
155 lines
5.0 KiB

namespace Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity;
use Core\Driver\SQL\Expression\CurrentTimeStamp;
use Core\Driver\SQL\SQL;
use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\Attribute\MaxLength;
use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\Attribute\DefaultValue;
use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\Controller\DatabaseEntity;
class GpgKey extends DatabaseEntity {
const GPG2 = "/usr/bin/gpg2";
private bool $confirmed;
#[MaxLength(64)] private string $fingerprint;
#[MaxLength(64)] private string $algorithm;
private \DateTime $expires;
#[DefaultValue(CurrentTimeStamp::class)] private \DateTime $added;
public function __construct(string $fingerprint, string $algorithm, \DateTime $expires, bool $confirmed = false) {
$this->confirmed = $confirmed;
$this->fingerprint = $fingerprint;
$this->algorithm = $algorithm;
$this->expires = $expires;
$this->added = new \DateTime();
public function _encrypt(string $body): array {
return self::encrypt($body, $this->fingerprint);
public static function encrypt(string $body, string $gpgFingerprint): array {
$gpgFingerprint = escapeshellarg($gpgFingerprint);
$cmd = self::GPG2 . " --encrypt --output - --recipient $gpgFingerprint --trust-model always --batch --armor";
list($out, $err) = self::proc_exec($cmd, $body, true);
if ($out === null) {
return createError("Error while communicating with GPG agent");
} else if ($err) {
return createError($err);
} else {
return ["success" => true, "data" => $out];
public function _sign(string $body): array {
return self::sign($body, $this->fingerprint);
public static function sign(string $body, string $gpgFingerprint): array {
$gpgFingerprint = escapeshellarg($gpgFingerprint);
$cmd = self::GPG2 . " --clearsign --output - --local-user $gpgFingerprint --batch --armor";
list($out, $err) = self::proc_exec($cmd, $body, true);
if ($out === null) {
return createError("Error while communicating with GPG agent");
} else if ($err) {
return createError($err);
} else {
return ["success" => true, "data" => $out];
private static function proc_exec(string $cmd, ?string $stdin = null, bool $raw = false): ?array {
$descriptorSpec = array(0 => ["pipe", "r"], 1 => ["pipe", "w"], 2 => ["pipe", "w"]);
$process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorSpec, $pipes);
if (!is_resource($process)) {
return null;
if ($stdin) {
fwrite($pipes[0], $stdin);
$out = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
$err = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
return [($raw ? $out : trim($out)), $err];
public static function getKeyInfo(string $key): array {
list($out, $err) = self::proc_exec(self::GPG2 . " --show-key", $key);
if ($out === null) {
return createError("Error while communicating with GPG agent");
if ($err) {
return createError($err);
$lines = explode("\n", $out);
if (count($lines) > 4) {
return createError("It seems like you have uploaded more than one GPG-Key");
} else if (count($lines) !== 4 || !preg_match("/(\S+)\s+(\w+)\s+.*\[expires: ([0-9-]+)]/", $lines[0], $matches)) {
return createError("Error parsing GPG output");
$keyType = $matches[1];
$keyAlg = $matches[2];
$expires = \DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", $matches[3]);
$fingerprint = trim($lines[1]);
$keyData = ["type" => $keyType, "algorithm" => $keyAlg, "expires" => $expires, "fingerprint" => $fingerprint];
return ["success" => true, "data" => $keyData];
public static function importKey(string $key): array {
list($out, $err) = self::proc_exec(self::GPG2 . " --import", $key);
if ($out === null) {
return createError("Error while communicating with GPG agent");
if (preg_match("/gpg:\s+Total number processed:\s+(\d+)/", $err, $matches) && intval($matches[1]) > 0) {
if ((preg_match("/.*\s+unchanged:\s+(\d+)/", $err, $matches) && intval($matches[1]) > 0) ||
(preg_match("/.*\s+imported:\s+(\d+)/", $err, $matches) && intval($matches[1]) > 0)) {
return ["success" => true];
return createError($err);
public function _export(bool $armored = true): array {
return self::export($this->fingerprint, $armored);
public static function export(string $gpgFingerprint, bool $armored): array {
$cmd = self::GPG2 . " --export ";
if ($armored) {
$cmd .= "--armor ";
$cmd .= escapeshellarg($gpgFingerprint);
list($out, $err) = self::proc_exec($cmd);
if ($err) {
return createError($err);
return ["success" => true, "data" => $out];
public function isConfirmed(): bool {
return $this->confirmed;
public function getFingerprint(): string {
return $this->fingerprint;
public function confirm(SQL $sql): bool {
$this->confirmed = true;
return $this->save($sql, ["confirmed"]);