"Account", "login_title" => "Sign In", "login_description" => "Sign In into your account", "accept_invite_title" => "Invitation", "accept_invite_description" => "Complete your account registration by choosing a password", "confirm_email_title" => "Confirm Email", "confirm_email_description" => "Complete your registration by confirming the e-mail address", "registration_title" => "Registration", "registration_description" => "Create a new account", "resend_confirm_email_title" => "Resend Confirm Email", "resend_confirm_email_description" => "Request a new confirmation email to finalize the account creation", "resend_confirm_email_form_title" => "Enter your E-Mail address, to receive a new e-mail to confirm your registration.", "reset_password_title" => "Reset Password", "reset_password_description" => "Request a password reset, once you got the e-mail address, you can choose a new password", "reset_password_form_title" => "Choose a new password", "reset_password_request_form_title" => "Enter your E-Mail address, to receive a password reset token.", "form_title" => "Please fill with your details", "username" => "Username", "username_or_email" => "Username or E-Mail", "email" => "E-Mail Address", "password" => "Password", "password_confirm" => "Confirm Password", "password_old" => "Old Password", "password_new" => "New Password", "full_name" => "Full Name", "remember_me" => "Remember Me", "signing_in" => "Signing in", "sign_in" => "Sign In", "forgot_password" => "Forgot password?", "change_password" => "Change password", "register_text" => "Don't have an account? Sign Up", "passwords_do_not_match" => "Your passwords did not match", "back_to_login" => "Back to Login", "6_digit_code" => "6-Digit Code", "2fa_title" => "Additional information is required for logging in", "2fa_text" => "Plugin your 2FA-Device. Interaction might be required, e.g. typing in a PIN or touching it.", "confirming_email" => "Confirming email", "proceed_to_login" => "Proceed to Login", "invalid_link" => "The link you visited is no longer valid", "confirm_success" => "Your e-mail address was successfully confirmed, you may now log in", "confirm_error" => "Error confirming e-mail address", "gpg_key" => "GPG Key", "2fa_token" => "Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)", ];