user); $this->success = $req->execute(array("key" => "^mail_")); $this->lastError = $req->getLastError(); if ($this->success) { $settings = $req->getResult()["settings"]; if (!isset($settings["mail_enabled"]) || $settings["mail_enabled"] !== "1") { $this->createError("Mail is not configured yet."); return null; } $host = $settings["mail_host"] ?? "localhost"; $port = intval($settings["mail_port"] ?? "25"); $login = $settings["mail_username"] ?? ""; $password = $settings["mail_password"] ?? ""; $connectionData = new ConnectionData($host, $port, $login, $password); $connectionData->setProperty("from", $settings["mail_from"] ?? ""); $connectionData->setProperty("last_sync", $settings["mail_last_sync"] ?? ""); return $connectionData; } return null; } } } namespace Api\Mail { use Api\MailAPI; use Api\Parameter\Parameter; use Api\Parameter\StringType; use Driver\SQL\Column\Column; use Driver\SQL\Condition\Compare; use Driver\SQL\Condition\CondIn; use Driver\SQL\Strategy\UpdateStrategy; use External\PHPMailer\Exception; use External\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; use Objects\ConnectionData; use Objects\User; class Test extends MailAPI { public function __construct(User $user, bool $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array( "receiver" => new Parameter("receiver", Parameter::TYPE_EMAIL) )); } public function execute($values = array()): bool { if (!parent::execute($values)) { return false; } $receiver = $this->getParam("receiver"); $req = new \Api\Mail\Send($this->user); $this->success = $req->execute(array( "to" => $receiver, "subject" => "Test E-Mail", "body" => "Hey! If you receive this e-mail, your mail configuration seems to be working." )); $this->lastError = $req->getLastError(); return $this->success; } } class Send extends MailAPI { public function __construct($user, $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array( 'to' => new Parameter('to', Parameter::TYPE_EMAIL, true, null), 'subject' => new StringType('subject', -1), 'body' => new StringType('body', -1), 'replyTo' => new Parameter('replyTo', Parameter::TYPE_EMAIL, true, null), 'replyName' => new StringType('replyName', 32, true, "") )); $this->isPublic = false; } public function execute($values = array()): bool { if (!parent::execute($values)) { return false; } $mailConfig = $this->getMailConfig(); if (!$this->success) { return false; } $fromMail = $mailConfig->getProperty('from'); $toMail = $this->getParam('to') ?? $fromMail; $subject = $this->getParam('subject'); $replyTo = $this->getParam('replyTo'); $replyName = $this->getParam('replyName'); try { $mail = new PHPMailer; $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->setFrom($fromMail); $mail->addAddress($toMail); if ($replyTo) { $mail->addReplyTo($replyTo, $replyName); } $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->SMTPDebug = 0; $mail->Host = $mailConfig->getHost(); $mail->Port = $mailConfig->getPort(); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $mailConfig->getLogin(); $mail->Password = $mailConfig->getPassword(); $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->Body = $this->getParam('body'); $this->success = @$mail->Send(); if (!$this->success) { $this->lastError = "Error sending Mail: $mail->ErrorInfo"; error_log("sendMail() failed: $mail->ErrorInfo"); } else { $this->result["messageId"] = $mail->getLastMessageID(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->success = false; $this->lastError = "Error sending Mail: $e"; } return $this->success; } } // TODO: IMAP mail settings :( // TODO: attachments class Sync extends MailAPI { public function __construct(User $user, bool $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array()); $this->loginRequired = true; } private function fetchMessageIds() { $sql = $this->user->getSQL(); $res = $sql->select("uid", "messageId") ->from("ContactRequest") ->where(new Compare("messageId", NULL, "!=")) ->execute(); $this->success = ($res !== false); $this->lastError = $sql->getLastError(); if (!$this->success) { return false; } $messageIds = []; foreach ($res as $row) { $messageIds[$row["messageId"]] = $row["uid"]; } return $messageIds; } private function findContactRequest(array &$messageIds, array &$references): ?int { foreach ($references as &$ref) { if (isset($messageIds[$ref])) { return $messageIds[$ref]; } } return null; } private function parseBody(string $body): string { // TODO clean this up return trim($body); } private function insertMessages($messages): bool { $sql = $this->user->getSQL(); $query = $sql->insert("ContactMessage", ["request_id", "user_id", "message", "messageId", "created_at"]) ->onDuplicateKeyStrategy(new UpdateStrategy(["message_id"], ["message" => new Column("message")])); $entityIds = []; foreach ($messages as $message) { $requestId = $message["requestId"]; $query->addRow( $requestId, $sql->select("uid")->from("User")->where(new Compare("email", $message["from"]))->limit(1), $message["body"], $message["messageId"], (new \DateTime())->setTimeStamp($message["timestamp"]), ); if (!in_array($requestId, $entityIds)) { $entityIds[] = $requestId; } } $this->success = $query->execute(); $this->lastError = $sql->getLastError(); // Update entity log if ($this->success && count($entityIds) > 0) { $sql->update("EntityLog") ->set("modified", $sql->now()) ->where(new CondIn("entityId", $entityIds)) ->execute(); } return $this->success; } private function parseDate($date) { $formats = [null, "D M d Y H:i:s e+", "D, j M Y H:i:s e+"]; foreach ($formats as $format) { try { $dateObj = ($format === null ? new \DateTime($date) : \DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date)); if ($dateObj) { return $dateObj; } } catch (\Exception $exception) { } } return $this->createError("Could not parse date: $date"); } private function getReference(ConnectionData $mailConfig): string { $port = 993; $host = str_replace("smtp", "imap", $mailConfig->getHost()); $flags = ["/ssl"]; return '{' . $host . ':' . $port . implode("", $flags) . '}'; } private function connect(ConnectionData $mailConfig) { $username = $mailConfig->getLogin(); $password = $mailConfig->getPassword(); $ref = $this->getReference($mailConfig); $mbox = @imap_open($ref, $username, $password, OP_READONLY); if (!$mbox) { return $this->createError("Can't connect to mail server via IMAP: " . imap_last_error()); } return $mbox; } private function listFolders(ConnectionData $mailConfig, $mbox) { $boxes = @imap_list($mbox, $this->getReference($mailConfig), '*'); if (!$boxes) { return $this->createError("Error listing imap folders: " . imap_last_error()); } return $boxes; } private function getSenderAddress($header): string { if (property_exists($header, "reply_to") && count($header->reply_to) > 0) { $mailBox = $header->reply_to[0]->mailbox; $host = $header->reply_to[0]->host; } else if (property_exists($header, "from") && count($header->from) > 0) { $mailBox = $header->from[0]->mailbox; $host = $header->from[0]->host; } else { return "unknown_addr"; } return "$mailBox@$host"; } private function runSearch($mbox, string $searchCriteria, ?\DateTime $lastSyncDateTime, array $messageIds, array &$messages) { $result = @imap_search($mbox, $searchCriteria); if ($result === false) { $err = imap_last_error(); // might return false, if not messages were found, so we can just abort without throwing an error return empty($err) ? true : $this->createError("Could not run search: $err"); } foreach ($result as $msgNo) { $header = imap_headerinfo($mbox, $msgNo); $date = $this->parseDate($header->date); if ($date === false) { return false; } if ($lastSyncDateTime === null || \datetimeDiff($lastSyncDateTime, $date) > 0) { $references = property_exists($header, "references") ? explode(" ", $header->references) : []; $requestId = $this->findContactRequest($messageIds, $references); if ($requestId) { $messageId = $header->message_id; $senderAddress = $this->getSenderAddress($header); $structure = imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $msgNo); $attachments = []; $hasAttachments = (property_exists($structure, "parts")); if ($hasAttachments) { foreach ($structure->parts as $part) { $disposition = (property_exists($part, "disposition") ? $part->disposition : null); if ($disposition === "attachment") { $fileName = array_filter($part->dparameters, function($param) { return $param->attribute === "filename"; }); if (count($fileName) > 0) { $attachments[] = $fileName[0]->value; } } } } $body = imap_fetchbody($mbox, $msgNo, "1"); $body = $this->parseBody($body); $messages[] = [ "messageId" => $messageId, "requestId" => $requestId, "timestamp" => $date->getTimestamp(), "from" => $senderAddress, "body" => $body, "attachments" => $attachments ]; } } } return true; } public function execute($values = array()): bool { if (!parent::execute($values)) { return false; } if (!function_exists("imap_open")) { return $this->createError("IMAP is not enabled. Enable it inside the php config. For more information visit:"); } $messageIds = $this->fetchMessageIds(); if ($messageIds === false) { return false; } else if (count($messageIds) === 0) { // nothing to sync here return true; } $mailConfig = $this->getMailConfig(); if (!$this->success) { return false; } $mbox = $this->connect($mailConfig); if ($mbox === false) { return false; } $boxes = $this->listFolders($mailConfig, $mbox); if ($boxes === false) { return false; } $now = (new \DateTime())->getTimestamp(); $lastSync = intval($mailConfig->getProperty("last_sync", "0")); if ($lastSync > 0) { $lastSyncDateTime = (new \DateTime())->setTimeStamp($lastSync); $dateStr = $lastSyncDateTime->format("d-M-Y"); $searchCriteria = "SINCE \"$dateStr\""; } else { $lastSyncDateTime = null; $searchCriteria = "ALL"; } $messages = []; foreach ($boxes as $box) { imap_reopen($mbox, $box); if (!$this->runSearch($mbox, $searchCriteria, $lastSyncDateTime, $messageIds,$messages)) { return false; } } @imap_close($mbox); if (!empty($messages) && !$this->insertMessages($messages)) { return false; } $req = new \Api\Settings\Set($this->user); $this->success = $req->execute(array("settings" => array("mail_last_sync" => "$now"))); $this->lastError = $req->getLastError(); return $this->success; } } }