configuration = $configuration; $this->reset(); $this->connectDB(); if (!is_cli()) { @session_start(); $this->setLanguage(Language::DEFAULT_LANGUAGE()); $this->parseCookies(); } } public function __destruct() { if ($this->sql && $this->sql->isConnected()) { $this->sql->close(); } } public function connectDB(): bool { $databaseConf = $this->configuration->getDatabase(); if ($databaseConf) { $this->sql = SQL::createConnection($databaseConf); if ($this->sql->isConnected()) { $settings = $this->configuration->getSettings(); $settings->loadFromDatabase($this); return true; } } else { $this->sql = null; } return false; } public function getId(): int { return $this->uid; } public function isLoggedIn(): bool { return $this->loggedIn; } public function getUsername(): string { return $this->username; } public function getFullName(): string { return $this->fullName; } public function getEmail(): ?string { return $this->email; } public function getSQL(): ?SQL { return $this->sql; } public function getLanguage(): Language { return $this->language; } public function setLanguage(Language $language) { $this->language = $language; $language->load(); } public function getSession(): ?Session { return $this->session; } public function getConfiguration(): Configuration { return $this->configuration; } public function getGroups(): array { return $this->groups; } public function hasGroup(int $group): bool { return isset($this->groups[$group]); } public function getGPG(): ?GpgKey { return $this->gpgKey; } public function getTwoFactorToken(): ?TwoFactorToken { return $this->twoFactorToken; } public function getProfilePicture(): ?string { return $this->profilePicture; } public function __debugInfo(): array { $debugInfo = array( 'loggedIn' => $this->loggedIn, 'language' => $this->language->getName(), ); if ($this->loggedIn) { $debugInfo['uid'] = $this->uid; $debugInfo['username'] = $this->username; } return $debugInfo; } public function jsonSerialize(): array { if ($this->isLoggedIn()) { return array( 'uid' => $this->uid, 'name' => $this->username, 'fullName' => $this->fullName, 'profilePicture' => $this->profilePicture, 'email' => $this->email, 'groups' => $this->groups, 'language' => $this->language->jsonSerialize(), 'session' => $this->session->jsonSerialize(), "gpg" => ($this->gpgKey ? $this->gpgKey->jsonSerialize() : null), "2fa" => ($this->twoFactorToken ? $this->twoFactorToken->jsonSerialize() : null), ); } else { return array( 'language' => $this->language->jsonSerialize(), ); } } private function reset() { $this->uid = 0; $this->username = ''; $this->email = ''; $this->groups = []; $this->loggedIn = false; $this->session = null; $this->profilePicture = null; $this->gpgKey = null; $this->twoFactorToken = null; } public function logout(): bool { $success = true; if ($this->loggedIn) { $success = $this->session->destroy(); $this->reset(); } return $success; } public function updateLanguage($lang): bool { if ($this->sql) { $request = new \Api\Language\Set($this); return $request->execute(array("langCode" => $lang)); } else { return false; } } public function sendCookies() { $baseUrl = $this->getConfiguration()->getSettings()->getBaseUrl(); $domain = parse_url($baseUrl, PHP_URL_HOST); if ($this->loggedIn) { $this->session->sendCookie($domain); } $this->language->sendCookie($domain); session_write_close(); } /** * @param $userId user's id * @param $sessionId session's id * @param bool $sessionUpdate update session information, including session's lifetime and browser information * @return bool true, if the data could be loaded */ public function loadSession($userId, $sessionId, bool $sessionUpdate = true): bool { $userRow = $this->loadUser("Session", ["", "Session.stay_logged_in", "Session.csrf_token"], [ new Compare("User.uid", $userId), new Compare("Session.uid", $sessionId), new Compare("", true), ]); if ($userRow !== false) { $this->session = new Session($this, $sessionId, $userRow["csrf_token"]); $this->session->setData(json_decode($userRow["data"] ?? '{}', true)); $this->session->stayLoggedIn($this->sql->parseBool($userRow["stay_logged_in"])); if ($sessionUpdate) { $this->session->update(); } $this->loggedIn = true; } return $userRow !