searchable = false; } public function getTitle(): string { return "security.txt"; } public function getCode(array $params = []) { $activeRoute = $this->router->getActiveRoute(); $sql = $this->getContext()->getSQL(); $settings = $this->getSettings(); $mailSettings = Settings::getAll($sql, "^mail_"); if ($activeRoute->getPattern() === "/.well-known/security.txt") { // The order in which they appear is not an indication of priority; the listed languages are intended to have equal priority. $languageCodes = implode(", ", array_map(function (Language $language) { return $language->getShortCode(); }, Language::findAll($sql))); $expires = (new \DateTime())->setTime(0, 0, 0)->modify("+3 months"); $baseUrl = $settings->getBaseUrl(); $gpgKey = null; $lines = [ "# This project is based on the open-source framework hosted on", "# Any non site-specific issues can be reported via the github security reporting feature:", "#", "", "Canonical: $baseUrl/.well-known/security.txt", "Preferred-Languages: $languageCodes", "Expires: " . $expires->format(DateTimeInterface::ATOM), "", ]; if (isset($mailSettings["mail_contact"])) { $lines[] = "Contact: " . $mailSettings["mail_contact"]; if (isset($mailSettings["mail_contact_gpg_key_id"])) { $gpgKey = GpgKey::find($sql, $mailSettings["mail_contact_gpg_key_id"]); if ($gpgKey) { $lines[] = "Encryption: $baseUrl/.well-known/gpg-key.txt"; } } } $code = implode("\n", $lines); if ($gpgKey !== null) { $res = GpgKey::sign($code, $gpgKey->getFingerprint()); if ($res["success"]) { $code = $res["data"]; } } return $code; } else if ($activeRoute->getPattern() === "/.well-known/gpg-key.txt") { if (isset($mailSettings["mail_contact_gpg_key_id"])) { $gpgKey = GpgKey::find($sql, $mailSettings["mail_contact_gpg_key_id"]); if ($gpgKey !== null) { header("Content-Type: text/plain"); $res = $gpgKey->_export(true); if ($res["success"]) { return $res["data"]; } else { return "Error exporting public key: " . $res["msg"]; } } } else { http_response_code(412); return "No gpg key configured yet."; } } http_response_code(404); return ""; } public function sendHeaders(): void { parent::sendHeaders(); header("Content-Type: text/plain"); } }