlefieldStatus(RANDOM_BG_INDEX) == "none")
function AutoQueueBG:IsQueued()
return (GetBattlefieldStatus(RANDOM_BG_INDEX) == "queued");
function AutoQueueBG:IsInBattleground()
return (GetBattlefieldStatus(RANDOM_BG_INDEX) == "active")
function AutoQueueBG:CanConfirm()
return (GetBattlefieldStatus(RANDOM_BG_INDEX) == "confirm")
function AutoQueueBG:OnUpdate()
if (not Enabled) then
if messageSent > 0 then
messageSent = messageSent - 1
if (AutoQueueBG:IsInBattleground()) then
if (GetBattlefieldInstanceExpiration() > 0) then
elseif IsRaidLeader() == 1 then
if AutoQueueBG:IsQueued() or AutoQueueBG:CanConfirm() then
if AutoQueueBG:GetQueueMemberCount() > QueuedMemberCount then
elseif AutoQueueBG:CanConfirm() then
AcceptBattlefieldPort(RANDOM_BG_INDEX, 1)
if(AutoQueueBG:CanQueue()) then
if (QueuedMemberCount > 1 and hasJoined and messageSent == 0) then
SendChatMessage("[AutoQueueBG] Bitte das aktuelle BG verlassen, damit wir als Gruppe anmelden können!", "PARTY", nil)
messageSent = 30
function AutoQueueBG:MarkPlayers()
if IsRaidLeader() == 1 then
local aMarks = {
["Kulaf"] = RAID_MARK_STAR,
["Masimi"] = RAID_MARK_CONDOM,
["Ytraqpolbeci"] = RAID_MARK_DIAMOND,
["Icebloqparty"] = RAID_MARK_DIAMOND,
["Zars"] = RAID_MARK_MOON,
["Miemiemiee"] = RAID_MARK_SQUARE,
["Amandela"] = RAID_MARK_CROSS,
["Chugian"] = RAID_MARK_MOON,
["Naiguh"] = RAID_MARK_MOON,
["Seyjóu"] = RAID_MARK_SQUARE,
["Ravenson"] = RAID_MARK_DIAMOND,
["Gurtogg"] = RAID_MARK_CONDOM
for k, v in pairs(aMarks) do
AutoQueueBG:MarkPlayer(k, v)
function AutoQueueBG:IsMarkSet(mark)
for i = 1, 40 do -- For each raid member
local unit = "raid" .. i
if UnitExists(unit) then
if GetRaidTargetIndex(unit) == mark then
return true
return false
function AutoQueueBG:MarkPlayer(name, mark)
if UnitExists(name) and not AutoQueueBG:IsMarkSet(mark) then
SetRaidTarget(name, mark)
function AutoQueueBG:GetQueueMemberCount()
return (GetNumPartyMembers() + 1)
function AutoQueueBG:LeaveBG()
hasJoined = false
messageSent = 0
if AutoQueueBG:IsInBattleground() then
AcceptBattlefieldPort(RANDOM_BG_INDEX, nil)
function AutoQueueBG:QueueBG()
if (IsPartyLeader() == nil or IsPartyLeader() == 1) then
QueuedMemberCount = AutoQueueBG:GetQueueMemberCount()
local joinAsGroup = (QueuedMemberCount == 1 and 0 or 1)
hasJoined = true
JoinBattlefield(RANDOM_BG_INDEX, joinAsGroup)
function AutoQueueBG:OnCommand(input)
local arg1, arg2 = AutoQueueBG:GetArgs(input, 2)
ChatType = id
if arg1 == nil then
print("[AutoQueueBG] Usage: /autoqueue [start|stop|status]")
if string.lower(arg1) == "start" then
if Enabled then
print("AutoQueueBG ist bereits aktiv.")
Enabled = true
Tick = 0
Frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate)
print("AutoQueueBG aktiviert.")
elseif string.lower(arg1) == "stop" then
if not Enabled then
print("AutoQueueBG ist nicht aktiv.")
Enabled = false
Frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
print("AutoQueueBG deaktiviert.")
elseif string.lower(arg1) == "status" then
print("[AutoQueueBG] Status: " .. (Enabled and "Aktiviert" or "Deaktiviert"))
function AutoQueueBG:OnInitialize()
Enabled = false
Frame = CreateFrame("frame")
Tick = 0
hasJoined = false
messageSent = 0
QueuedMemberCount = 1
function string.starts(String,Start)
return string.sub(String,1,string.len(Start))==Start
function AutoQueueBG:OnSystemMessage(type, msg)
if (string.starts(msg, "Spieler in Warteschlange: ") and QueuedMemberCount > 1) then
local queued = string.match(msg, "%d+")
SendChatMessage("[AutoQueueBG] Als Gruppe angemeldet. Spieler: " .. queued .. "/20", "PARTY", nil)
function AutoQueueBG:OnEnable(first)
AutoQueueBG:RegisterChatCommand("autoqueue", "OnCommand")
AutoQueueBG:RegisterChatCommand("aq", "OnCommand")
function AutoQueueBG:OnDisable()

AutoQueueBG.toc Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
## Interface: 30300
## Title: AutoQueueBG
## Notes: Auto queue random BG
## Author: Kulaf
## OptionalDeps: Ace3

@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
--- **AceAddon-3.0** provides a template for creating addon objects.
-- It'll provide you with a set of callback functions that allow you to simplify the loading
-- process of your addon.\\
-- Callbacks provided are:\\
-- * **OnInitialize**, which is called directly after the addon is fully loaded.
-- * **OnEnable** which gets called during the PLAYER_LOGIN event, when most of the data provided by the game is already present.
-- * **OnDisable**, which is only called when your addon is manually being disabled.
-- @usage
-- -- A small (but complete) addon, that doesn't do anything,
-- -- but shows usage of the callbacks.
-- local MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon")
-- function MyAddon:OnInitialize()
-- -- do init tasks here, like loading the Saved Variables,
-- -- or setting up slash commands.
-- end
-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
-- -- Do more initialization here, that really enables the use of your addon.
-- -- Register Events, Hook functions, Create Frames, Get information from
-- -- the game that wasn't available in OnInitialize
-- end
-- function MyAddon:OnDisable()
-- -- Unhook, Unregister Events, Hide frames that you created.
-- -- You would probably only use an OnDisable if you want to
-- -- build a "standby" mode, or be able to toggle modules on/off.
-- end
-- @class file
-- @name AceAddon-3.0.lua
-- @release $Id: AceAddon-3.0.lua 895 2009-12-06 16:28:55Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceAddon-3.0", 5
local AceAddon, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceAddon then return end -- No Upgrade needed.
AceAddon.frame = AceAddon.frame or CreateFrame("Frame", "AceAddon30Frame") -- Our very own frame
AceAddon.addons = AceAddon.addons or {} -- addons in general
AceAddon.statuses = AceAddon.statuses or {} -- statuses of addon.
AceAddon.initializequeue = AceAddon.initializequeue or {} -- addons that are new and not initialized
AceAddon.enablequeue = AceAddon.enablequeue or {} -- addons that are initialized and waiting to be enabled
AceAddon.embeds = AceAddon.embeds or setmetatable({}, {__index = function(tbl, key) tbl[key] = {} return tbl[key] end }) -- contains a list of libraries embedded in an addon
-- Lua APIs
local tinsert, tconcat, tremove = table.insert, table.concat, table.remove
local fmt, tostring = string.format, tostring
local select, pairs, next, type, unpack = select, pairs, next, type, unpack
local loadstring, assert, error = loadstring, assert, error
local setmetatable, getmetatable, rawset, rawget = setmetatable, getmetatable, rawset, rawget
-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
-- GLOBALS: LibStub, IsLoggedIn, geterrorhandler
xpcall safecall implementation
local xpcall = xpcall
local function errorhandler(err)
return geterrorhandler()(err)
local function CreateDispatcher(argCount)
local code = [[
local xpcall, eh = ...
local method, ARGS
local function call() return method(ARGS) end
local function dispatch(func, ...)
method = func
if not method then return end
ARGS = ...
return xpcall(call, eh)
return dispatch
local ARGS = {}
for i = 1, argCount do ARGS[i] = "arg"..i end
code = code:gsub("ARGS", tconcat(ARGS, ", "))
return assert(loadstring(code, "safecall Dispatcher["..argCount.."]"))(xpcall, errorhandler)
local Dispatchers = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(self, argCount)
local dispatcher = CreateDispatcher(argCount)
rawset(self, argCount, dispatcher)
return dispatcher
Dispatchers[0] = function(func)
return xpcall(func, errorhandler)
local function safecall(func, ...)
