
381 lines
13 KiB

import React, {useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useState} from "react";
import "./data-table.css";
import {LocaleContext} from "../locale";
import clsx from "clsx";
import {Box, Button, Select, TextField, Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableRow} from "@mui/material";
import {formatDate, formatDateTime} from "../util";
import {isNumber} from "chart.js/helpers";
import {ArrowUpward, ArrowDownward, Refresh} from "@mui/icons-material";
import TableBodyStriped from "./table-body-striped";
export function DataTable(props) {
const { className, placeholder,
columns, data, pagination,
fetchData, onClick, onFilter,
defaultSortColumn, defaultSortOrder,
...other } = props;
const {translate: L} = useContext(LocaleContext);
const [doFetchData, setFetchData] = useState(false);
const [sortAscending, setSortAscending] = useState(["asc","ascending"].includes(defaultSortOrder?.toLowerCase()));
const [sortColumn, setSortColumn] = useState(isNumber(defaultSortColumn) || null);
const sortable = !!fetchData && (props.hasOwnProperty("sortable") ? !!props.sortable : true);
const onRowClick = onClick || (() => {});
const onFetchData = useCallback((force = false) => {
if (fetchData) {
if (doFetchData || force) {
const orderBy = columns[sortColumn]?.field || null;
const sortOrder = sortAscending ? "asc" : "desc";
fetchData(pagination.getPage(), pagination.getPageSize(), orderBy, sortOrder);
}, [fetchData, doFetchData, columns, sortColumn, sortAscending, pagination]);
// pagination changed?
useEffect(() => {
if (pagination) {
let forceFetch = false;
if (pagination.getPageSize() < pagination.getTotal()) {
// page size is smaller than the total count
forceFetch = true;
} else if (data?.length && pagination.getPageSize() >= data.length && data.length < pagination.getTotal()) {
// page size is greater than the current visible count but there were hidden rows before
forceFetch = true;
}, [pagination?.data?.pageSize, pagination?.data?.current]);
// sorting changed or we forced an update
useEffect(() => {
}, [sortAscending, sortColumn, forceReload]);
let headerRow = [];
const onChangeSort = useCallback((index, column) => {
if (sortable && column.sortable) {
if (sortColumn === index) {
} else {
}, [onFetchData, sortColumn, sortAscending]);
for (const [index, column] of columns.entries()) {
if (!(column instanceof DataColumn)) {
throw new Error("DataTable can only have DataColumn-objects as column definition, got: " + typeof column);
} else if (column.hidden) {
if (sortable && column.sortable) {
headerRow.push(<TableCell key={"col-" + index} className={"data-table-clickable"}
title={L("general.sort_by") + ": " + column.label}
onClick={() => onChangeSort(index, column)}
{sortColumn === index ?
(sortAscending ? <ArrowUpward /> : <ArrowDownward />) :
} else {
headerRow.push(<TableCell key={"col-" + index} align={column.align}>
const numColumns = columns.length;
let numRows = 0;
let rows = [];
if (data && data?.length) {
numRows = data.length;
for (const [rowIndex, entry] of data.entries()) {
let row = [];
for (const [index, column] of columns.entries()) {
row.push(<TableCell key={"col-" + index} align={column.align}>
{column.renderData(L, entry, index)}
rows.push(<TableRow className={clsx({["data-table-clickable"]: typeof onClick === 'function'})}
onClick={(e) => ["tr","td"].includes(e.target.tagName.toLowerCase()) && onRowClick(rowIndex, entry)}
key={"row-" + rowIndex}>
{ row }
} else if (placeholder) {
rows.push(<TableRow key={"row-placeholder"}>
<TableCell colSpan={numColumns} align={"center"}>
{ placeholder }
return <Box position={"relative"}>
<Box textAlign={"left"} mb={1} className={"data-table-button-bar"}>
<Button startIcon={<Refresh />} size={"small"} variant={"outlined"}
onClick={() => onFetchData(true)}>
{(buttons || []).map(b => <Button size={"small"} variant={"outlined"} {...b} />)}
<Table className={clsx("data-table", className)} size="small" {...other}>
{ headerRow }
{ rows }
{pagination && pagination.renderPagination(L, numRows)}
export class DataColumn {
constructor(label, field = null, params = {}) {
this.label = label;
this.field = field;
this.sortable = !params.hasOwnProperty("sortable") || !!params.sortable;
this.align = params.align || "left";
this.hidden = !!params.hidden;
this.params = params;
renderData(L, entry, index) {
return typeof this.field === 'function' ? this.field(entry) : entry[this.field];
renderHead() {
return this.label;
export class StringColumn extends DataColumn {
constructor(label, field = null, params = {}) {
super(label, field, params);
renderData(L, entry, index) {
let data = super.renderData(L, entry, index);
if (this.params.maxLength && data?.length && data.length > this.params.maxLength) {
data = data.substring(0, this.params.maxLength) + "...";
if (this.params.style) {
let style = (typeof this.params.style === 'function'
? this.params.style(entry) : this.params.style);
data = <span style={style}>{data}</span>
