connection)) { return true; } $config = array( "host" => $this->connectionData->getHost(), "port" => $this->connectionData->getPort(), "dbname" => $this->connectionData->getProperty('database', 'public'), "user" => $this->connectionData->getLogin(), "password" => $this->connectionData->getPassword() ); $connectionString = array(); foreach($config as $key => $val) { if (!empty($val)) { $connectionString[] = "$key=$val"; } } $this->connection = @pg_connect(implode(" ", $connectionString)); if (!$this->connection) { $this->lastError = "Failed to connect to Database"; $this->connection = NULL; return false; } pg_set_client_encoding($this->connection, $this->connectionData->getProperty('encoding', 'UTF-8')); return true; } public function disconnect() { if(is_null($this->connection)) return; pg_close($this->connection); } public function getLastError() { $lastError = parent::getLastError(); if (empty($lastError)) { $lastError = pg_last_error($this->connection) . " " . pg_last_error($this->connection); } return $lastError; } protected function execute($query, $values = NULL, $returnValues = false) { $this->lastError = ""; $stmt_name = uniqid(); $pgParams = array(); if (!is_null($values)) { foreach($values as $value) { $paramType = Parameter::parseType($value); switch($paramType) { case Parameter::TYPE_DATE: $value = $value->format("Y-m-d"); break; case Parameter::TYPE_TIME: $value = $value->format("H:i:s"); break; case Parameter::TYPE_DATE_TIME: $value = $value->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); break; default: break; } $pgParams[] = $value; } } $stmt = @pg_prepare($this->connection, $stmt_name, $query); if ($stmt === FALSE) { return false; } $result = @pg_execute($this->connection, $stmt_name, $pgParams); if ($result === FALSE) { return false; } if ($returnValues) { $rows = pg_fetch_all($result); if ($rows === FALSE) { if (empty(trim($this->getLastError()))) { $rows = array(); } } return $rows; } else { return true; } } // Querybuilder public function executeInsert($insert) { $tableName = $this->tableName($insert->getTableName()); $columns = $insert->getColumns(); $rows = $insert->getRows(); $onDuplicateKey = $insert->onDuplicateKey() ?? ""; if (empty($rows)) { $this->lastError = "No rows to insert given."; return false; } if (is_null($columns) || empty($columns)) { $columnStr = ""; } else { $columnStr = " (" . $this->columnName($columns) . ")"; } $numRows = count($rows); $parameters = array(); $values = array(); foreach($rows as $row) { $rowPlaceHolder = array(); foreach($row as $val) { $rowPlaceHolder[] = $this->addValue($val, $parameters); } $values[] = "(" . implode(",", $rowPlaceHolder) . ")"; } $values = implode(",", $values); if ($onDuplicateKey) { /*if ($onDuplicateKey instanceof UpdateStrategy) { $updateValues = array(); foreach($onDuplicateKey->getValues() as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof Column) { $columnName = $value->getName(); $updateValues[] = "\"$key\"=\"$columnName\""; } else { $updateValues[] = "\"$key\"=" . $this->addValue($value, $parameters); } } $onDuplicateKey = " ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET " . implode(",", $updateValues); } else*/ { $strategy = get_class($onDuplicateKey); $this->lastError = "ON DUPLICATE Strategy $strategy is not supported yet."; return false; } } $returningCol = $insert->getReturning(); $returning = $returningCol ? (" RETURNING " . $this->columnName($returningCol)) : ""; $query = "INSERT INTO $tableName$columnStr VALUES$values$onDuplicateKey$returning"; $res = $this->execute($query, $parameters, !empty($returning)); $success = ($res !== FALSE); if($success && !empty($returning)) { $this->lastInsertId = $res[0][$returningCol]; } return $success; } public function executeSelect($select) { $columns = $this->columnName($select->getColumns()); $tables = $select->getTables(); $params = array(); if (is_null($tables) || empty($tables)) { return "SELECT $columns"; } else { $tableStr = $this->tableName($tables); } $conditions = $select->getConditions(); if (!empty($conditions)) { $condition = " WHERE " . $this->buildCondition($conditions, $params); } else { $condition = ""; } $joinStr = ""; $joins = $select->getJoins(); if (!empty($joins)) { $joinStr = ""; foreach($joins as $join) { $type = $join->getType(); $joinTable = $this->tableName($join->getTable()); $columnA = $this->columnName($join->getColumnA()); $columnB = $this->columnName($join->getColumnB()); $joinStr .