-- we check to see if the func is passed is actually a function here and don't error when it isn't
-- this safecall is used for optional functions like OnInitialize OnEnable etc. When they are not
-- present execution should continue without hinderance
if type(func) == "function" then
return Dispatchers[select('#', ...)](func, ...)
-- local functions that will be implemented further down
local Enable, Disable, EnableModule, DisableModule, Embed, NewModule, GetModule, GetName, SetDefaultModuleState, SetDefaultModuleLibraries, SetEnabledState, SetDefaultModulePrototype
-- used in the addon metatable
local function addontostring( self ) return end
--- Create a new AceAddon-3.0 addon.
-- Any libraries you specified will be embeded, and the addon will be scheduled for
-- its OnInitialize and OnEnable callbacks.
-- The final addon object, with all libraries embeded, will be returned.
-- @paramsig [object ,]name[, lib, ...]
-- @param object Table to use as a base for the addon (optional)
-- @param name Name of the addon object to create
-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
-- @usage
-- -- Create a simple addon object
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon", "AceEvent-3.0")
-- -- Create a Addon object based on the table of a frame
-- local MyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon(MyFrame, "MyAddon", "AceEvent-3.0")
function AceAddon:NewAddon(objectorname, ...)
local object,name
local i=1
if type(objectorname)=="table" then
if type(name)~="string" then
error(("Usage: NewAddon([object,] name, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(name)), 2)
if self.addons[name] then
error(("Usage: NewAddon([object,] name, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - Addon '%s' already exists."):format(name), 2)
object = object or {} = name
local addonmeta = {}
local oldmeta = getmetatable(object)
if oldmeta then
for k, v in pairs(oldmeta) do addonmeta[k] = v end
addonmeta.__tostring = addontostring
setmetatable( object, addonmeta )
self.addons[name] = object
object.modules = {}
object.defaultModuleLibraries = {}
Embed( object ) -- embed NewModule, GetModule methods
self:EmbedLibraries(object, select(i,...))
-- add to queue of addons to be initialized upon ADDON_LOADED
tinsert(self.initializequeue, object)
return object
--- Get the addon object by its name from the internal AceAddon registry.
-- Throws an error if the addon object cannot be found (except if silent is set).
-- @param name unique name of the addon object
-- @param silent if true, the addon is optional, silently return nil if its not found
-- @usage
-- -- Get the Addon
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
function AceAddon:GetAddon(name, silent)
if not silent and not self.addons[name] then
error(("Usage: GetAddon(name): 'name' - Cannot find an AceAddon '%s'."):format(tostring(name)), 2)
return self.addons[name]
-- - Embed a list of libraries into the specified addon.
-- This function will try to embed all of the listed libraries into the addon
-- and error if a single one fails.
-- **Note:** This function is for internal use by :NewAddon/:NewModule
-- @paramsig addon, [lib, ...]
-- @param addon addon object to embed the libs in
-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
function AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(addon, ...)
for i=1,select("#", ... ) do
local libname = select(i, ...)
self:EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, false, 4)
-- - Embed a library into the addon object.
-- This function will check if the specified library is registered with LibStub
-- and if it has a :Embed function to call. It'll error if any of those conditions
-- fails.
-- **Note:** This function is for internal use by :EmbedLibraries
-- @paramsig addon, libname[, silent[, offset]]
-- @param addon addon object to embed the library in
-- @param libname name of the library to embed
-- @param silent marks an embed to fail silently if the library doesn't exist (optional)
-- @param offset will push the error messages back to said offset, defaults to 2 (optional)
function AceAddon:EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset)
local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(libname, true)
if not lib and not silent then
error(("Usage: EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset): 'libname' - Cannot find a library instance of %q."):format(tostring(libname)), offset or 2)
elseif lib and type(lib.Embed) == "function" then
tinsert(self.embeds[addon], libname)
return true
elseif lib then
error(("Usage: EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset): 'libname' - Library '%s' is not Embed capable"):format(libname), offset or 2)
--- Return the specified module from an addon object.
-- Throws an error if the addon object cannot be found (except if silent is set)
-- @name //addon//:GetModule
-- @paramsig name[, silent]
-- @param name unique name of the module
-- @param silent if true, the module is optional, silently return nil if its not found (optional)
-- @usage
-- -- Get the Addon
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- -- Get the Module
-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
function GetModule(self, name, silent)
if not self.modules[name] and not silent then
error(("Usage: GetModule(name, silent): 'name' - Cannot find module '%s'."):format(tostring(name)), 2)
return self.modules[name]
local function IsModuleTrue(self) return true end
--- Create a new module for the addon.
-- The new module can have its own embeded libraries and/or use a module prototype to be mixed into the module.\\
-- A module has the same functionality as a real addon, it can have modules of its own, and has the same API as
-- an addon object.
-- @name //addon//:NewModule
-- @paramsig name[, prototype|lib[, lib, ...]]
-- @param name unique name of the module
-- @param prototype object to derive this module from, methods and values from this table will be mixed into the module (optional)
-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
-- @usage
-- -- Create a module with some embeded libraries
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0")
-- -- Create a module with a prototype
-- local prototype = { OnEnable = function(self) print("OnEnable called!") end }
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule", prototype, "AceEvent-3.0", "AceHook-3.0")
function NewModule(self, name, prototype, ...)
if type(name) ~= "string" then error(("Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - string expected got '%s'."):format(type(name)), 2) end
if type(prototype) ~= "string" and type(prototype) ~= "table" and type(prototype) ~= "nil" then error(("Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'prototype' - table (prototype), string (lib) or nil expected got '%s'."):format(type(prototype)), 2) end
if self.modules[name] then error(("Usage: NewModule(name, [prototype, [lib, lib, lib, ...]): 'name' - Module '%s' already exists."):format(name), 2) end
-- modules are basically addons. We treat them as such. They will be added to the initializequeue properly as well.
-- NewModule can only be called after the parent addon is present thus the modules will be initialized after their parent is.
local module = AceAddon:NewAddon(fmt("%s_%s", or tostring(self), name))
module.IsModule = IsModuleTrue
module.moduleName = name
if type(prototype) == "string" then
AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(module, prototype, ...)
AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(module, ...)
AceAddon:EmbedLibraries(module, unpack(self.defaultModuleLibraries))
if not prototype or type(prototype) == "string" then
prototype = self.defaultModulePrototype or nil
if type(prototype) == "table" then
local mt = getmetatable(module)
mt.__index = prototype
setmetatable(module, mt) -- More of a Base class type feel.
safecall(self.OnModuleCreated, self, module) -- Was in Ace2 and I think it could be a cool thing to have handy.
self.modules[name] = module
return module
--- Returns the real name of the addon or module, without any prefix.
