databaseRequired = false; } } } namespace Documents\Install { use Core\Configuration\Configuration; use Core\Driver\SQL\SQL; use Core\Elements\Body; use Core\Elements\Head; use Core\Elements\Link; use Core\Elements\Script; use Core\External\PHPMailer\Exception; use Core\External\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; use Core\Objects\ConnectionData; use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\Group; use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\User; class InstallHead extends Head { public function __construct($document) { parent::__construct($document); } protected function initSources() { $this->loadJQuery(); $this->loadBootstrap(); $this->loadFontawesome(); $this->addJS(Script::CORE); $this->addCSS(Link::CORE); $this->addJS(Script::INSTALL); } protected function initMetas(): array { return [ ['name' => 'viewport', 'content' => 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'], ['name' => 'format-detection', 'content' => 'telephone=yes'], ['charset' => 'utf-8'], ["http-equiv" => 'expires', 'content' => '0'], ["name" => 'robots', 'content' => 'noarchive'], ]; } protected function initRawFields(): array { return []; } protected function initTitle(): string { return "WebBase - Installation"; } } class InstallBody extends Body { // Status enum const NOT_STARTED = 0; const PENDING = 1; const SUCCESSFUL = 2; const ERROR = 3; // Step enum const CHECKING_REQUIREMENTS = 1; const INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES = 2; const DATABASE_CONFIGURATION = 3; const CREATE_USER = 4; const ADD_MAIL_SERVICE = 5; const FINISH_INSTALLATION = 6; // private string $errorString; private int $currentStep; private array $steps; function __construct($document) { parent::__construct($document); $this->errorString = ""; $this->currentStep = InstallBody::CHECKING_REQUIREMENTS; $this->steps = []; } private function getParameter($name): ?string { if (isset($_REQUEST[$name]) && is_string($_REQUEST[$name])) { return trim($_REQUEST[$name]); } return NULL; } private function yarnInstall(string $reactDir): array { $fds = [ "1" => ["pipe", "w"], "2" => ["pipe", "w"], ]; $proc = proc_open("yarn install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive", $fds, $pipes, $reactDir); $output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]) . stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); $status = proc_close($proc); return [$status, $output]; } private function yarnBuild(string $reactDir): array { $fds = [ "1" => ["pipe", "w"], "2" => ["pipe", "w"], ]; $proc = proc_open("yarn run build", $fds, $pipes, $reactDir); $output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]) . stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); $status = proc_close($proc); return [$status, $output]; } private function composerInstall(bool $dryRun = false): array { $command = "composer install"; if ($dryRun) { $command .= " --dry-run"; } $fds = [ "1" => ["pipe", "w"], "2" => ["pipe", "w"], ]; $dir = $this->getExternalDirectory(); $env = null; if (!getenv("HOME")) { $env = ["COMPOSER_HOME" => $dir]; } $proc = proc_open($command, $fds, $pipes, $dir, $env); $output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]) . stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); $status = proc_close($proc); return [$status, $output]; } private function getExternalDirectory(bool $absolute = true): string { if ($absolute) { return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [WEBROOT, "Core", "External"]); } else { return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ["Core", "External"]); } } private function getCurrentStep(): int { if (!$this->checkRequirements()["success"]) { return self::CHECKING_REQUIREMENTS; } // TODO: also check the presence of react dist? $externalDir = $this->getExternalDirectory(); $autoload = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$externalDir, "vendor", "autoload.php"]); if (!is_file($autoload)) { return self::INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES; } else { list ($status, $output) = $this->composerInstall(true); if ($status !== 0) { $this->errorString = "Error executing 'composer install --dry-run'. Please verify that the command succeeds locally and then try again. Status Code: $status, Output: $output"; return self::CHECKING_REQUIREMENTS; } else { if (!contains($output, "Nothing to install, update or remove")) { return self::INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES; } } } $context = $this->getDocument()->getContext(); $config = $context->getConfig(); // Check if database configuration exists if (!$config->getDatabase()) { return self::DATABASE_CONFIGURATION; } $sql = $context->getSQL(); if (!