
261 lines
7.8 KiB

namespace Core\API {
use Core\Objects\Context;
use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\Group;
abstract class PermissionAPI extends Request {
public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false, array $params = array()) {
parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, $params);
protected function checkStaticPermission(): bool {
// hardcoded permission checking
$user = $this->context->getUser();
if (!$user || !$user->hasGroup(Group::ADMIN)) {
return $this->createError("Permission denied.");
return true;
protected function isRestricted(string $method): bool {
return in_array(strtolower($method), ["permission/update", "permission/delete"]);
namespace Core\API\Permission {
use Core\API\Parameter\ArrayType;
use Core\API\Parameter\Parameter;
use Core\API\Parameter\StringType;
use Core\API\PermissionAPI;
use Core\Driver\SQL\Column\Column;
use Core\Driver\SQL\Condition\CondIn;
use Core\Driver\SQL\Condition\CondLike;
use Core\Driver\SQL\Query\Insert;
use Core\Driver\SQL\Strategy\UpdateStrategy;
use Core\Objects\Context;
use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\Group;
class Check extends PermissionAPI {
public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, array(
'method' => new StringType('method', 323)
$this->isPublic = false;
public function _execute(): bool {
$method = $this->getParam("method");
$sql = $this->context->getSQL();
$res = $sql->select("groups")
->where(new CondLike($method, new Column("method")))
$this->success = ($res !== FALSE);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if ($this->success) {
if (empty($res) || !is_array($res)) {
return true;
$groups = json_decode($res[0]["groups"]);
if (empty($groups)) {
return true;
$currentUser = $this->context->getUser();
$userGroups = $currentUser ? $currentUser->getGroups() : [];
if (empty($userGroups) || empty(array_intersect($groups, array_keys($userGroups)))) {
if (!$currentUser) {
$this->result["loggedIn"] = false;
return $this->createError("Permission denied.");
// user would have required groups, check for 2fa-state
if ($currentUser && !$this->check2FA()) {
return false;
return $this->success;
class Fetch extends PermissionAPI {
private ?array $groups;
public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, array());
private function fetchGroups(): bool {
$sql = $this->context->getSQL();
$this->groups = Group::findAll($sql);
$this->success = ($this->groups !== FALSE);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
return $this->success;
public function _execute(): bool {
if (!$this->fetchGroups()) {
return false;
$sql = $this->context->getSQL();
$res = $sql->select("method", "groups", "description", "is_core")
$this->success = ($res !== FALSE);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if ($this->success) {
$permissions = [];
foreach ($res as $row) {
$method = $row["method"];
$description = $row["description"];
$groups = json_decode($row["groups"]);
$isCore = $row["is_core"];
$permissions[] = [
"method" => $method,
"groups" => $groups,
"description" => $description,
"is_core" => $isCore
$this->result["permissions"] = $permissions;
$this->result["groups"] = $this->groups;
return $this->success;
public static function getDefaultACL(Insert $insert): void {
$insert->addRow(self::getEndpoint(), [Group::ADMIN], "Allows users to fetch API permissions", true);
class Update extends PermissionAPI {
public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, [
"method" => new StringType("method", 32, false),
"groups" => new ArrayType("groups", Parameter::TYPE_INT, true, false),
"description" => new StringType("description", 128, true, null),
protected function _execute(): bool {
if (!$this->checkStaticPermission()) {
return false;
$sql = $this->context->getSQL();
$method = $this->getParam("method");
$description = $this->getParam("description");
if ($this->isRestricted($method)) {
return $this->createError("This method cannot be updated.");
$groupIds = array_unique($this->getParam("groups"));
if (!empty($groupIds)) {
$availableGroups = Group::findAll($sql, new CondIn(new Column("id"), $groupIds));
foreach ($groupIds as $groupId) {
if (!isset($availableGroups[$groupId])) {
return $this->createError("Group with id=$groupId does not exist.");
if ($description === null) {
$updateQuery = $sql->insert("ApiPermission", ["method", "groups", "is_core"])
->onDuplicateKeyStrategy(new UpdateStrategy(["method"], ["groups" => $groupIds]))
->addRow($method, $groupIds, false);
} else {
$updateQuery = $sql->insert("ApiPermission", ["method", "groups", "is_core", "description"])
->onDuplicateKeyStrategy(new UpdateStrategy(["method"], ["groups" => $groupIds, "description" => $description]))
->addRow($method, $groupIds, false, $description);
$this->success = $updateQuery->execute() !== false;
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
return $this->success;
public static function getDefaultACL(Insert $insert): void {
self::getEndpoint(), [Group::ADMIN],
"Allows users to modify API permissions. This is restricted to the administrator and cannot be changed",
class Delete extends PermissionAPI {
public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, [
"method" => new StringType("method", 32, false),
protected function _execute(): bool {
if (!$this->checkStaticPermission()) {
return false;
$sql = $this->context->getSQL();
$method = $this->getParam("method");
if ($this->isRestricted($method)) {
return $this->createError("This method cannot be deleted.");
$res = $sql->select("method")
->whereEq("method", $method)
$this->success = $res !== false;
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if ($this->success) {
if (!$res) {
return $this->createError("This method was not configured yet");
} else {
$res = $sql->delete("ApiPermission")
->whereEq("method", $method)
$this->success = $res !== false;
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
return $this->success;
public static function getDefaultACL(Insert $insert): void {
self::getEndpoint(), [Group::ADMIN],
"Allows users to delete API permissions. This is restricted to the administrator and cannot be changed",