-- @name //addon//:GetName
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- print(MyAddon:GetName())
-- -- prints "MyAddon"
function GetName(self)
return self.moduleName or
--- Enables the Addon, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
-- This internally calls AceAddon:EnableAddon(), thus dispatching a OnEnable callback
-- and enabling all modules of the addon (unless explicitly disabled).\\
-- :Enable() also sets the internal `enableState` variable to true
-- @name //addon//:Enable
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- -- Enable MyModule
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Enable()
function Enable(self)
return AceAddon:EnableAddon(self)
--- Disables the Addon, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
-- This internally calls AceAddon:DisableAddon(), thus dispatching a OnDisable callback
-- and disabling all modules of the addon.\\
-- :Disable() also sets the internal `enableState` variable to false
-- @name //addon//:Disable
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- -- Disable MyAddon
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyAddon:Disable()
function Disable(self)
return AceAddon:DisableAddon(self)
--- Enables the Module, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
-- Short-hand function that retrieves the module via `:GetModule` and calls `:Enable` on the module object.
-- @name //addon//:EnableModule
-- @paramsig name
-- @usage
-- -- Enable MyModule using :GetModule
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Enable()
-- -- Enable MyModule using the short-hand
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyAddon:EnableModule("MyModule")
function EnableModule(self, name)
local module = self:GetModule( name )
return module:Enable()
--- Disables the Module, if possible, return true or false depending on success.
-- Short-hand function that retrieves the module via `:GetModule` and calls `:Disable` on the module object.
-- @name //addon//:DisableModule
-- @paramsig name
-- @usage
-- -- Disable MyModule using :GetModule
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyModule = MyAddon:GetModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Disable()
-- -- Disable MyModule using the short-hand
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("MyAddon")
-- MyAddon:DisableModule("MyModule")
function DisableModule(self, name)
local module = self:GetModule( name )
return module:Disable()
--- Set the default libraries to be mixed into all modules created by this object.
-- Note that you can only change the default module libraries before any module is created.
-- @name //addon//:SetDefaultModuleLibraries
-- @paramsig lib[, lib, ...]
-- @param lib List of libraries to embed into the addon
-- @usage
-- -- Create the addon object
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon")
-- -- Configure default libraries for modules (all modules need AceEvent-3.0)
-- MyAddon:SetDefaultModuleLibraries("AceEvent-3.0")
-- -- Create a module
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule")
function SetDefaultModuleLibraries(self, ...)
if next(self.modules) then
error("Usage: SetDefaultModuleLibraries(...): cannot change the module defaults after a module has been registered.", 2)
self.defaultModuleLibraries = {...}
--- Set the default state in which new modules are being created.
-- Note that you can only change the default state before any module is created.
-- @name //addon//:SetDefaultModuleState
-- @paramsig state
-- @param state Default state for new modules, true for enabled, false for disabled
-- @usage
-- -- Create the addon object
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("MyAddon")
-- -- Set the default state to "disabled"
-- MyAddon:SetDefaultModuleState(false)
-- -- Create a module and explicilty enable it
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Enable()
function SetDefaultModuleState(self, state)
if next(self.modules) then
error("Usage: SetDefaultModuleState(state): cannot change the module defaults after a module has been registered.", 2)
self.defaultModuleState = state
--- Set the default prototype to use for new modules on creation.
-- Note that you can only change the default prototype before any module is created.
-- @name //addon//:SetDefaultModulePrototype
-- @paramsig prototype
-- @param prototype Default prototype for the new modules (table)
-- @usage
-- -- Define a prototype
-- local prototype = { OnEnable = function(self) print("OnEnable called!") end }
-- -- Set the default prototype
-- MyAddon:SetDefaultModulePrototype(prototype)
-- -- Create a module and explicitly Enable it
-- MyModule = MyAddon:NewModule("MyModule")
-- MyModule:Enable()
-- -- should print "OnEnable called!" now
-- @see NewModule
function SetDefaultModulePrototype(self, prototype)
if next(self.modules) then
error("Usage: SetDefaultModulePrototype(prototype): cannot change the module defaults after a module has been registered.", 2)
if type(prototype) ~= "table" then
error(("Usage: SetDefaultModulePrototype(prototype): 'prototype' - table expected got '%s'."):format(type(prototype)), 2)
self.defaultModulePrototype = prototype
--- Set the state of an addon or module
-- This should only be called before any enabling actually happend, e.g. in/before OnInitialize.
-- @name //addon//:SetEnabledState
-- @paramsig state
-- @param state the state of an addon or module (enabled=true, disabled=false)
function SetEnabledState(self, state)
self.enabledState = state
--- Return an iterator of all modules associated to the addon.
-- @name //addon//:IterateModules
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- -- Enable all modules
-- for name, module in MyAddon:IterateModules() do
-- module:Enable()
-- end
local function IterateModules(self) return pairs(self.modules) end
-- Returns an iterator of all embeds in the addon
-- @name //addon//:IterateEmbeds
-- @paramsig
local function IterateEmbeds(self) return pairs(AceAddon.embeds[self]) end
--- Query the enabledState of an addon.
-- @name //addon//:IsEnabled
-- @paramsig
-- @usage
-- if MyAddon:IsEnabled() then
-- MyAddon:Disable()
-- end
local function IsEnabled(self) return self.enabledState end
local mixins = {
NewModule = NewModule,
GetModule = GetModule,
Enable = Enable,
Disable = Disable,
EnableModule = EnableModule,
DisableModule = DisableModule,
IsEnabled = IsEnabled,
SetDefaultModuleLibraries = SetDefaultModuleLibraries,
SetDefaultModuleState = SetDefaultModuleState,
SetDefaultModulePrototype = SetDefaultModulePrototype,
SetEnabledState = SetEnabledState,
IterateModules = IterateModules,
IterateEmbeds = IterateEmbeds,
GetName = GetName,
local function IsModule(self) return false end
local pmixins = {
defaultModuleState = true,
enabledState = true,
IsModule = IsModule,
-- Embed( target )
-- target (object) - target object to embed aceaddon in
-- this is a local function specifically since it's meant to be only called internally
function Embed(target)
for k, v in pairs(mixins) do
target[k] = v
for k, v in pairs(pmixins) do
target[k] = target[k] or v
-- - Initialize the addon after creation.
-- This function is only used internally during the ADDON_LOADED event
-- It will call the **OnInitialize** function on the addon object (if present),
-- and the **OnEmbedInitialize** function on all embeded libraries.
-- **Note:** Do not call this function manually, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what you are doing.
-- @param addon addon object to intialize
function AceAddon:InitializeAddon(addon)
safecall(addon.OnInitialize, addon)
local embeds = self.embeds[addon]
for i = 1, #embeds do
local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(embeds[i], true)
if lib then safecall(lib.OnEmbedInitialize, lib, addon) end
-- we don't call InitializeAddon on modules specifically, this is handled
-- from the event handler and only done _once_
-- - Enable the addon after creation.
-- Note: This function is only used internally during the PLAYER_LOGIN event, or during ADDON_LOADED,
-- if IsLoggedIn() already returns true at that point, e.g. for LoD Addons.
-- It will call the **OnEnable** function on the addon object (if present),
-- and the **OnEmbedEnable** function on all embeded libraries.\\
-- This function does not toggle the enable state of the addon itself, and will return early if the addon is disabled.
-- **Note:** Do not call this function manually, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what you are doing.
-- Use :Enable on the addon itself instead.
-- @param addon addon object to enable
function AceAddon:EnableAddon(addon)
if type(addon) == "string" then addon = AceAddon:GetAddon(addon) end
if self.statuses[] or not addon.enabledState then return false end
-- set the statuses first, before calling the OnEnable. this allows for Disabling of the addon in OnEnable.
self.statuses[] = true
safecall(addon.OnEnable, addon)
-- make sure we're still enabled before continueing
if self.statuses[] then
local embeds = self.embeds[addon]
for i = 1, #embeds do
local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(embeds[i], true)
if lib then safecall(lib.OnEmbedEnable, lib, addon) end
-- enable possible modules.
for name, module in pairs(addon.modules) do
return self.statuses[] -- return true if we're disabled
-- - Disable the addon
-- Note: This function is only used internally.
-- It will call the **OnDisable** function on the addon object (if present),
-- and the **OnEmbedDisable** function on all embeded libraries.\\
-- This function does not toggle the enable state of the addon itself, and will return early if the addon is still enabled.