$sql || !$sql->isConnected() || !$sql->tableExists(User::getHandler($sql)->getTableName())) { return self::DATABASE_CONFIGURATION; } $userCount = User::count($sql); if ($userCount === FALSE) { return self::DATABASE_CONFIGURATION; } else { if ($userCount > 0) { $step = self::ADD_MAIL_SERVICE; } else { return self::CREATE_USER; } } if ($step === self::ADD_MAIL_SERVICE) { $req = new \Core\API\Settings\Get($context); $success = $req->execute(["key" => "^mail_enabled$"]); if (!$success) { $this->errorString = $req->getLastError(); return self::DATABASE_CONFIGURATION; } else if (isset($req->getResult()["settings"]["mail_enabled"])) { $step = self::FINISH_INSTALLATION; $req = new \Core\API\Settings\Set($context); $success = $req->execute(["settings" => ["installation_completed" => true]]); if (!$success) { $this->errorString = $req->getLastError(); } } } return $step; } private function command_exist(string $cmd): bool { $return = shell_exec(sprintf("which %s 2>/dev/null", escapeshellarg($cmd))); return !empty($return); } private function checkRequirements(): array { $msg = $this->errorString; $success = true; $failedRequirements = []; $requiredDirectories = [ "/Site/Cache", "/Site/Logs", "/Site/Configuration", "/Core/External/vendor", "/files/uploaded", "/react", ]; $nonWritableDirectories = []; foreach ($requiredDirectories as $directory) { if (!is_writeable(WEBROOT . $directory)) { $nonWritableDirectories[] = $directory; } } if (!empty($nonWritableDirectories)) { $currentUser = getCurrentUsername(); if (function_exists("posix_getuid")) { $currentUser .= " (uid: " . posix_getuid() . ")"; } $failedRequirements[] = "One or more directories are not writable. " . "Make sure the current user $currentUser has write-access to following locations:" . $this->createUnorderedList($nonWritableDirectories); $success = false; } if (!class_exists("Redis")) { $failedRequirements[] = "redis extension is not installed."; $success = false; } if (!function_exists("yaml_emit")) { $failedRequirements[] = "YAML extension is not installed."; $success = false; } $requiredVersion = "8.2"; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $requiredVersion, '<')) { $failedRequirements[] = "PHP Version >= $requiredVersion is required. Got: " . PHP_VERSION . ""; $success = false; } if (!$this->command_exist("composer")) { $failedRequirements[] = "Composer is not installed or cannot be found."; $success = false; } if (!$this->command_exist("yarn")) { $failedRequirements[] = "Yarn is not installed or cannot be found."; $success = false; } if (!$success) { $msg = "The following requirements failed the check:
" . $this->createUnorderedList($failedRequirements); $this->errorString = $msg; } return ["success" => $success, "msg" => $msg]; } private function installDependencies(): array { list ($status, $output) = $this->composerInstall(); if ($status === 0) { $reactDir = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [WEBROOT, "react"]); list ($status, $output) = $this->yarnInstall($reactDir); if ($status === 0) { list ($status, $output) = $this->yarnBuild($reactDir); } } return ["success" => $status === 0, "msg" => $output]; } private function databaseConfiguration(): array { $host = $this->getParameter("host"); $port = $this->getParameter("port"); $username = $this->getParameter("username"); $password = $this->getParameter("password"); $database = $this->getParameter("database"); $type = $this->getParameter("type"); $encoding = $this->getParameter("encoding") ?? "UTF8"; $success = true; $missingInputs = []; if (empty($host)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "Host"; } if (empty($port)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "Port"; } if (empty($username)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "Username"; } if (is_null($password)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "Password"; } if (empty($database)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "Database"; } if (empty($type)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "Type"; } $supportedTypes = ["mysql", "postgres"]; if (!$success) { $msg = "Please fill out the following inputs:
" . $this->createUnorderedList($missingInputs); } else if (!is_numeric($port) || ($port = intval($port)) < 1 || $port > 65535) { $msg = "Port must be in range of 1-65535."; $success = false; } else if (!in_array($type, $supportedTypes)) { $msg = "Unsupported database type. Must be one of: " . implode(", ", $supportedTypes); $success = false; } else { $connectionData = new ConnectionData($host, $port, $username, $password); $connectionData->setProperty('database', $database); $connectionData->setProperty('encoding', $encoding); $connectionData->setProperty('type', $type); $connectionData->setProperty('isDocker', isDocker()); $sql = SQL::createConnection($connectionData); $success = false; if (is_string($sql)) { $msg = "Error connecting to database: $sql"; } else if (!$sql->isConnected()) { if (!$sql->checkRequirements()) { $driverName = $sql->getDriverName(); $installLink = "$driverName.setup.php"; $link = $this->createExternalLink($installLink); $msg = "$driverName is not enabled yet. See: $link"; } else { $msg = "Error connecting to database:
" . $sql->getLastError(); } } else { $msg = ""; $success = true; // create site specific database scheme if present if (isClass(\Site\Configuration\CreateDatabase::class)) { $queries = \Site\Configuration\CreateDatabase::createQueries($sql); } else { $queries = \Core\Configuration\CreateDatabase::createQueries($sql); } try { $sql->startTransaction(); foreach ($queries as $query) { if (!$query->execute()) { $msg = "Error creating tables: " . $sql->getLastError(); $success = false; } if (!$success) { break; } } } finally { if (!$success) { $sql->rollback(); } else { $sql->commit(); } } if ($success) { $context = $this->getDocument()->getContext(); $config = $context->getConfig(); if (Configuration::create(\Site\Configuration\Database::class, $connectionData) === false) { $success = false; $msg = "Unable to write database file"; } else { $config->setDatabase($connectionData); if (!$context->initSQL()) { $success = false; $msg = "Unable to verify database connection after installation"; } else { $req = new \Core\API\Routes\GenerateCache($context); if (!$req->execute()) { $success = false; $msg = "Unable to write route file: " . $req->getLastError(); } } } } $sql->close(); } } return ["success" => $success, "msg" => $msg]; } private function createUser(): array { $context = $this->getDocument()->getContext(); if ($this->getParameter("prev") === "true") { // TODO: drop the previous database here? /* $success = $context->getConfig()->delete("\\Site\\Configuration\\Database"); $msg = $success ? "" : error_get_last(); return ["success" => $success, "msg" => $msg]; */ return ["success" => false, "msg" => "Cannot revert this installation step."]; } $username = $this->getParameter("username"); $password = $this->getParameter("password"); $confirmPassword = $this->getParameter("confirmPassword"); $email = $this->getParameter("email") ?? ""; $success = true; $missingInputs = []; if (empty($username)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "Username"; } if (empty($password)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "Password"; } if (empty($confirmPassword)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "Confirm Password"; } if (!$success) { $msg = "Please fill out the following inputs:
" . $this->createUnorderedList($missingInputs); } else { $req = new \Core\API\User\Create($context); $success = $req->execute([ 'username' => $username, 'email' => $email, 'password' => $password, 'confirmPassword' => $confirmPassword, 'groups' => [Group::ADMIN] ]); $msg = $req->getLastError(); } return ["msg" => $msg, "success" => $success]; } private function addMailService(): array { $context = $this->getDocument()->getContext(); if ($this->getParameter("prev") === "true") { $sql = $context->getSQL(); $success = $sql->delete("User")->execute(); $msg = $sql->getLastError(); return ["success" => $success, "msg" => $msg]; } if ($this->getParameter("skip") === "true") { $req = new \Core\API\Settings\Set($context); $success = $req->execute(["settings" => ["mail_enabled" => false]]); $msg = $req->getLastError(); } else { $address = $this->getParameter("address"); $port = $this->getParameter("port"); $username = $this->getParameter("username"); $password = $this->getParameter("password"); $success = true; $missingInputs = []; if (empty($address)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "SMTP Address"; } if (empty($port)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "Port"; } if (empty($username)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "Username"; } if (is_null($password)) { $success = false; $missingInputs[] = "Password"; } if (!$success) { $msg = "Please fill out the following inputs:
" . $this->createUnorderedList($missingInputs); } else if (!is_numeric($port) || ($port = intval($port)) < 1 || $port > 65535) { $msg = "Port must be in range of 1-65535."; $success = false; } else { $success = false; $mail = new PHPMailer(true); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $username; $mail->Password = $password; $mail->Host = $address; $mail->Port = $port; $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; $mail->Timeout = 10; try { $success = $mail->SmtpConnect(); if (!$success) { $error = empty($mail->ErrorInfo) ? "Unknown Error" : $mail->ErrorInfo; $msg = "Could not connect to SMTP Server: $error"; } else { $success = true; $msg = ""; $mail->smtpClose(); } } catch (Exception $error) { $msg = "Could not connect to SMTP Server: " . $error->errorMessage(); } if ($success) { $req = new \Core\API\Settings\Set($context); $success = $req->execute(["settings" => [ "mail_enabled" => true, "mail_host" => $address, "mail_port" => $port, "mail_username" => $username, "mail_password" => $password, ]]); $msg = $req->getLastError(); } } } return ["success" => $success, "msg" => $msg]; } private function performStep(): array { return match ($this->currentStep) { self::CHECKING_REQUIREMENTS => $this->checkRequirements(), self::INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES => $this->installDependencies(), self::DATABASE_CONFIGURATION => $this->databaseConfiguration(), self::CREATE_USER => $this->createUser(), self::ADD_MAIL_SERVICE => $this->addMailService(), default => [ "success" => false, "msg" => "Invalid step number" ], }; } private function createProgressSidebar(): array { $items = []; foreach ($this->steps as $num => $step) { $title = $step["title"]; $status = $step["status"]; switch ($status) { case self::PENDING: $statusIcon = $this->createIcon("spinner"); $statusText = "Loading…"; $statusColor = "muted"; break; case self::SUCCESSFUL: $statusIcon = $this->createIcon("check-circle"); $statusText = "Successful"; $statusColor = "success"; break; case self::ERROR: $statusIcon = $this->createIcon("times-circle"); $statusText = "Failed"; $statusColor = "danger"; break; case self::NOT_STARTED: default: $statusIcon = $this->createIcon("circle", "far"); $statusText = "Pending"; $statusColor = "muted"; break; } $attr = ["class" => "list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between lh-condensed"]; if ($num == $this->currentStep) { $attr["id"] = "currentStep"; } $items[] = html_tag("li", $attr, [ html_tag("div", [], [ html_tag("h6", ["class" => "my-0"], $title), html_tag("small", ["class" => "text-$statusColor"], $statusText), ], false), html_tag("span", ["class" => "text-$statusColor"], $statusIcon, false) ], false); } return $items; } private function createFormItem($formItem, $inline = false): string { $title = $formItem["title"]; $name = $formItem["name"]; $type = $formItem["type"]; $attributes = [ "name" => $name, "id" => $name, "class" => "form-control" ]; if (isset($formItem["required"]) && $formItem["required"]) { $attributes["required"] = ""; } if ($type !== "select") { $attributes["type"] = $type; if (isset($formItem["value"]) && $formItem["value"]) { $attributes["value"] = $formItem["value"]; } if ($type === "number") { if (isset($formItem["min"]) && is_numeric($formItem["min"])) $attributes["min"] = $formItem["min"]; if (isset($formItem["max"]) && is_numeric($formItem["max"])) $attributes["max"] = $formItem["max"]; if (isset($formItem["step"]) && is_numeric($formItem["step"])) $attributes["step"] = $formItem["step"]; } else { if (isset($formItem["default"])) { $attributes["value"] = $formItem["default"]; } } } if ($type === "select") { $items = $formItem["items"] ?? 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"col-md-6 mb-3" : "d-block my-3"); return html_tag_ex("div", ["class" => $className], $label . $element, false); } private function createProgressMainView(): string { if (isDocker()) { $env = loadEnv(); $defaultHost = "db"; $defaultUsername = "root"; $defaultDatabase = "webbase"; $defaultPassword = $env && array_key_exists("MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD", $env) ? $env["MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"] : ""; } else { $defaultHost = "localhost"; $defaultUsername = ""; $defaultDatabase = ""; $defaultPassword = ""; } $views = [ self::CHECKING_REQUIREMENTS => [ "title" => "Application Requirements", "progressText" => "Checking requirements, please wait a moment…" ], self::INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES => [ "title" => "Installing Dependencies", "progressText" => "Please wait while required dependencies are being installed…", ], self::DATABASE_CONFIGURATION => [ "title" => "Database configuration", "form" => [ ["title" => "Database Type", "name" => "type", "type" => "select", "required" => true, "items" => [ "mysql" => "MySQL", "postgres" => "PostgreSQL" ]], ["title" => "Username", "name" => "username", "type" => "text", "required" => true, "default" => $defaultUsername], ["title" => "Password", "name" => "password", "type" => "password", "default" => $defaultPassword], ["title" => "Database", "name" => "database", "type" => "text", "required" => true, "default" => $defaultDatabase], ["type" => "row", "items" => [ [ "title" => "Address", "name" => "host", "type" => "text", "required" => true, "value" => "localhost", "row" => true, "default" => $defaultHost ], [ "title" => "Port", "name" => "port", "type" => "number", "required" => true, "value" => "3306", "min" => "1", "max" => "65535", "row" => true ] ]], [ "title" => "Encoding", "name" => "encoding", "type" => "text", "required" => false, "value" => "UTF8" ], ] ], self::CREATE_USER => [ "title" => "Create a User", "form" => [ ["title" => "Username", "name" => "username", "type" => "text", "required" => true], ["title" => "Email", "name" => "email", "type" => "text"], ["title" => "Password", "name" => "password", "type" => "password", "required" => true], ["title" => "Confirm Password", "name" => "confirmPassword", "type" => "password", "required" => true], ], "previousButton" => false, ], self::ADD_MAIL_SERVICE => [ "title" => "Optional: Add Mail Service", "form" => [ ["title" => "Username", "name" => "username", "type" => "text", "required" => true], ["title" => "Password", "name" => "password", "type" => "password"], ["type" => "row", "items" => [ [ "title" => "SMTP Address", "name" => "address", "type" => "text", "required" => true, "value" => "localhost", "row" => true ], [ "title" => "Port", "name" => "port", "type" => "number", "required" => true, "value" => "587", "min" => "1", "max" => "65535", "row" => true ] ]], ], "skip" => true, "previousButton" => true ], self::FINISH_INSTALLATION => [ "title" => "Finish Installation", "text" => "Installation finished, you can now customize your own website, check the source code and stuff." ] ]; if (!isset($views[$this->currentStep])) { return ""; } $currentView = $views[$this->currentStep]; $prevDisabled = !isset($currentView["previousButton"]) || !$currentView["previousButton"]; $spinnerIcon = $this->createIcon("spinner"); $title = $currentView["title"]; $html = html_tag("h4", ["class" => "mb-3"], $title); $html .= html_tag_short("h4", ["class" => "mb-4"]); if (isset($currentView["text"])) { $text = $currentView["text"]; $html .= html_tag("div", ["class" => "my-3"], $text); } if (isset($currentView["progressText"])) { $progressText = htmlspecialchars($currentView["progressText"]); $class = ["my-3"]; if (!in_array($this->currentStep, [self::CHECKING_REQUIREMENTS, self::INSTALL_DEPENDENCIES])) { $class[] = "d-none"; } $html .= html_tag("div", ["class" => $class, "id" => "progressText"], [$progressText, $spinnerIcon], false); } if (isset($currentView["form"])) { $rows = []; foreach ($currentView["form"] as $formItem) { if ($formItem["type"] === "row") { $rows[] = html_tag("div", ["class" => "row"], array_map(function ($item) { return $this->createFormItem($item, true); 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$this->currentStep = $this->getCurrentStep(); // set status for ($step = self::CHECKING_REQUIREMENTS; $step < $this->currentStep; $step++) { $this->steps[$step]["status"] = self::SUCCESSFUL; } if ($this->currentStep == self::FINISH_INSTALLATION) { $this->steps[$this->currentStep]["status"] = self::SUCCESSFUL; } // POST if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['status'])) { $response = $this->performStep(); } else { $response = ["error" => $this->errorString]; } $response["step"] = $this->currentStep; die(json_encode($response)); } $progressSidebar = $this->createProgressSidebar(); $progressMainView = $this->createProgressMainView(); $errorAttrs = ["class" => ["alert", "alert-danger", "mt-4"], "id" => "status"]; if ($this->errorString) { $errorAttrs["class"][] = "alert-danger"; } else { $errorAttrs["class"][] = "d-none"; } $html .= html_tag("body", ["class" => "bg-light"], html_tag("div", ["class" => "container"], [ // title html_tag("div", ["class" => "py-5 text-center"], [ html_tag("h2", [], "WebBase - Installation"), html_tag("p", ["class" => "lead"], "Process the following steps and fill out the required forms to install your WebBase-Installation." ) ], false), // content html_tag("div", ["class" => "row"], [ // right column html_tag("div", ["class" => "col-md-4 order-md-2 mb-4"], [ html_tag("h4", ["class" => "d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center mb-3"], html_tag("span", ["class" => "text-muted"], "Progress"), false ), html_tag("ul", ["class" => "list-group mb-3"], $progressSidebar, false) ], false), // left column html_tag("div", ["class" => "col-md-8 order-md-1"], [ $progressMainView, html_tag("div", $errorAttrs, $this->errorString, false) ], false) ], false), ], false), false ); return $html; } } }