== false; } private function parseCookies() { if (isset($_COOKIE['session']) && is_string($_COOKIE['session']) && !empty($_COOKIE['session'])) { try { $token = $_COOKIE['session']; $settings = $this->configuration->getSettings(); $decoded = (array)JWT::decode($token, $settings->getJwtSecret()); if (!is_null($decoded)) { $userId = ($decoded['userId'] ?? NULL); $sessionId = ($decoded['sessionId'] ?? NULL); if (!is_null($userId) && !is_null($sessionId)) { $this->loadSession($userId, $sessionId); } } } catch (Exception $e) { // ignored } } if (isset($_GET['lang']) && is_string($_GET["lang"]) && !empty($_GET["lang"])) { $this->updateLanguage($_GET['lang']); } else if (isset($_COOKIE['lang']) && is_string($_COOKIE["lang"]) && !empty($_COOKIE["lang"])) { $this->updateLanguage($_COOKIE['lang']); } } public function createSession(int $userId, bool $stayLoggedIn = false): bool { $this->uid = $userId; $this->session = Session::create($this, $stayLoggedIn); if ($this->session) { $this->loggedIn = true; return true; } return false; } private function loadUser(string $table, array $columns, array $conditions) { $userRow = $this->sql->select( // User meta "User.uid as userId", "", "", "User.fullName", "User.profilePicture", "User.confirmed", // GPG "User.gpg_id", "GpgKey.confirmed as gpg_confirmed", "GpgKey.fingerprint as gpg_fingerprint", "GpgKey.expires as gpg_expires", "GpgKey.algorithm as gpg_algorithm", // 2FA "User.2fa_id", "2FA.confirmed as 2fa_confirmed", " as 2fa_data", "2FA.type as 2fa_type", // Language "Language.uid as langId", "Language.code as langCode", " as langName", // additional data ...$columns) ->from("User") ->innerJoin("$table", "$table.user_id", "User.uid") ->leftJoin("Language", "User.language_id", "Language.uid") ->leftJoin("GpgKey", "User.gpg_id", "GpgKey.uid") ->leftJoin("2FA", "User.2fa_id", "2FA.uid") ->where(new CondAnd(...$conditions)) ->first() ->execute(); if ($userRow === null || $userRow === false) { return false; } // Meta data $userId = $userRow["userId"]; $this->uid = $userId; $this->username = $userRow['name']; $this->fullName = $userRow["fullName"]; $this->email = $userRow['email']; $this->profilePicture = $userRow["profilePicture"]; // GPG if (!empty($userRow["gpg_id"])) { $this->gpgKey = new GpgKey($userRow["gpg_id"], $this->sql->parseBool($userRow["gpg_confirmed"]), $userRow["gpg_fingerprint"], $userRow["gpg_algorithm"], $userRow["gpg_expires"] ); } // 2FA if (!empty($userRow["2fa_id"])) { $this->twoFactorToken = TwoFactorToken::newInstance($userRow["2fa_type"], $userRow["2fa_data"], $userRow["2fa_id"], $this->sql->parseBool($userRow["2fa_confirmed"])); } // Language if (!is_null($userRow['langId'])) { $this->setLanguage(Language::newInstance($userRow['langId'], $userRow['langCode'], $userRow['langName'])); } // select groups $groupRows = $this->sql->select("Group.uid as groupId", " as groupName") ->from("UserGroup") ->where(new Compare("UserGroup.user_id", $userId)) ->innerJoin("Group", "UserGroup.group_id", "Group.uid") ->execute(); if (is_array($groupRows)) { foreach ($groupRows as $row) { $this->groups[$row["groupId"]] = $row["groupName"]; } } return $userRow; } public function loadApiKey($apiKey): bool { if ($this->loggedIn) { return true; } $userRow = $this->loadUser("ApiKey", [], [ new Compare("ApiKey.api_key", $apiKey), new Compare("valid_until", $this->sql->currentTimestamp(), ">"), new Compare("", 1), ]); // User must be confirmed to use API-Keys if ($userRow === false || !$this->sql->parseBool($userRow["confirmed"])) { return false; } return true; } public function processVisit() { if ($this->sql && $this->sql->isConnected() && isset($_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"]) && !empty($_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"])) { if ($this->isBot()) { return; } $cookie = $_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"]; $req = new \Api\Visitors\ProcessVisit($this); $req->execute(array("cookie" => $cookie)); } } private function isBot(): bool { if (empty($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) { return false; } return preg_match('/robot|spider|crawler|curl|^$/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) === 1; } }