-- **Note:** Do not call this function manually, unless you're absolutely sure that you know what you are doing.
-- Use :Disable on the addon itself instead.
-- @param addon addon object to enable
function AceAddon:DisableAddon(addon)
if type(addon) == "string" then addon = AceAddon:GetAddon(addon) end
if not self.statuses[] then return false end
-- set statuses first before calling OnDisable, this allows for aborting the disable in OnDisable.
self.statuses[] = false
safecall( addon.OnDisable, addon )
-- make sure we're still disabling...
if not self.statuses[] then
local embeds = self.embeds[addon]
for i = 1, #embeds do
local lib = LibStub:GetLibrary(embeds[i], true)
if lib then safecall(lib.OnEmbedDisable, lib, addon) end
-- disable possible modules.
for name, module in pairs(addon.modules) do
return not self.statuses[] -- return true if we're disabled
--- Get an iterator over all registered addons.
-- @usage
-- -- Print a list of all installed AceAddon's
-- for name, addon in AceAddon:IterateAddons() do
-- print("Addon: " .. name)
-- end
function AceAddon:IterateAddons() return pairs(self.addons) end
--- Get an iterator over the internal status registry.
-- @usage
-- -- Print a list of all enabled addons
-- for name, status in AceAddon:IterateAddonStatus() do
-- if status then
-- print("EnabledAddon: " .. name)
-- end
-- end
function AceAddon:IterateAddonStatus() return pairs(self.statuses) end
-- Following Iterators are deprecated, and their addon specific versions should be used
-- e.g. addon:IterateEmbeds() instead of :IterateEmbedsOnAddon(addon)
function AceAddon:IterateEmbedsOnAddon(addon) return pairs(self.embeds[addon]) end
function AceAddon:IterateModulesOfAddon(addon) return pairs(addon.modules) end
-- Event Handling
local function onEvent(this, event, arg1)
if event == "ADDON_LOADED" or event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" then
-- if a addon loads another addon, recursion could happen here, so we need to validate the table on every iteration
while(#AceAddon.initializequeue > 0) do
local addon = tremove(AceAddon.initializequeue, 1)
-- this might be an issue with recursion - TODO: validate
if event == "ADDON_LOADED" then addon.baseName = arg1 end
tinsert(AceAddon.enablequeue, addon)
if IsLoggedIn() then
while(#AceAddon.enablequeue > 0) do
local addon = tremove(AceAddon.enablequeue, 1)
AceAddon.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", onEvent)
-- upgrade embeded
for name, addon in pairs(AceAddon.addons) do

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="AceAddon-3.0.lua"/>

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
--- **AceConsole-3.0** provides registration facilities for slash commands.
-- You can register slash commands to your custom functions and use the `GetArgs` function to parse them
-- to your addons individual needs.
-- **AceConsole-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceConsole:Embed(MyAddon) or by
-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceConsole itself.\\
-- It is recommended to embed AceConsole, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
-- make into AceConsole.
-- @class file
-- @name AceConsole-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceConsole-3.0.lua 878 2009-11-02 18:51:58Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR,MINOR = "AceConsole-3.0", 7
local AceConsole, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceConsole then return end -- No upgrade needed
AceConsole.embeds = AceConsole.embeds or {} -- table containing objects AceConsole is embedded in.
AceConsole.commands = AceConsole.commands or {} -- table containing commands registered
AceConsole.weakcommands = AceConsole.weakcommands or {} -- table containing self, command => func references for weak commands that don't persist through enable/disable
-- Lua APIs
local tconcat, tostring, select = table.concat, tostring, select
local type, pairs, error = type, pairs, error
local format, strfind, strsub = string.format, string.find, string.sub
local max = math.max
-- WoW APIs
local _G = _G
-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
-- GLOBALS: DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME, SlashCmdList, hash_SlashCmdList
local tmp={}
local function Print(self,frame,...)
local n=0
if self ~= AceConsole then
tmp[n] = "|cff33ff99"..tostring( self ).."|r:"
for i=1, select("#", ...) do
tmp[n] = tostring(select(i, ...))
frame:AddMessage( tconcat(tmp," ",1,n) )
--- Print to DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME or given ChatFrame (anything with an .AddMessage function)
-- @paramsig [chatframe ,] ...
-- @param chatframe Custom ChatFrame to print to (or any frame with an .AddMessage function)
-- @param ... List of any values to be printed
function AceConsole:Print(...)
local frame = ...
if type(frame) == "table" and frame.AddMessage then -- Is first argument something with an .AddMessage member?
return Print(self, frame, select(2,...))
return Print(self, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME, ...)
--- Formatted (using format()) print to DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME or given ChatFrame (anything with an .AddMessage function)
-- @paramsig [chatframe ,] "format"[, ...]
-- @param chatframe Custom ChatFrame to print to (or any frame with an .AddMessage function)
-- @param format Format string - same syntax as standard Lua format()
-- @param ... Arguments to the format string
function AceConsole:Printf(...)
local frame = ...
if type(frame) == "table" and frame.AddMessage then -- Is first argument something with an .AddMessage member?
return Print(self, frame, format(select(2,...)))
return Print(self, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME, format(...))
--- Register a simple chat command
-- @param command Chat command to be registered WITHOUT leading "/"
-- @param func Function to call when the slash command is being used (funcref or methodname)
-- @param persist if false, the command will be soft disabled/enabled when aceconsole is used as a mixin (default: true)
function AceConsole:RegisterChatCommand( command, func, persist )
if type(command)~="string" then error([[Usage: AceConsole:RegisterChatCommand( "command", func[, persist ]): 'command' - expected a string]], 2) end
if persist==nil then persist=true end -- I'd rather have my addon's "/addon enable" around if the author screws up. Having some extra slash regged when it shouldnt be isn't as destructive. True is a better default. /Mikk
local name = "ACECONSOLE_"..command:upper()
if type( func ) == "string" then
SlashCmdList[name] = function(input, editBox)
self[func](self, input, editBox)
SlashCmdList[name] = func
_G["SLASH_""1"] = "/"..command:lower()
AceConsole.commands[command] = name
-- non-persisting commands are registered for enabling disabling
if not persist then
if not AceConsole.weakcommands[self] then AceConsole.weakcommands[self] = {} end
AceConsole.weakcommands[self][command] = func
return true
--- Unregister a chatcommand
-- @param command Chat command to be unregistered WITHOUT leading "/"
function AceConsole:UnregisterChatCommand( command )
local name = AceConsole.commands[command]
if name then
SlashCmdList[name] = nil
_G["SLASH_" .. name .. "1"] = nil
hash_SlashCmdList["/" .. command:upper()] = nil
AceConsole.commands[command] = nil
--- Get an iterator over all Chat Commands registered with AceConsole
-- @return Iterator (pairs) over all commands
function AceConsole:IterateChatCommands() return pairs(AceConsole.commands) end
local function nils(n, ...)
if n>1 then
return nil, nils(n-1, ...)
elseif n==1 then
return nil, ...
return ...
--- Retreive one or more space-separated arguments from a string.
-- Treats quoted strings and itemlinks as non-spaced.
