sql = $sql; $className = $entityClass->getName(); $this->logger = new Logger($entityClass->getShortName(), $sql); $this->entityClass = $entityClass; if (!$this->entityClass->isSubclassOf(DatabaseEntity::class)) { $this->raiseError("Cannot persist class '$className': Not an instance of DatabaseEntity or not instantiable."); } $this->tableName = $this->entityClass->getShortName(); $this->columns = []; // property name => database column name $this->properties = []; // property name => \ReflectionProperty $this->relations = []; // property name => referenced table name $this->constraints = []; // \Driver\SQL\Constraint\Constraint foreach ($this->entityClass->getProperties() as $property) { $propertyName = $property->getName(); if ($propertyName === "id") { $this->properties[$propertyName] = $property; continue; } $propertyType = $property->getType(); $columnName = self::getColumnName($propertyName); if (!($propertyType instanceof \ReflectionNamedType)) { $this->raiseError("Cannot persist class '$className': Property '$propertyName' has no valid type"); } $nullable = $propertyType->allowsNull(); $propertyTypeName = $propertyType->getName(); if (!empty($property->getAttributes(Transient::class))) { continue; } $defaultValue = (self::getAttribute($property, DefaultValue::class))?->getValue(); $isUnique = !empty($property->getAttributes(Unique::class)); if ($propertyTypeName === 'string') { $enum = self::getAttribute($property, Enum::class); if ($enum) { $this->columns[$propertyName] = new EnumColumn($columnName, $enum->getValues(), $nullable, $defaultValue); } else { $maxLength = self::getAttribute($property, MaxLength::class); $this->columns[$propertyName] = new StringColumn($columnName, $maxLength?->getValue(), $nullable, $defaultValue); } } else if ($propertyTypeName === 'int') { $this->columns[$propertyName] = new IntColumn($columnName, $nullable, $defaultValue); } else if ($propertyTypeName === 'float') { $this->columns[$propertyName] = new FloatColumn($columnName, $nullable, $defaultValue); } else if ($propertyTypeName === 'double') { $this->columns[$propertyName] = new DoubleColumn($columnName, $nullable, $defaultValue); } else if ($propertyTypeName === 'bool') { $this->columns[$propertyName] = new BoolColumn($columnName, $defaultValue ?? false); } else if ($propertyTypeName === 'DateTime') { $this->columns[$propertyName] = new DateTimeColumn($columnName, $nullable, $defaultValue); /*} else if ($propertyName === 'array') { $many = self::getAttribute($property, Many::class); if ($many) { $requestedType = $many->getValue(); if (isClass($requestedType)) { $requestedClass = new \ReflectionClass($requestedType); } else { $this->raiseError("Cannot persist class '$className': Property '$propertyName' has non persist-able type: $requestedType"); } } else { $this->raiseError("Cannot persist class '$className': Property '$propertyName' has non persist-able type: $propertyTypeName"); }*/ } else if ($propertyTypeName !== "mixed") { try { $requestedClass = new \ReflectionClass($propertyTypeName); if ($requestedClass->isSubclassOf(DatabaseEntity::class)) { $columnName .= "_id"; $requestedHandler = ($requestedClass->getName() === $this->entityClass->getName()) ? $this : DatabaseEntity::getHandler($this->sql, $requestedClass); $strategy = $nullable ? new SetNullStrategy() : new CascadeStrategy(); $this->columns[$propertyName] = new IntColumn($columnName, $nullable, $defaultValue); $this->constraints[] = new ForeignKey($columnName, $requestedHandler->tableName, "id", $strategy); $this->relations[$propertyName] = $requestedHandler; } else { $this->raiseError("Cannot persist class '$className': Property '$propertyName' has non persist-able type: $propertyTypeName"); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->raiseError("Cannot persist class '$className' property '$propertyTypeName': " . $ex->getMessage()); } } else { if (!empty($property->getAttributes(Json::class))) { $this->columns[$propertyName] = new JsonColumn($columnName, $nullable, $defaultValue); } else { $this->raiseError("Cannot persist class '$className': Property '$propertyName' has non persist-able type: $propertyTypeName"); } } $this->properties[$propertyName] = $property; if ($isUnique) { $this->constraints[] = new \Driver\SQL\Constraint\Unique($columnName); } } } private static function getAttribute(\ReflectionProperty $property, string $attributeClass): ?object { $attributes = $property->getAttributes($attributeClass); $attribute = array_shift($attributes); return $attribute?->newInstance(); } public static function getColumnName(string $propertyName): string { // abcTestLOL => abc_test_lol return strtolower(preg_replace_callback("/([a-z])([A-Z]+)/", function ($m) { return $m[1] . "_" . strtolower($m[2]); }, $propertyName)); } public function getReflection(): \ReflectionClass { return $this->entityClass; } public function getLogger(): Logger { return $this->logger; } public function getTableName(): string { return $this->tableName; } public function getRelations(): array { return $this->relations; } public function getColumnNames(): array { $columns = ["$this->tableName.id"]; foreach ($this->columns as $column) { $columns[] = $this->tableName . "." . $column->getName(); } return $columns; } public function getColumns(): array { return $this->columns; } public function dependsOn(): array { $foreignTables = array_map(function (DatabaseEntityHandler $relationHandler) { return $relationHandler->getTableName(); }, $this->relations); return array_unique($foreignTables); } public static function getPrefixedRow(array $row, string $prefix): array { $rel_row = []; foreach ($row as $relKey => $relValue) { if (startsWith($relKey, $prefix)) { $rel_row[substr($relKey, strlen($prefix))] = $relValue; } } return $rel_row; } public function entityFromRow(array $row): ?DatabaseEntity { try { $entity = call_user_func($this->entityClass->getName() . "::newInstance", $this->entityClass, $row); if (!