2021-04-02 22:24:22 +02:00

250 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

namespace Configuration;
use Driver\SQL\SQL;
use \Driver\SQL\Strategy\SetNullStrategy;
use \Driver\SQL\Strategy\CascadeStrategy;
class CreateDatabase extends DatabaseScript {
// NOTE:
// explicit serial ids removed due to postgres' serial implementation
public static function createQueries(SQL $sql): array {
$queries = array();
// Language
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Language")
->addString("code", 5)
->addString("name", 32)
$queries[] = $sql->insert("Language", array("code", "name"))
->addRow("en_US", 'American English')
->addRow("de_DE", 'Deutsch Standard');
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("User")
->addString("email", 64, true)
->addString("name", 32)
->addString("password", 128)
->addBool("confirmed", false)
->addInt("language_id", true, 1)
->addDateTime("registered_at", false, $sql->currentTimestamp())
->foreignKey("language_id", "Language", "uid", new SetNullStrategy());
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Session")
->addBool("active", true)
->addString("ipAddress", 45)
->addString("os", 64)
->addString("browser", 64)
->addJson("data", false, '{}')
->addBool("stay_logged_in", true)
->addString("csrf_token", 16)
->primaryKey("uid", "user_id")
->foreignKey("user_id", "User", "uid", new CascadeStrategy());
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("UserToken")
->addString("token", 36)
->addEnum("token_type", array("password_reset", "email_confirm", "invite"))
->addBool("used", false)
->foreignKey("user_id", "User", "uid", new CascadeStrategy());
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Group")
->addString("name", 32)
->addString("color", 10)
$queries[] = $sql->insert("Group", array("name", "color"))
->addRow(USER_GROUP_MODERATOR_NAME, "#007bff")
->addRow(USER_GROUP_SUPPORT_NAME, "#28a745")
->addRow(USER_GROUP_ADMIN_NAME, "#dc3545");
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("UserGroup")
->unique("user_id", "group_id")
->foreignKey("user_id", "User", "uid", new CascadeStrategy())
->foreignKey("group_id", "Group", "uid", new CascadeStrategy());
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Notification")
->addEnum("type", array("default", "message", "warning"), false, "default")
->addDateTime("created_at", false, $sql->currentTimestamp())
->addString("title", 32)
->addString("message", 256)
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("UserNotification")
->addBool("seen", false)
->foreignKey("user_id", "User", "uid")
->foreignKey("notification_id", "Notification", "uid")
->unique("user_id", "notification_id");
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("GroupNotification")
->addBool("seen", false)
->foreignKey("group_id", "Group", "uid")
->foreignKey("notification_id", "Notification", "uid")
->unique("group_id", "notification_id");
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("ApiKey")
->addBool("active", true)
->addString("api_key", 64)
->foreignKey("user_id", "User", "uid");
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Visitor")
->addInt("count", false, 1)
->addString("cookie", 26)
->unique("day", "cookie");
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Route")
->addString("request", 128)
->addEnum("action", array("redirect_temporary", "redirect_permanently", "static", "dynamic"))
->addString("target", 128)
->addString("extra", 64, true)
->addBool("active", true)
$queries[] = $sql->insert("Route", array("request", "action", "target", "extra"))
->addRow("^/admin(/.*)?$", "dynamic", "\\Documents\\Admin", NULL)
->addRow("^/register(/)?$", "dynamic", "\\Documents\\Account", "\\Views\\Account\\Register")
->addRow("^/confirmEmail(/)?$", "dynamic", "\\Documents\\Account", "\\Views\\Account\\ConfirmEmail")
->addRow("^/acceptInvite(/)?$", "dynamic", "\\Documents\\Account", "\\Views\\Account\\AcceptInvite")
->addRow("^/resetPassword(/)?$", "dynamic", "\\Documents\\Account", "\\Views\\Account\\ResetPassword")
->addRow("^/$", "static", "/static/welcome.html", NULL);
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Settings")
->addString("name", 32)
->addString("value", 1024, true)
->addBool("private", false) // these values are not returned from '/api/settings/get', but can be changed
->addBool("readonly", false) // these values are neither returned, nor can be changed from outside
$settingsQuery = $sql->insert("Settings", array("name", "value", "private", "readonly"))
// ->addRow("mail_enabled", "0") # this key will be set during installation
->addRow("mail_host", "", false, false)
->addRow("mail_port", "", false, false)
->addRow("mail_username", "", false, false)
->addRow("mail_password", "", true, false)
->addRow("mail_from", "", false, false)
->addRow("message_confirm_email", self::MessageConfirmEmail(), false, false)
->addRow("message_accept_invite", self::MessageAcceptInvite(), false, false)
->addRow("message_reset_password", self::MessageResetPassword(), false, false);
$queries[] = $settingsQuery;