-- @param string The raw argument string
-- @param numargs How many arguments to get (default 1)
-- @param startpos Where in the string to start scanning (default 1)
-- @return Returns arg1, arg2, ..., nextposition\\
-- Missing arguments will be returned as nils. 'nextposition' is returned as 1e9 at the end of the string.
function AceConsole:GetArgs(str, numargs, startpos)
numargs = numargs or 1
startpos = max(startpos or 1, 1)
local pos=startpos
-- find start of new arg
pos = strfind(str, "[^ ]", pos)
if not pos then -- whoops, end of string
return nils(numargs, 1e9)
if numargs<1 then
return pos
-- quoted or space separated? find out which pattern to use
local delim_or_pipe
local ch = strsub(str, pos, pos)
if ch=='"' then
pos = pos + 1
elseif ch=="'" then
pos = pos + 1
delim_or_pipe="([| ])"
startpos = pos
while true do
-- find delimiter or hyperlink
local ch,_
pos,_,ch = strfind(str, delim_or_pipe, pos)
if not pos then break end
if ch=="|" then
-- some kind of escape
if strsub(str,pos,pos+1)=="|H" then
-- It's a |H....|hhyper link!|h
pos=strfind(str, "|h", pos+2) -- first |h
if not pos then break end
pos=strfind(str, "|h", pos+2) -- second |h
if not pos then break end
elseif strsub(str,pos, pos+1) == "|T" then
-- It's a |T....|t texture
pos=strfind(str, "|t", pos+2)
if not pos then break end
pos=pos+2 -- skip past this escape (last |h if it was a hyperlink)
-- found delimiter, done with this arg
return strsub(str, startpos, pos-1), AceConsole:GetArgs(str, numargs-1, pos+1)
-- search aborted, we hit end of string. return it all as one argument. (yes, even if it's an unterminated quote or hyperlink)
return strsub(str, startpos), nils(numargs-1, 1e9)
--- embedding and embed handling
local mixins = {
-- Embeds AceConsole into the target object making the functions from the mixins list available on target:..
-- @param target target object to embed AceBucket in
function AceConsole:Embed( target )
for k, v in pairs( mixins ) do
target[v] = self[v]
self.embeds[target] = true
return target
function AceConsole:OnEmbedEnable( target )
if AceConsole.weakcommands[target] then
for command, func in pairs( AceConsole.weakcommands[target] ) do
target:RegisterChatCommand( command, func, false, true ) -- nonpersisting and silent registry
function AceConsole:OnEmbedDisable( target )
if AceConsole.weakcommands[target] then
for command, func in pairs( AceConsole.weakcommands[target] ) do
target:UnregisterChatCommand( command ) -- TODO: this could potentially unregister a command from another application in case of command conflicts. Do we care?
for addon in pairs(AceConsole.embeds) do

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="AceConsole-3.0.lua"/>

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
--- AceEvent-3.0 provides event registration and secure dispatching.
-- All dispatching is done using **CallbackHandler-1.0**. AceEvent is a simple wrapper around
-- CallbackHandler, and dispatches all game events or addon message to the registrees.
-- **AceEvent-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceEvent:Embed(MyAddon) or by
-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceEvent itself.\\
-- It is recommended to embed AceEvent, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
-- make into AceEvent.
-- @class file
-- @name AceEvent-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceEvent-3.0.lua 877 2009-11-02 15:56:50Z nevcairiel $
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceEvent-3.0", 3
local AceEvent = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceEvent then return end
-- Lua APIs
local pairs = pairs
local CallbackHandler = LibStub:GetLibrary("CallbackHandler-1.0")
AceEvent.frame = AceEvent.frame or CreateFrame("Frame", "AceEvent30Frame") -- our event frame
AceEvent.embeds = AceEvent.embeds or {} -- what objects embed this lib
-- APIs and registry for blizzard events, using CallbackHandler lib
if not then = CallbackHandler:New(AceEvent,
"RegisterEvent", "UnregisterEvent", "UnregisterAllEvents")
function, eventname)
function, eventname)
-- APIs and registry for IPC messages, using CallbackHandler lib
if not AceEvent.messages then
AceEvent.messages = CallbackHandler:New(AceEvent,
"RegisterMessage", "UnregisterMessage", "UnregisterAllMessages"
AceEvent.SendMessage = AceEvent.messages.Fire
--- embedding and embed handling
local mixins = {
"RegisterEvent", "UnregisterEvent",
"RegisterMessage", "UnregisterMessage",
"UnregisterAllEvents", "UnregisterAllMessages",
--- Register for a Blizzard Event.
-- The callback will always be called with the event as the first argument, and if supplied, the `arg` as second argument.
-- Any arguments to the event will be passed on after that.
-- @name AceEvent:RegisterEvent
-- @class function
-- @paramsig event[, callback [, arg]]
-- @param event The event to register for
-- @param callback The callback function to call when the event is triggered (funcref or method, defaults to a method with the event name)
-- @param arg An optional argument to pass to the callback function
--- Unregister an event.
-- @name AceEvent:UnregisterEvent
-- @class function
-- @paramsig event
-- @param event The event to unregister
--- Register for a custom AceEvent-internal message.
-- The callback will always be called with the event as the first argument, and if supplied, the `arg` as second argument.
-- Any arguments to the event will be passed on after that.
-- @name AceEvent:RegisterMessage
-- @class function
-- @paramsig message[, callback [, arg]]
-- @param message The message to register for
-- @param callback The callback function to call when the message is triggered (funcref or method, defaults to a method with the event name)
-- @param arg An optional argument to pass to the callback function
--- Unregister a message
-- @name AceEvent:UnregisterMessage
-- @class function
-- @paramsig message
-- @param message The message to unregister
--- Send a message over the AceEvent-3.0 internal message system to other addons registered for this message.
-- @name AceEvent:SendMessage
-- @class function
-- @paramsig message, ...
-- @param message The message to send
-- @param ... Any arguments to the message
-- Embeds AceEvent into the target object making the functions from the mixins list available on target:..
-- @param target target object to embed AceEvent in
function AceEvent:Embed(target)
for k, v in pairs(mixins) do
target[v] = self[v]
self.embeds[target] = true
return target
-- AceEvent:OnEmbedDisable( target )
-- target (object) - target object that is being disabled
-- Unregister all events messages etc when the target disables.
-- this method should be called by the target manually or by an addon framework
function AceEvent:OnEmbedDisable(target)
-- Script to fire blizzard events into the event listeners
local events =
AceEvent.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, ...)
events:Fire(event, ...)
--- Finally: upgrade our old embeds
for target, v in pairs(AceEvent.embeds) do

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="AceEvent-3.0.lua"/>

@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
--- **AceTimer-3.0** provides a central facility for registering timers.
-- AceTimer supports one-shot timers and repeating timers. All timers are stored in an efficient
-- data structure that allows easy dispatching and fast rescheduling. Timers can be registered, rescheduled
-- or canceled at any time, even from within a running timer, without conflict or large overhead.\\
-- AceTimer is currently limited to firing timers at a frequency of 0.1s. This constant may change
-- in the future, but for now it seemed like a good compromise in efficiency and accuracy.
-- All `:Schedule` functions will return a handle to the current timer, which you will need to store if you
-- need to cancel or reschedule the timer you just registered.
-- **AceTimer-3.0** can be embeded into your addon, either explicitly by calling AceTimer:Embed(MyAddon) or by
-- specifying it as an embeded library in your AceAddon. All functions will be available on your addon object
-- and can be accessed directly, without having to explicitly call AceTimer itself.\\
-- It is recommended to embed AceTimer, otherwise you'll have to specify a custom `self` on all calls you
-- make into AceTimer.
-- @class file
-- @name AceTimer-3.0
-- @release $Id: AceTimer-3.0.lua 895 2009-12-06 16:28:55Z nevcairiel $
Basic assumptions:
* In a typical system, we do more re-scheduling per second than there are timer pulses per second
* Regardless of timer implementation, we cannot guarantee timely delivery due to FPS restriction (may be as low as 10)
This implementation:
CON: The smallest timer interval is constrained by HZ (currently 1/10s).
PRO: It will still correctly fire any timer slower than HZ over a length of time, e.g. 0.11s interval -> 90 times over 10 seconds
PRO: In lag bursts, the system simly skips missed timer intervals to decrease load
CON: Algorithms depending on a timer firing "N times per minute" will fail
PRO: (Re-)scheduling is O(1) with a VERY small constant. It's a simple linked list insertion in a hash bucket.
