
260 lines
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namespace Core\API {
use Core\Objects\Context;
use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\User;
abstract class SsoAPI extends Request {
public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false, array $params = []) {
parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, $params);
protected function processLogin(User $user, ?string $redirectUrl): bool {
$sql = $this->context->getSQL();
if ($user->getId() === null) {
// user didn't exit yet. try to insert into database
if (!$user->save($sql)) {
return $this->createError("Could not create user: " . $sql->getLastError());
if (!$this->createSession($user)) {
return false;
if (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
$this->context->router->redirect(302, $redirectUrl);
return true;
protected function validateRedirectURL(string $url): bool {
// allow only relative paths
return empty($url) || startsWith($url, "/");
namespace Core\API\Sso {
use Core\API\Parameter\StringType;
use Core\API\Parameter\UuidType;
use Core\API\Request;
use Core\Objects\Context;
use Core\API\SsoAPI;
use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\Group;
use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\SsoProvider;
use Core\Objects\RateLimiting;
use Core\Objects\RateLimitRule;
use Core\Objects\SSO\SAMLResponse;
class GetProviders extends SsoAPI {
public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, []);
$this->csrfTokenRequired = false;
protected function _execute(): bool {
$sql = $this->context->getSQL();
$query = SsoProvider::createBuilder($sql, false);
if (!$this->context->getUser()) {
$providers = SsoProvider::findBy($query);
$this->result["providers"] = SsoProvider::toJsonArray($providers);
return true;
public static function getDescription(): string {
// TODO: auto generated endpoint description
return "Allows users to get a list of SSO providers. Unauthenticated users will only see active providers.";
class AddProvider extends SsoAPI {
public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, []);
// TODO: auto-generated method stub
protected function _execute(): bool {
// TODO: auto-generated method stub
return $this->success;
public static function getDescription(): string {
// TODO: auto generated endpoint description
return "Short description, what users are able to do with this endpoint.";
public static function getDefaultPermittedGroups(): array {
return [Group::ADMIN];
class EditProvider extends SsoAPI {
public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, []);
// TODO: auto-generated method stub
protected function _execute(): bool {
// TODO: auto-generated method stub
return $this->success;
public static function getDescription(): string {
// TODO: auto generated endpoint description
return "Short description, what users are able to do with this endpoint.";
public static function getDefaultPermittedGroups(): array {
return [Group::ADMIN];
class RemoveProvider extends SsoAPI {
public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, []);
// TODO: auto-generated method stub
protected function _execute(): bool {
// TODO: auto-generated method stub
return $this->success;
public static function getDescription(): string {
// TODO: auto generated endpoint description
return "Short description, what users are able to do with this endpoint.";
public static function getDefaultPermittedGroups(): array {
return [Group::ADMIN];
class Authenticate extends SsoAPI {
public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, [
"provider" => new UuidType("provider"),
"redirect" => new StringType("redirect", StringType::UNLIMITED, true, null)
$this->csrfTokenRequired = false;
$this->loginRequirements = Request::NOT_LOGGED_IN;
$this->rateLimiting = new RateLimiting(
new RateLimitRule(5, 1, RateLimitRule::MINUTE)
protected function _execute(): bool {
$redirectUrl = $this->getParam("redirect");
if (!$this->validateRedirectURL($redirectUrl)) {
return $this->createError("Invalid redirect URL");
$sql = $this->context->getSQL();
$ssoProviderIdentifier = $this->getParam("provider");
$ssoProvider = SsoProvider::findBy(SsoProvider::createBuilder($sql, true)
->whereEq("identifier", $ssoProviderIdentifier)
if ($ssoProvider === false) {
return $this->createError("Error fetching SSO Provider: " . $sql->getLastError());
} else if ($ssoProvider === null) {
return $this->createError("SSO Provider not found");
try {
$ssoProvider->login($this->context, $redirectUrl);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
return $this->createError("There was an error with the SSO provider: " . $ex->getMessage());
return $this->success;
public static function getDescription(): string {
return "Allows users to authenticate with a configured SSO provider.";
public static function hasConfigurablePermissions(): bool {
return false;
class SAML extends SsoAPI {
public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, [
"SAMLResponse" => new StringType("SAMLResponse")
$this->csrfTokenRequired = false;
$this->loginRequirements = Request::NOT_LOGGED_IN;
$this->rateLimiting = new RateLimiting(
new RateLimitRule(15, 1, RateLimitRule::MINUTE)
protected function _execute(): bool {
$samlResponseEncoded = $this->getParam("SAMLResponse");
if (($samlResponse = @gzinflate(base64_decode($samlResponseEncoded))) === false) {
$samlResponse = base64_decode($samlResponseEncoded);
$parsedResponse = SAMLResponse::parseResponse($this->context, $samlResponse);
if (!$parsedResponse->wasSuccessful()) {
return $this->createError("Error parsing SAMLResponse: " . $parsedResponse->getError());
} else {
return $this->processLogin($parsedResponse->getUser(), $parsedResponse->getRedirectURL());
$sql = $this->context->getSQL();
$ssoProviderIdentifier = $this->getParam("provider");
$ssoProvider = SsoProvider::findBy(SsoProvider::createBuilder($sql, true)
->whereEq("identifier", $ssoProviderIdentifier)
if ($ssoProvider === false) {
return $this->createError("Error fetching SSO Provider: " . $sql->getLastError());
} else if ($ssoProvider === null) {
return $this->createError("SSO Provider not found");
$samlResponseEncoded = $this->getParam("SAMLResponse");
if (($samlResponse = @gzinflate(base64_decode($samlResponseEncoded))) === false) {
$samlResponse = base64_decode($samlResponseEncoded);
$parsedUser = $ssoProvider->parseResponse($this->context, $samlResponse);
if ($parsedUser === null) {
return $this->createError("Invalid SAMLResponse");
} else {
return $this->processLogin($parsedUser, $redirectUrl);
public static function getDescription(): string {
return "Return endpoint for SAML SSO authentication.";
public static function hasConfigurablePermissions(): bool {
return false;