loginRequirements = Request::LOGGED_IN; } } } namespace Core\API\GpgKey { use Core\API\GpgKeyAPI; use Core\API\Parameter\Parameter; use Core\API\Parameter\StringType; use Core\API\Template\Render; use Core\API\Traits\GpgKeyValidation; use Core\Driver\SQL\Condition\Compare; use Core\Objects\Context; use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\GpgKey; use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\User; use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\UserToken; class Import extends GpgKeyAPI { use GpgKeyValidation; public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, [ "publicKey" => new StringType("publicKey") ]); $this->forbidMethod("GET"); } public function _execute(): bool { $currentUser = $this->context->getUser(); $gpgKey = $currentUser->getGPG(); if ($gpgKey) { return $this->createError("You already added a GPG key to your account."); } else if (!$currentUser->getEmail()) { return $this->createError("You do not have an e-mail address"); } // fix key first, enforce a newline after $keyString = $this->formatKey($this->getParam("publicKey")); $keyData = $this->testKey($keyString); if ($keyData === false) { return false; } $res = GpgKey::importKey($keyString); if (!$res["success"]) { return $this->createError($res["error"]); } $sql = $this->context->getSQL(); $gpgKey = new GpgKey($keyData["fingerprint"], $keyData["algorithm"], $keyData["expires"]); if (!$gpgKey->save($sql)) { return $this->createError("Error creating gpg key: " . $sql->getLastError()); } $token = generateRandomString(36); $userToken = new UserToken($currentUser, $token, UserToken::TYPE_GPG_CONFIRM, 1); if (!$userToken->save($sql)) { return $this->createError("Error saving user token: " . $sql->getLastError()); } $validHours = 1; $settings = $this->context->getSettings(); $baseUrl = $settings->getBaseUrl(); $siteName = $settings->getSiteName(); $req = new Render($this->context); $this->success = $req->execute([ "file" => "mail/gpg_import.twig", "parameters" => [ "link" => "$baseUrl/confirmGPG?token=$token", "site_name" => $siteName, "base_url" => $baseUrl, "username" => $currentUser->getDisplayName(), "valid_time" => $this->formatDuration($validHours, "hour") ] ]); $this->lastError = $req->getLastError(); if ($this->success) { $messageBody = $req->getResult()["html"]; $sendMail = new \Core\API\Mail\Send($this->context); $this->success = $sendMail->execute(array( "to" => $currentUser->getEmail(), "subject" => "[$siteName] Confirm GPG-Key", "body" => $messageBody, "gpgFingerprint" => $gpgKey->getFingerprint() )); $this->lastError = $sendMail->getLastError(); if ($this->success) { $currentUser->gpgKey = $gpgKey; if ($currentUser->save($sql, ["gpgKey"])) { $this->result["gpgKey"] = $gpgKey->jsonSerialize(); } else { return $this->createError("Error updating user details: " . $sql->getLastError()); } } } return $this->success; } public static function getDescription(): string { return "Allows users to import gpg keys for a secure e-mail communication"; } } class Remove extends GpgKeyAPI { public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, array( "password" => new StringType("password") )); $this->forbidMethod("GET"); } public function _execute(): bool { $currentUser = $this->context->getUser(); $gpgKey = $currentUser->getGPG(); if (!$gpgKey) { return $this->createError("You have not added a GPG public key to your account yet."); } $sql = $this->context->getSQL(); $password = $this->getParam("password"); if (!password_verify($password, $currentUser->password)) { return $this->createError("Incorrect password."); } else if (!$gpgKey->delete($sql)) { return $this->createError("Error deleting gpg key: " . $sql->getLastError()); } return $this->success; } public static function getDescription(): string { return "Allows users to unlink gpg keys from their profile"; } } class Confirm extends GpgKeyAPI { public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, [ "token" => new StringType("token", 36) ]); } public function _execute(): bool { $currentUser = $this->context->getUser(); $gpgKey = $currentUser->getGPG(); if (!$gpgKey) { return $this->createError("You have not added a GPG key yet"); } else if ($gpgKey->isConfirmed()) { return $this->createError("Your GPG key is already confirmed"); } $token = $this->getParam("token"); $sql = $this->context->getSQL(); $userToken = UserToken::findBy(UserToken::createBuilder($sql, true) ->whereEq("token", hash("sha512", $token, false)) ->where(new Compare("valid_until", $sql->now(), ">=")) ->whereEq("user_id", $currentUser->getId()) ->whereEq("token_type", UserToken::TYPE_GPG_CONFIRM)); if ($userToken !== false) { if ($userToken === null) { return $this->createError("Invalid token"); } else { if (!$gpgKey->confirm($sql)) { return $this->createError("Error updating GPG key: " . $sql->getLastError()); } $userToken->invalidate($sql); } } else { return $this->createError("Error validating token: " . $sql->getLastError()); } return $this->success; } public static function getDescription(): string { return "Allows users to confirm their imported gpg key"; } } class Download extends GpgKeyAPI { public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, array( "id" => new Parameter("id", Parameter::TYPE_INT, true, null), "format" => new StringType("format", 16, true, "ascii") )); $this->csrfTokenRequired = false; } public function _execute(): bool { $allowedFormats = ["json", "ascii", "gpg"]; $format = $this->getParam("format"); if (!in_array($format, $allowedFormats)) { return $this->getParam("Invalid requested format. Allowed formats: " . implode(",", $allowedFormats)); } $currentUser = $this->context->getUser(); $userId = $this->getParam("id"); if ($userId === null || $userId == $currentUser->getId()) { $gpgKey = $currentUser->getGPG(); if (!$gpgKey) { return $this->createError("You did not add a gpg key yet."); } $email = $currentUser->getEmail(); } else { $sql = $this->context->getSQL(); $user = User::find($sql, $userId, true); if ($user === false) { return $this->createError("Error fetching user details: " . $sql->getLastError()); } else if ($user === null) { return $this->createError("User not found"); } $email = $user->getEmail(); $gpgKey = $user->getGPG(); if (!$gpgKey || !$gpgKey->isConfirmed()) { return $this->createError("This user has not added a gpg key yet or has not confirmed it yet."); } } $res = GpgKey::export($gpgKey->getFingerprint(), $format !== "gpg"); if (!$res["success"]) { return $this->createError($res["error"]); } $key = $res["data"]; if ($format === "json") { $this->result["key"] = $key; return true; } else if ($format === "ascii") { $contentType = "application/pgp-keys"; $ext = "asc"; } else if ($format === "gpg") { $contentType = "application/octet-stream"; $ext = "gpg"; } else { die("Invalid format"); } $fileName = "$email.$ext"; header("Content-Type: $contentType"); header("Content-Length: " . strlen($key)); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$fileName\""); die($key); } public static function getDescription(): string { return "Allows users to download any gpg public key"; } } }