CAUTION: The BUCKETS constant constrains how many timers can be efficiently handled. With too many hash collisions, performance will decrease.
Major assumptions upheld:
- ALLOWS scheduling multiple timers with the same funcref/method
- ALLOWS scheduling more timers during OnUpdate processing
- ALLOWS unscheduling ANY timer (including the current running one) at any time, including during OnUpdate processing
local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceTimer-3.0", 5
local AceTimer, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not AceTimer then return end -- No upgrade needed
AceTimer.hash = AceTimer.hash or {} -- Array of [0..BUCKET-1] = linked list of timers (using .next member)
-- Linked list gets around ACE-88 and ACE-90.
AceTimer.selfs = AceTimer.selfs or {} -- Array of [self]={[handle]=timerobj, [handle2]=timerobj2, ...}
AceTimer.frame = AceTimer.frame or CreateFrame("Frame", "AceTimer30Frame")
-- Lua APIs
local assert, error, loadstring = assert, error, loadstring
local setmetatable, rawset, rawget = setmetatable, rawset, rawget
local select, pairs, type, next, tostring = select, pairs, type, next, tostring
local floor, max, min = math.floor, math.max, math.min
local tconcat = table.concat
-- WoW APIs
local GetTime = GetTime
-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
-- GLOBALS: DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME, geterrorhandler
-- Simple ONE-SHOT timer cache. Much more efficient than a full compost for our purposes.
local timerCache = nil
Timers will not be fired more often than HZ-1 times per second.
Keep at intended speed PLUS ONE or we get bitten by floating point rounding errors (n.5 + 0.1 can be n.599999)
If this is ever LOWERED, all existing timers need to be enforced to have a delay >= 1/HZ on lib upgrade.
If this number is ever changed, all entries need to be rehashed on lib upgrade.
local HZ = 11
Prime for good distribution
If this number is ever changed, all entries need to be rehashed on lib upgrade.
local BUCKETS = 131
local hash = AceTimer.hash
for i=1,BUCKETS do
hash[i] = hash[i] or false -- make it an integer-indexed array; it's faster than hashes
xpcall safecall implementation
local xpcall = xpcall
local function errorhandler(err)
return geterrorhandler()(err)
local function CreateDispatcher(argCount)
local code = [[
local xpcall, eh = ... -- our arguments are received as unnamed values in "..." since we don't have a proper function declaration
local method, ARGS
local function call() return method(ARGS) end
local function dispatch(func, ...)
method = func
if not method then return end
ARGS = ...
return xpcall(call, eh)
return dispatch
local ARGS = {}
for i = 1, argCount do ARGS[i] = "arg"..i end
code = code:gsub("ARGS", tconcat(ARGS, ", "))
return assert(loadstring(code, "safecall Dispatcher["..argCount.."]"))(xpcall, errorhandler)
local Dispatchers = setmetatable({}, {
__index=function(self, argCount)
local dispatcher = CreateDispatcher(argCount)
rawset(self, argCount, dispatcher)
return dispatcher
Dispatchers[0] = function(func)
return xpcall(func, errorhandler)
local function safecall(func, ...)
return Dispatchers[select('#', ...)](func, ...)
local lastint = floor(GetTime() * HZ)
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- OnUpdate handler
-- traverse buckets, always chasing "now", and fire timers that have expired
local function OnUpdate()
local now = GetTime()
local nowint = floor(now * HZ)
-- Have we passed into a new hash bucket?
if nowint == lastint then return end
local soon = now + 1 -- +1 is safe as long as 1 < HZ < BUCKETS/2
-- Pass through each bucket at most once
-- Happens on e.g. instance loads, but COULD happen on high local load situations also
for curint = (max(lastint, nowint - BUCKETS) + 1), nowint do -- loop until we catch up with "now", usually only 1 iteration
local curbucket = (curint % BUCKETS)+1
-- Yank the list of timers out of the bucket and empty it. This allows reinsertion in the currently-processed bucket from callbacks.
local nexttimer = hash[curbucket]
hash[curbucket] = false -- false rather than nil to prevent the array from becoming a hash
while nexttimer do
local timer = nexttimer
nexttimer =
local when = timer.when
if when < soon then
-- Call the timer func, either as a method on given object, or a straight function ref
local callback = timer.callback
if type(callback) == "string" then
safecall(timer.object[callback], timer.object, timer.arg)
elseif callback then
safecall(callback, timer.arg)
-- probably nilled out by CancelTimer
timer.delay = nil -- don't reschedule it
local delay = timer.delay -- NOW make a local copy, can't do it earlier in case the timer cancelled itself in the callback
if not delay then
-- single-shot timer (or cancelled)
AceTimer.selfs[timer.object][tostring(timer)] = nil
timerCache = timer
-- repeating timer
local newtime = when + delay
if newtime < now then -- Keep lag from making us firing a timer unnecessarily. (Note that this still won't catch too-short-delay timers though.)
newtime = now + delay
timer.when = newtime
-- add next timer execution to the correct bucket
local bucket = (floor(newtime * HZ) % BUCKETS) + 1 = hash[bucket]
hash[bucket] = timer
else -- if when>=soon
-- reinsert (yeah, somewhat expensive, but shouldn't be happening too often either due to hash distribution) = hash[curbucket]
hash[curbucket] = timer
end -- if when<soon ... else
end -- while nexttimer do
end -- for curint=lastint,nowint
lastint = nowint
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Reg( callback, delay, arg, repeating )
-- callback( function or string ) - direct function ref or method name in our object for the callback
-- delay(int) - delay for the timer
-- arg(variant) - any argument to be passed to the callback function
-- repeating(boolean) - repeating timer, or oneshot
-- returns the handle of the timer for later processing (canceling etc)
local function Reg(self, callback, delay, arg, repeating)
if type(callback) ~= "string" and type(callback) ~= "function" then
local error_origin = repeating and "ScheduleRepeatingTimer" or "ScheduleTimer"
error(MAJOR..": " .. error_origin .. "(callback, delay, arg): 'callback' - function or method name expected.", 3)
if type(callback) == "string" then
if type(self)~="table" then
local error_origin = repeating and "ScheduleRepeatingTimer" or "ScheduleTimer"
error(MAJOR..": " .. error_origin .. "(\"methodName\", delay, arg): 'self' - must be a table.", 3)
if type(self[callback]) ~= "function" then
local error_origin = repeating and "ScheduleRepeatingTimer" or "ScheduleTimer"
error(MAJOR..": " .. error_origin .. "(\"methodName\", delay, arg): 'methodName' - method not found on target object.", 3)
if delay < (1 / (HZ - 1)) then
delay = 1 / (HZ - 1)
-- Create and stuff timer in the correct hash bucket
local now = GetTime()
local timer = timerCache or {} -- Get new timer object (from cache if available)
timerCache = nil
timer.object = self
timer.callback = callback
timer.delay = (repeating and delay)
timer.arg = arg
timer.when = now + delay
local bucket = (floor((now+delay)*HZ) % BUCKETS) + 1 = hash[bucket]
hash[bucket] = timer
-- Insert timer in our self->handle->timer registry
local handle = tostring(timer)
local selftimers = AceTimer.selfs[self]
if not selftimers then
selftimers = {}
AceTimer.selfs[self] = selftimers
selftimers[handle] = timer
selftimers.__ops = (selftimers.__ops or 0) + 1
return handle
--- Schedule a new one-shot timer.
-- The timer will fire once in `delay` seconds, unless canceled before.
-- @param callback Callback function for the timer pulse (funcref or method name).
-- @param delay Delay for the timer, in seconds.
-- @param arg An optional argument to be passed to the callback function.
-- @usage
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("TimerTest", "AceTimer-3.0")
-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
-- self:ScheduleTimer("TimerFeedback", 5)
-- end
-- function MyAddon:TimerFeedback()
-- print("5 seconds passed")
-- end
function AceTimer:ScheduleTimer(callback, delay, arg)
return Reg(self, callback, delay, arg)
--- Schedule a repeating timer.