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("ContactRequest")
->addString("from_name", 32)
->addString("from_email", 64)
->addString("message", 512)
->addDateTime("created_at", false, $sql->currentTimestamp())
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("ApiPermission")
->addString("method", 32)
->addJson("groups", true, '[]')
->addString("description", 128, false, "")
$queries[] = $sql->insert("ApiPermission", array("method", "groups", "description"))
->addRow("ApiKey/create", array(), "Allows users to create API-Keys for themselves")
->addRow("ApiKey/fetch", array(), "Allows users to list their API-Keys")
->addRow("ApiKey/refresh", array(), "Allows users to refresh their API-Keys")
->addRow("ApiKey/revoke", array(), "Allows users to revoke their API-Keys")
->addRow("Groups/fetch", array(USER_GROUP_SUPPORT, USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to list all available groups")
->addRow("Groups/create", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to create a new groups")
->addRow("Groups/delete", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to delete a group")
->addRow("Routes/fetch", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to list all configured routes")
->addRow("Routes/save", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to create, delete and modify routes")
->addRow("Mail/test", array(USER_GROUP_SUPPORT, USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to send a test email to a given address")
->addRow("Settings/get", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to fetch server settings")
->addRow("Settings/set", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users create, delete or modify server settings")
->addRow("Stats", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN, USER_GROUP_SUPPORT), "Allows users to fetch server stats")
->addRow("User/create", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to create a new user, email address does not need to be confirmed")
->addRow("User/fetch", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN, USER_GROUP_SUPPORT), "Allows users to list all registered users")
->addRow("User/get", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN, USER_GROUP_SUPPORT), "Allows users to get information about a single user")
->addRow("User/invite", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to create a new user and send them an invitation link")
->addRow("User/edit", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to edit details and group memberships of any user")
->addRow("User/delete", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to delete any other user")
->addRow("Permission/fetch", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to list all API permissions")
->addRow("Visitors/stats", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN, USER_GROUP_SUPPORT), "Allows users to see visitor statistics")
->addRow("PatchSQL", array(USER_GROUP_ADMIN), "Allows users to import database patches");
self::loadPatches($queries, $sql);
return $queries;
private static function MessageConfirmEmail(): string {
return "Hello {{username}},<br>" .
"You recently created an account on {{site_name}}. Please click on the following link to " .
"confirm your email address and complete your registration. If you haven't registered an " .
"account, you can simply ignore this email. The link is valid for the next 48 hours:<br><br> " .
"<a href=\"{{link}}\">{{link}}</a><br><br> " .
"Best Regards<br> " .
"{{site_name}} Administration";
private static function MessageAcceptInvite(): string {
return "Hello {{username}},<br>" .
"You were invited to create an account on {{site_name}}. Please click on the following link to " .
"confirm your email address and complete your registration by choosing a new password. " .
"If you want to decline the invitation, you can simply ignore this email. The link is valid for the next 7 days:<br><br>" .
"<a href=\"{{link}}\">{{link}}</a><br><br>" .
"Best Regards<br>" .
"{{site_name}} Administration";
private static function MessageResetPassword(): string {
return "Hello {{username}},<br>" .
"you requested a password reset on {{site_name}}. Please click on the following link to " .
"choose a new password. If this request was not intended, you can simply ignore the email. The Link is valid for one hour:<br><br>" .
"<a href=\"{{link}}\">{{link}}</a><br><br>" .
"Best Regards<br>" .
"{{site_name}} Administration";
private static function loadPatches(&$queries, $sql) {
$patchDirectory = './core/Configuration/Patch/';
if (file_exists($patchDirectory) && is_dir($patchDirectory)) {
$scan_arr = scandir($patchDirectory);
$files_arr = array_diff($scan_arr, array('.', '..'));
foreach ($files_arr as $file) {
$suffix = ".class.php";
if (endsWith($file, $suffix)) {
$className = substr($file, 0, strlen($file) - strlen($suffix));
$className = "\\Configuration\\Patch\\$className";
$method = "$className::createQueries";
$patchQueries = call_user_func($method, $sql);
foreach ($patchQueries as $query) $queries[] = $query;