2021-03-30 00:27:15 +02:00

142 lines
5.1 KiB

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './include/adminlte.min.css';
import './include/index.css';
import API from './api.js';
import Header from './header.js';
import Sidebar from './sidebar.js';
import UserOverview from './views/users.js';
import Overview from './views/overview.js'
import CreateUser from "./views/adduser";
import Icon from "./elements/icon";
import Dialog from "./elements/dialog";
import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch} from 'react-router-dom'
import View404 from "./404";
import Logs from "./views/logs";
import PageOverview from "./views/pages";
import HelpPage from "./views/help";
import Footer from "./footer";
import EditUser from "./views/edituser";
import CreateGroup from "./views/addgroup";
import Settings from "./views/settings";
import PermissionSettings from "./views/permissions";
import Visitors from "./views/visitors";
class AdminDashboard extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.api = new API();
this.state = {
loaded: false,
dialog: { onClose: () => this.hideDialog() },
notifications: [ ],
filesPath: null
onUpdate() {
showDialog(message, title, options=["Close"], onOption = null) {
const props = { show: true, message: message, title: title, options: options, onOption: onOption };
this.setState({ ...this.state, dialog: { ...this.state.dialog, ...props } });
hideDialog() {
this.setState({ ...this.state, dialog: { ...this.state.dialog, show: false } });
fetchNotifications() {
this.api.getNotifications().then((res) => {
if (!res.success) {
this.showDialog("Error fetching notifications: " + res.msg, "Error fetching notifications");
} else {
this.setState({...this.state, notifications: res.notifications });
fetchFilesPath() {
this.api.getRoutes().then((res) => {
if (!res.success) {
this.showDialog("Error fetching routes: " + res.msg, "Error fetching routes");
} else {
for (const route of res.routes) {
if (route.target === "\\Documents\\Files") {
// prepare the path patterns, e.g. '/files(/.*)?' => '/files'
let path = route.request;
path = path.replace(/\(.*\)([?*])/g, ''); // remove optional and 0-n groups
path = path.replace(/.\*/g, ''); // remove .*
path = path.replace(/\[.*]\*/g, ''); // remove []*
path = path.replace(/(.*)\+/g, "$1"); // replace 1-n groups with one match
// todo: add some more rules, but we should have most of the cases now
this.setState({...this.state, filesPath: path });
componentDidMount() {
this.api.fetchUser().then(Success => {
if (!Success) {
document.location = "/admin";
} else {
setInterval(this.onUpdate.bind(this), 60*1000);
this.setState({...this.state, loaded: true});
render() {
if (!this.state.loaded) {
return <b>Loading <Icon icon={"spinner"} /></b>
this.controlObj = {
showDialog: this.showDialog.bind(this),
fetchNotifications: this.fetchNotifications.bind(this),
api: this.api
return <Router>
<Header {...this.controlObj} notifications={this.state.notifications} />
<Sidebar {...this.controlObj} notifications={this.state.notifications} filesPath={this.state.filesPath} />
<div className={"content-wrapper p-2"}>
<section className={"content"}>
<Route path={"/admin/dashboard"}><Overview {...this.controlObj} notifications={this.state.notifications} /></Route>
<Route exact={true} path={"/admin/users"}><UserOverview {...this.controlObj} /></Route>
<Route path={"/admin/user/add"}><CreateUser {...this.controlObj} /></Route>
<Route path={"/admin/user/edit/:userId"} render={(props) => {
let newProps = {...props, ...this.controlObj};
return <EditUser {...newProps} />
<Route path={"/admin/user/permissions"}><PermissionSettings {...this.controlObj}/></Route>
<Route path={"/admin/group/add"}><CreateGroup {...this.controlObj} /></Route>
<Route path={"/admin/visitors"}><Visitors {...this.controlObj} /></Route>
<Route path={"/admin/logs"}><Logs {...this.controlObj} notifications={this.state.notifications} /></Route>
<Route path={"/admin/settings"}><Settings {...this.controlObj} /></Route>
<Route path={"/admin/pages"}><PageOverview {...this.controlObj} /></Route>
<Route path={"/admin/help"}><HelpPage {...this.controlObj} /></Route>
<Route path={"*"}><View404 /></Route>
<Dialog {...this.state.dialog}/>
<Footer />
<AdminDashboard />,