($entity instanceof DatabaseEntity)) { $this->logger->error("Created Object is not of type DatabaseEntity"); return null; } foreach ($this->columns as $propertyName => $column) { $columnName = $column->getName(); if (array_key_exists($columnName, $row)) { $value = $row[$columnName]; $property = $this->properties[$propertyName]; if ($column instanceof DateTimeColumn) { $value = new \DateTime($value); } else if ($column instanceof JsonColumn) { $value = json_decode($value); } else if (isset($this->relations[$propertyName])) { $relColumnPrefix = self::getColumnName($propertyName) . "_"; if (array_key_exists($relColumnPrefix . "id", $row)) { $relId = $row[$relColumnPrefix . "id"]; if ($relId !== null) { $relationHandler = $this->relations[$propertyName]; $value = $relationHandler->entityFromRow(self::getPrefixedRow($row, $relColumnPrefix)); } else if (!$column->notNull()) { $value = null; } else { continue; } } else { continue; } } $property->setAccessible(true); $property->setValue($entity, $value); } } $this->properties["id"]->setAccessible(true); $this->properties["id"]->setValue($entity, $row["id"]); $entity->postFetch($this->sql, $row); return $entity; } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->logger->error("Error creating entity from database row: " . $exception->getMessage()); return null; } } public function getSelectQuery(): Select { return $this->sql->select(...$this->getColumnNames()) ->from($this->tableName); } public function fetchOne(int $id): DatabaseEntity|bool|null { $res = $this->getSelectQuery() ->where(new Compare($this->tableName . ".id", $id)) ->first() ->execute(); if ($res === false || $res === null) { return $res; } else { return $this->entityFromRow($res); } } public function fetchMultiple(?Condition $condition = null): ?array { $query = $this->getSelectQuery(); if ($condition) { $query->where($condition); } $res = $query->execute(); if ($res === false) { return null; } else { $entities = []; foreach ($res as $row) { $entity = $this->entityFromRow($row); if ($entity) { $entities[$entity->getId()] = $entity; } } return $entities; } } public function getTableQuery(): CreateTable { $query = $this->sql->createTable($this->tableName) ->onlyIfNotExists() ->addSerial("id") ->primaryKey("id"); foreach ($this->columns as $column) { $query->addColumn($column); } foreach ($this->constraints as $constraint) { $query->addConstraint($constraint); } return $query; } public function createTable(): bool { $query = $this->getTableQuery(); return $query->execute(); } private function prepareRow(DatabaseEntity $entity, string $action, ?array $columns = null) { $row = []; foreach ($this->columns as $propertyName => $column) { if ($columns && !in_array($column->getName(), $columns)) { continue; } $property = $this->properties[$propertyName]; $property->setAccessible(true); if ($property->isInitialized($entity)) { $value = $property->getValue($entity); if (isset($this->relations[$propertyName])) { $value = $value->getId(); } } else if (!$this->columns[$propertyName]->notNull()) { $value = null; } else { $defaultValue = self::getAttribute($property, DefaultValue::class); if ($defaultValue) { $value = $defaultValue->getValue(); } else if ($action !== "update") { $this->logger->error("Cannot $action entity: property '$propertyName' was not initialized yet."); return false; } else { continue; } } $row[$column->getName()] = $value; } return $row; } public function update(DatabaseEntity $entity, ?array $columns = null) { $row = $this->prepareRow($entity, "update", $columns); if ($row === false) { return false; } $entity->preInsert($row); $query = $this->sql->update($this->tableName) ->where(new Compare($this->tableName . ".id", $entity->getId())); foreach ($row as $columnName => $value) { $query->set($columnName, $value); } return $query->execute(); } public function insert(DatabaseEntity $entity) { $row = $this->prepareRow($entity, "insert"); if ($row === false) { return false; } $entity->preInsert($row); // insert with id? $entityId = $entity->getId(); if ($entityId !== null) { $row["id"] = $entityId; } $query = $this->sql->insert($this->tableName, array_keys($row)) ->addRow(...array_values($row)); // return id if its auto-generated if ($entityId === null) { $query->returning("id"); } $res = $query->execute(); if ($res !== false) { return $this->sql->getLastInsertId(); } else { return false; } } public function insertOrUpdate(DatabaseEntity $entity, ?array $columns = null) { $id = $entity->getId(); if ($id === null) { return $this->insert($entity); } else { return $this->update($entity, $columns); } } public function delete(int $id) { return $this->sql ->delete($this->tableName) ->where(new Compare($this->tableName . ".id", $id)) ->execute(); } private function raiseError(string $message) { $this->logger->error($message); throw new Exception($message); } }