= " $type JOIN $joinTable ON $columnA=$columnB"; } } $orderBy = ""; $limit = ""; $offset = ""; $query = "SELECT $columns FROM $tableStr$joinStr$condition$orderBy$limit$offset"; return $this->execute($query, $params, true); } public function executeDelete($delete) { $table = $delete->getTable(); $conditions = $delete->getConditions(); if (!empty($conditions)) { $condition = " WHERE " . $this->buildCondition($conditions, $params); } else { $condition = ""; } $query = "DELETE FROM \"$table\"$condition"; return $this->execute($query); } public function executeTruncate($truncate) { $table = $truncate->getTable(); return $this->execute("TRUNCATE \"$table\""); } public function executeUpdate($update) { $params = array(); $table = $update->getTable(); $valueStr = array(); foreach($update->getValues() as $key => $val) { $valueStr[] = "$key=" . $this->addValue($val, $params); } $valueStr = implode(",", $valueStr); $conditions = $update->getConditions(); if (!empty($conditions)) { $condition = " WHERE " . $this->buildCondition($conditions, $params); } else { $condition = ""; } $query = "UPDATE \"$table\" SET $valueStr$condition"; return $this->execute($query, $params); } // UGLY but.. what should i do? private function createEnum($enumColumn) { $typeName = $enumColumn->getName(); if(!endsWith($typeName, "_type")) { $typeName = "${typeName}_type"; } $values = array(); foreach($enumColumn->getValues() as $value) { $values[] = $this->getValueDefinition($value); } $values = implode(",", $values); $query = "DO $$ BEGIN CREATE TYPE \"$typeName\" AS ENUM ($values); EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; END $$;"; $this->execute($query); return $typeName; } protected function getColumnDefinition($column) { $columnName = $this->columnName($column->getName()); if ($column instanceof StringColumn) { $maxSize = $column->getMaxSize(); if ($maxSize) { $type = "VARCHAR($maxSize)"; } else { $type = "TEXT"; } } else if($column instanceof SerialColumn) { $type = "SERIAL"; } else if($column instanceof IntColumn) { $type = "INTEGER"; } else if($column instanceof DateTimeColumn) { $type = "TIMESTAMP"; } else if($column instanceof EnumColumn) { $type = $this->createEnum($column); } else if($column instanceof BoolColumn) { $type = "BOOLEAN"; } else if($column instanceof JsonColumn) { $type = "JSON"; } else { $this->lastError = "Unsupported Column Type: " . get_class($column); return NULL; } $notNull = $column->notNull() ? " NOT NULL" : ""; $defaultValue = ""; if (!is_null($column->getDefaultValue()) || !$column->notNull()) { $defaultValue = " DEFAULT " . $this->getValueDefinition($column->getDefaultValue()); } return "$columnName $type$notNull$defaultValue"; } protected function getConstraintDefinition($constraint) { $columnName = $this->columnName($constraint->getColumnName()); if ($constraint instanceof PrimaryKey) { return "PRIMARY KEY ($columnName)"; } else if ($constraint instanceof Unique) { return "UNIQUE ($columnName)"; } else if ($constraint instanceof ForeignKey) { $refTable = $this->tableName($constraint->getReferencedTable()); $refColumn = $this->columnName($constraint->getReferencedColumn()); $strategy = $constraint->onDelete(); $code = "FOREIGN KEY ($columnName) REFERENCES $refTable ($refColumn)"; if ($strategy instanceof SetDefaultStrategy) { $code .= " ON DELETE SET DEFAULT"; } else if($strategy instanceof SetNullStrategy) { $code .= " ON DELETE SET NULL"; } else if($strategy instanceof CascadeStrategy) { $code .= " ON DELETE CASCADE"; } return $code; } } protected function getValueDefinition($value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { return $value; } else if(is_bool($value)) { return $value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"; } else if(is_null($value)) { return "NULL"; } else if($value instanceof Keyword) { return $value->getValue(); } else { $str = str_replace("'", "''", $value); return "'$str'"; } } protected function addValue($val, &$params) { if ($val instanceof Keyword) { return $val->getValue(); } else { $params[] = is_bool($val) ? ($val ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") : $val; return '$' . count($params); } } protected function tableName($table) { if (is_array($table)) { $tables = array(); foreach($table as $t) $tables[] = $this->tableName($t); return implode(",", $tables); } else { return "\"$table\""; } } protected function columnName($col) { if ($col instanceof KeyWord) { return $col->getValue(); } elseif(is_array($col)) { $columns = array(); foreach($col as $c) $columns[] = $this->columnName($c); return implode(",", $columns); } else { if (($index = strrpos($col, ".")) !== FALSE) { $tableName = $this->tableName(substr($col, 0, $index)); $columnName = $this->columnName(substr($col, $index + 1)); return "$tableName.$columnName"; } else if(($index = stripos($col, " as ")) !== FALSE) { $columnName = $this->columnName(trim(substr($col, 0, $index))); $alias = $this->columnName(trim(substr($col, $index + 4))); return "$columnName as $alias"; } else { return "\"$col\""; } } } // Special Keywords and functions public function currentTimestamp() { return new Keyword("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); } } ?>