-- The timer will fire every `delay` seconds, until canceled.
-- @param callback Callback function for the timer pulse (funcref or method name).
-- @param delay Delay for the timer, in seconds.
-- @param arg An optional argument to be passed to the callback function.
-- @usage
-- MyAddon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("TimerTest", "AceTimer-3.0")
-- function MyAddon:OnEnable()
-- self.timerCount = 0
-- self.testTimer = self:ScheduleRepeatingTimer("TimerFeedback", 5)
-- end
-- function MyAddon:TimerFeedback()
-- self.timerCount = self.timerCount + 1
-- print(("%d seconds passed"):format(5 * self.timerCount))
-- -- run 30 seconds in total
-- if self.timerCount == 6 then
-- self:CancelTimer(self.testTimer)
-- end
-- end
function AceTimer:ScheduleRepeatingTimer(callback, delay, arg)
return Reg(self, callback, delay, arg, true)
--- Cancels a timer with the given handle, registered by the same addon object as used for `:ScheduleTimer`
-- Both one-shot and repeating timers can be canceled with this function, as long as the `handle` is valid
-- and the timer has not fired yet or was canceled before.
-- @param handle The handle of the timer, as returned by `:ScheduleTimer` or `:ScheduleRepeatingTimer`
-- @param silent If true, no error is raised if the timer handle is invalid (expired or already canceled)
-- @return True if the timer was successfully cancelled.
function AceTimer:CancelTimer(handle, silent)
if not handle then return end -- nil handle -> bail out without erroring
if type(handle) ~= "string" then
error(MAJOR..": CancelTimer(handle): 'handle' - expected a string", 2) -- for now, anyway
local selftimers = AceTimer.selfs[self]
local timer = selftimers and selftimers[handle]
if silent then
if timer then
timer.callback = nil -- don't run it again
timer.delay = nil -- if this is the currently-executing one: don't even reschedule
-- The timer object is removed in the OnUpdate loop
return not not timer -- might return "true" even if we double-cancel. we'll live.
if not timer then
geterrorhandler()(MAJOR..": CancelTimer(handle[, silent]): '"..tostring(handle).."' - no such timer registered")
return false
if not timer.callback then
geterrorhandler()(MAJOR..": CancelTimer(handle[, silent]): '"..tostring(handle).."' - timer already cancelled or expired")
return false
timer.callback = nil -- don't run it again
timer.delay = nil -- if this is the currently-executing one: don't even reschedule
return true
--- Cancels all timers registered to the current addon object ('self')
function AceTimer:CancelAllTimers()
if not(type(self) == "string" or type(self) == "table") then
error(MAJOR..": CancelAllTimers(): 'self' - must be a string or a table",2)
if self == AceTimer then
error(MAJOR..": CancelAllTimers(): supply a meaningful 'self'", 2)
local selftimers = AceTimer.selfs[self]
if selftimers then
for handle,v in pairs(selftimers) do
if type(v) == "table" then -- avoid __ops, etc
AceTimer.CancelTimer(self, handle, true)
--- Returns the time left for a timer with the given handle, registered by the current addon object ('self').
-- This function will raise a warning when the handle is invalid, but not stop execution.
-- @param handle The handle of the timer, as returned by `:ScheduleTimer` or `:ScheduleRepeatingTimer`
-- @return The time left on the timer, or false if the handle is invalid.
function AceTimer:TimeLeft(handle)
if not handle then return end
if type(handle) ~= "string" then
error(MAJOR..": TimeLeft(handle): 'handle' - expected a string", 2) -- for now, anyway
local selftimers = AceTimer.selfs[self]
local timer = selftimers and selftimers[handle]
if not timer then
geterrorhandler()(MAJOR..": TimeLeft(handle): '"..tostring(handle).."' - no such timer registered")
return false
return timer.when - GetTime()
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED: Run through our .selfs[] array step by step
-- and clean it out - otherwise the table indices can grow indefinitely
-- if an addon starts and stops a lot of timers. AceBucket does this!
-- See ACE-94 and tests/AceTimer-3.0-ACE-94.lua
local lastCleaned = nil
local function OnEvent(this, event)
if event~="PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" then
-- Get the next 'self' to process
local selfs = AceTimer.selfs
local self = next(selfs, lastCleaned)
if not self then
self = next(selfs)
lastCleaned = self
if not self then -- should only happen if .selfs[] is empty
-- Time to clean it out?
local list = selfs[self]
if (list.__ops or 0) < 250 then -- 250 slosh indices = ~10KB wasted (max!). For one 'self'.
-- Create a new table and copy all members over
local newlist = {}
local n=0
for k,v in pairs(list) do
newlist[k] = v
newlist.__ops = 0 -- Reset operation count
-- And since we now have a count of the number of live timers, check that it's reasonable. Emit a warning if not.
if n>BUCKETS then
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(MAJOR..": Warning: The addon/module '"..tostring(self).."' has "..n.." live timers. Surely that's not intended?")
selfs[self] = newlist
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Embed handling
AceTimer.embeds = AceTimer.embeds or {}
local mixins = {
"ScheduleTimer", "ScheduleRepeatingTimer",
"CancelTimer", "CancelAllTimers",
function AceTimer:Embed(target)
AceTimer.embeds[target] = true
for _,v in pairs(mixins) do
target[v] = AceTimer[v]
return target
-- AceTimer:OnEmbedDisable( target )
-- target (object) - target object that AceTimer is embedded in.
-- cancel all timers registered for the object
function AceTimer:OnEmbedDisable( target )
for addon in pairs(AceTimer.embeds) do
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Debug tools (expose copies of internals to test suites)
AceTimer.debug = AceTimer.debug or {}
AceTimer.debug.HZ = HZ
AceTimer.debug.BUCKETS = BUCKETS
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Finishing touchups
AceTimer.frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdate)
AceTimer.frame:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)
-- In theory, we should hide&show the frame based on there being timers or not.
-- However, this job is fairly expensive, and the chance that there will
-- actually be zero timers running is diminuitive to say the lest.

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<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="AceTimer-3.0.lua"/>

@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
--[[ $Id: CallbackHandler-1.0.lua 895 2009-12-06 16:28:55Z nevcairiel $ ]]
local MAJOR, MINOR = "CallbackHandler-1.0", 5
local CallbackHandler = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
if not CallbackHandler then return end -- No upgrade needed
local meta = {__index = function(tbl, key) tbl[key] = {} return tbl[key] end}
-- Lua APIs
local tconcat = table.concat
local assert, error, loadstring = assert, error, loadstring
local setmetatable, rawset, rawget = setmetatable, rawset, rawget
local next, select, pairs, type, tostring = next, select, pairs, type, tostring
-- Global vars/functions that we don't upvalue since they might get hooked, or upgraded
-- List them here for Mikk's FindGlobals script
-- GLOBALS: geterrorhandler
local xpcall = xpcall
local function errorhandler(err)
return geterrorhandler()(err)
local function CreateDispatcher(argCount)
local code = [[
local next, xpcall, eh = ...
local method, ARGS
local function call() method(ARGS) end
local function dispatch(handlers, ...)
local index
index, method = next(handlers)
if not method then return end
ARGS = ...
xpcall(call, eh)
index, method = next(handlers, index)
until not method
return dispatch
local ARGS, OLD_ARGS = {}, {}
for i = 1, argCount do ARGS[i], OLD_ARGS[i] = "arg"..i, "old_arg"..i end
code = code:gsub("OLD_ARGS", tconcat(OLD_ARGS, ", ")):gsub("ARGS", tconcat(ARGS, ", "))
return assert(loadstring(code, "safecall Dispatcher["..argCount.."]"))(next, xpcall, errorhandler)
local Dispatchers = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(self, argCount)
local dispatcher = CreateDispatcher(argCount)
rawset(self, argCount, dispatcher)
return dispatcher
-- CallbackHandler:New
-- target - target object to embed public APIs in
-- RegisterName - name of the callback registration API, default "RegisterCallback"
-- UnregisterName - name of the callback unregistration API, default "UnregisterCallback"
-- UnregisterAllName - name of the API to unregister all callbacks, default "UnregisterAllCallbacks". false == don't publish this API.