return data;
export class ArrayColumn extends DataColumn {
constructor(label, field = null, params = {}) {
super(label, field, params);
this.seperator = params.seperator || ", ";
renderData(L, entry, index) {
let data = super.renderData(L, entry, index);
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
data = Object.values(data);
data = data.join(this.seperator);
if (this.params.style) {
let style = (typeof this.params.style === 'function'
? this.params.style(entry) : this.params.style);
data = <span style={style}>{data}</span>
return data;
export class SecretsColumn extends DataColumn {
constructor(label, field = null, params = {}) {
super(label, field, params);
this.asteriskCount = params.asteriskCount || 8;
this.character = params.character || "*";
this.canCopy = params.hasOwnProperty("canCopy") ? params.canCopy : true;
renderData(L, entry, index) {
let originalData = super.renderData(L, entry, index);
if (!originalData) {
return "(None)";
let properties = this.params.properties || {};
properties.className = clsx(properties.className, "font-monospace");
if (this.canCopy) {
properties.title = L("general.click_to_copy");
properties.className = clsx(properties.className, "data-table-clickable");
properties.onClick = () => {
return <span {...properties}>{this.character.repeat(this.asteriskCount)}</span>
export class NumericColumn extends DataColumn {
constructor(label, field = null, params = {}) {
super(label, field, params);
this.decimalDigits = params.decimalDigits || null;
this.integerDigits = params.integerDigits || null;
this.prefix = params.prefix || "";
this.suffix = params.suffix || "";
this.decimalChar = params.decimalChar || ".";
renderData(L, entry, index) {
let number = super.renderData(L, entry, index).toString();
if (this.decimalDigits !== null) {
number = number.toFixed(this.decimalDigits);
if (this.integerDigits !== null) {
let currentLength = number.split(".")[0].length;
if (currentLength < this.integerDigits) {
number = number.padStart(this.integerDigits - currentLength, "0");
if (this.decimalChar !== ".") {
number = number.replace(".", this.decimalChar);
return this.prefix + number + this.suffix;
export class DateTimeColumn extends DataColumn {
constructor(label, field = null, params = {}) {
super(label, field, params);
this.precise = !!params.precise;
renderData(L, entry, index) {
let date = super.renderData(L, entry, index);
return date ? formatDateTime(L, date, this.precise) : "";
export class DateColumn extends DataColumn {
constructor(label, field = null, params = {}) {
super(label, field, params);
renderData(L, entry, index) {
let date = super.renderData(L, entry, index);
return date ? formatDate(L, date) : "";
export class BoolColumn extends DataColumn {
constructor(label, field = null, params = {}) {
super(label, field, params);
renderData(L, entry, index) {
let data = super.renderData(L, entry, index);
return L(data ? "general.yes" : "general.no");
export class InputColumn extends DataColumn {
constructor(label, field, type, onChange, params = {}) {
super(label, field, { ...params, sortable: false });
this.type = type;
this.onChange = onChange;
this.props = params.props || {};
renderData(L, entry, index) {
let value = super.renderData(L, entry, index);
let inputProps = typeof this.props === 'function' ? this.props(entry, index) : this.props;
if (this.type === 'text') {
return <TextField {...inputProps} size={"small"} fullWidth={true}
value={value} onChange={(e) => this.onChange(entry, index, e.target.value)} />
} else if (this.type === "select") {
let options = Object.entries(this.params.options || {}).map(([value, label]) =>
<option key={"option-" + value} value={value}>{label}</option>);
return <Select native {...inputProps} size={"small"} fullWidth={true} value={value}
onChange={(e) => this.onChange(entry, index, e.target.value)}>
return <>[Invalid type: {this.type}]</>
export class ControlsColumn extends DataColumn {
constructor(label, buttons = [], params = {}) {
super(label, null, { align: "center", ...params, sortable: false });
this.buttons = buttons;
renderData(L, entry, index) {
let buttonElements = [];
for (const [index, button] of this.buttons.entries()) {
let element = typeof button.element === 'function'
? button.element(entry, index)
: button.element;
let buttonProps = {};
if (typeof button.props === 'function') {
buttonProps = button.props(entry, index);
} else {
buttonProps = button.props;
let props = {
key: "button-" + index,
if (button.hasOwnProperty("disabled")) {
props.disabled = typeof button.disabled === 'function'
? button.disabled(entry, index)
: button.disabled;
if (!props.disabled) {
props.onClick = (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); button.onClick(entry, index); }
if ((!button.hasOwnProperty("hidden")) ||
(typeof button.hidden === 'function' && !button.hidden(entry, index)) ||
(!button.hidden)) {
buttonElements.push(React.createElement(element, props))
return <Box className={"data-table-buttons"}>