function CallbackHandler:New(target, RegisterName, UnregisterName, UnregisterAllName, OnUsed, OnUnused)
-- TODO: Remove this after beta has gone out
assert(not OnUsed and not OnUnused, "ACE-80: OnUsed/OnUnused are deprecated. Callbacks are now done to registry.OnUsed and registry.OnUnused")
RegisterName = RegisterName or "RegisterCallback"
UnregisterName = UnregisterName or "UnregisterCallback"
if UnregisterAllName==nil then -- false is used to indicate "don't want this method"
UnregisterAllName = "UnregisterAllCallbacks"
-- we declare all objects and exported APIs inside this closure to quickly gain access
-- to e.g. function names, the "target" parameter, etc
-- Create the registry object
local events = setmetatable({}, meta)
local registry = { recurse=0, events=events }
-- registry:Fire() - fires the given event/message into the registry
function registry:Fire(eventname, ...)
if not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) then return end
local oldrecurse = registry.recurse
registry.recurse = oldrecurse + 1
Dispatchers[select('#', ...) + 1](events[eventname], eventname, ...)
registry.recurse = oldrecurse
if registry.insertQueue and oldrecurse==0 then
-- Something in one of our callbacks wanted to register more callbacks; they got queued
for eventname,callbacks in pairs(registry.insertQueue) do
local first = not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) -- test for empty before. not test for one member after. that one member may have been overwritten.
for self,func in pairs(callbacks) do
events[eventname][self] = func
-- fire OnUsed callback?
if first and registry.OnUsed then
registry.OnUsed(registry, target, eventname)
first = nil
registry.insertQueue = nil
-- Registration of a callback, handles:
-- self["method"], leads to self["method"](self, ...)
-- self with function ref, leads to functionref(...)
-- "addonId" (instead of self) with function ref, leads to functionref(...)
-- all with an optional arg, which, if present, gets passed as first argument (after self if present)
target[RegisterName] = function(self, eventname, method, ... --[[actually just a single arg]])
if type(eventname) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(eventname, method[, arg]): 'eventname' - string expected.", 2)
method = method or eventname
local first = not rawget(events, eventname) or not next(events[eventname]) -- test for empty before. not test for one member after. that one member may have been overwritten.
if type(method) ~= "string" and type(method) ~= "function" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): 'methodname' - string or function expected.", 2)
local regfunc
if type(method) == "string" then
-- self["method"] calling style
if type(self) ~= "table" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): self was not a table?", 2)
elseif self==target then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): do not use Library:"..RegisterName.."(), use your own 'self'", 2)
elseif type(self[method]) ~= "function" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(\"eventname\", \"methodname\"): 'methodname' - method '"..tostring(method).."' not found on self.", 2)
if select("#",...)>=1 then -- this is not the same as testing for arg==nil!
local arg=select(1,...)
regfunc = function(...) self[method](self,arg,...) end
regfunc = function(...) self[method](self,...) end
-- function ref with self=object or self="addonId"
if type(self)~="table" and type(self)~="string" then
error("Usage: "..RegisterName.."(self or \"addonId\", eventname, method): 'self or addonId': table or string expected.", 2)
if select("#",...)>=1 then -- this is not the same as testing for arg==nil!
local arg=select(1,...)
regfunc = function(...) method(arg,...) end
regfunc = method
if events[eventname][self] or registry.recurse<1 then
-- if registry.recurse<1 then
-- we're overwriting an existing entry, or not currently recursing. just set it.
events[eventname][self] = regfunc
-- fire OnUsed callback?
if registry.OnUsed and first then
registry.OnUsed(registry, target, eventname)
-- we're currently processing a callback in this registry, so delay the registration of this new entry!
-- yes, we're a bit wasteful on garbage, but this is a fringe case, so we're picking low implementation overhead over garbage efficiency
registry.insertQueue = registry.insertQueue or setmetatable({},meta)
registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] = regfunc
-- Unregister a callback
target[UnregisterName] = function(self, eventname)
if not self or self==target then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterName.."(eventname): bad 'self'", 2)
if type(eventname) ~= "string" then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterName.."(eventname): 'eventname' - string expected.", 2)
if rawget(events, eventname) and events[eventname][self] then
events[eventname][self] = nil
-- Fire OnUnused callback?
if registry.OnUnused and not next(events[eventname]) then
registry.OnUnused(registry, target, eventname)
if registry.insertQueue and rawget(registry.insertQueue, eventname) and registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] then
registry.insertQueue[eventname][self] = nil
-- OPTIONAL: Unregister all callbacks for given selfs/addonIds
if UnregisterAllName then
target[UnregisterAllName] = function(...)
if select("#",...)<1 then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterAllName.."([whatFor]): missing 'self' or \"addonId\" to unregister events for.", 2)
if select("#",...)==1 and ...==target then
error("Usage: "..UnregisterAllName.."([whatFor]): supply a meaningful 'self' or \"addonId\"", 2)
for i=1,select("#",...) do
local self = select(i,...)
if registry.insertQueue then
for eventname, callbacks in pairs(registry.insertQueue) do
if callbacks[self] then
callbacks[self] = nil
for eventname, callbacks in pairs(events) do
if callbacks[self] then
callbacks[self] = nil
-- Fire OnUnused callback?
if registry.OnUnused and not next(callbacks) then
registry.OnUnused(registry, target, eventname)
return registry
-- CallbackHandler purposefully does NOT do explicit embedding. Nor does it
-- try to upgrade old implicit embeds since the system is selfcontained and
-- relies on closures to work.

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<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"/>

Libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
-- LibStub is a simple versioning stub meant for use in Libraries. for more info
-- LibStub is hereby placed in the Public Domain Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel, joshborke
local LibStub = _G[LIBSTUB_MAJOR]
if not LibStub or LibStub.minor < LIBSTUB_MINOR then
LibStub = LibStub or {libs = {}, minors = {} }
LibStub.minor = LIBSTUB_MINOR
function LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
assert(type(major) == "string", "Bad argument #2 to `NewLibrary' (string expected)")
minor = assert(tonumber(strmatch(minor, "%d+")), "Minor version must either be a number or contain a number.")
local oldminor = self.minors[major]
if oldminor and oldminor >= minor then return nil end
self.minors[major], self.libs[major] = minor, self.libs[major] or {}
return self.libs[major], oldminor
function LibStub:GetLibrary(major, silent)
if not self.libs[major] and not silent then
error(("Cannot find a library instance of %q."):format(tostring(major)), 2)
return self.libs[major], self.minors[major]
function LibStub:IterateLibraries() return pairs(self.libs) end
setmetatable(LibStub, { __call = LibStub.GetLibrary })

embeds.xml Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<Script file="Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua"/>
<Include file="Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.xml" />
<!-- <Include file="Libs\AceLocale-3.0\AceLocale-3.0.xml" /> -->
<Include file="Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.xml" />
<!-- <Include file="Libs\AceDB-3.0\AceDB-3.0.xml" />
<Include file="Libs\AceDBOptions-3.0\AceDBOptions-3.0.xml" /> -->
<Include file="Libs\AceConsole-3.0\AceConsole-3.0.xml" />
<!-- <Include file="Libs\AceComm-3.0\AceComm-3.0.xml" />
<Include file="Libs\AceSerializer-3.0\AceSerializer-3.0.xml" /> -->
<Include file="Libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.xml" />
<Include file="Libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.xml" />
<!-- <Include file="Libs\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0.xml" />
<Include file="Libs\AceConfig-3.0\AceConfig-3.0.xml" /> -->