csrfTokenRequired = false; } protected function getCORS(): array { return ["*"]; } public function _execute(): bool { header("Content-Type: application/x-yaml"); die($this->getDocumentation()); } private function fetchPermissions(): array { $req = new \Core\API\Permission\Fetch($this->context); $this->success = $req->execute(); $permissions = []; foreach ($req->getResult()["permissions"] as $permission) { $permissions["/" . strtolower($permission["method"])] = $permission["groups"]; } return $permissions; } private function canView(array $requiredGroups, Request $request): bool { if (!$request->isPublic()) { return false; } $currentUser = $this->context->getUser(); $isLoggedIn = $currentUser !== null; if (($request->loginRequired() || !empty($requiredGroups)) && !$isLoggedIn) { return false; } if (!empty($requiredGroups)) { $userGroups = array_keys($currentUser?->getGroups() ?? []); return !empty(array_intersect($requiredGroups, $userGroups)); } return true; } private function getDocumentation(): string { $settings = $this->context->getSettings(); $siteName = $settings->getSiteName(); $domain = parse_url($settings->getBaseUrl(), PHP_URL_HOST); $protocol = getProtocol(); $permissions = $this->fetchPermissions(); $definitions = []; $paths = []; foreach (self::getApiEndpoints() as $endpoint => $apiClass) { $body = null; $requiredProperties = []; $endpoint = "/$endpoint"; $apiObject = $apiClass->newInstance($this->context, false); if (!$this->canView($permissions[strtolower($endpoint)] ?? [], $apiObject)) { continue; } $parameters = $apiObject->getDefaultParams(); if (!empty($parameters)) { $body = []; foreach ($apiObject->getDefaultParams() as $param) { $body[$param->name] = [ "type" => $param->getSwaggerTypeName(), "default" => $param->value ]; if ($param instanceof StringType && $param->maxLength > 0) { $body[$param->name]["maxLength"] = $param->maxLength; } if ($body[$param->name]["type"] === "string" && ($format = $param->getSwaggerFormat())) { $body[$param->name]["format"] = $format; } if (!$param->optional) { $requiredProperties[] = $param->name; } } $bodyName = $apiClass->getShortName() . "Body"; $definitions[$bodyName] = [ "description" => "Body for $endpoint", "properties" => $body ]; if (!empty($requiredProperties)) { $definitions[$bodyName]["required"] = $requiredProperties; } } $endPointDefinition = [ "post" => [ "produces" => ["application/json"], "responses" => [ "200" => ["description" => "OK!"], "400" => ["description" => "Parameter validation failed"], "401" => ["description" => "Login or 2FA Authorization is required"], "403" => ["description" => "CSRF-Token validation failed or insufficient permissions"], "503" => ["description" => "Function is disabled"], ] ] ]; if ($apiObject->isDisabled()) { $endPointDefinition["post"]["deprecated"] = true; } if ($body) { $endPointDefinition["post"]["consumes"] = ["application/json"]; $endPointDefinition["post"]["parameters"] = [[ "in" => "body", "name" => "body", "required" => !empty($requiredProperties), "schema" => ["\$ref" => "#/definitions/" . $apiClass->getShortName() . "Body"] ]]; } else if ($apiObject->isMethodAllowed("GET")) { $endPointDefinition["get"] = $endPointDefinition["post"]; unset($endPointDefinition["post"]); } $paths[$endpoint] = $endPointDefinition; } $yamlData = [ "swagger" => "2.0", "info" => [ "description" => "This is the Backend API-Description of $siteName", "version" => WEBBASE_VERSION, "title" => $siteName, "contact" => [ "email" => "webmaster@$domain" ], ], "host" => $domain, "basePath" => "/api", "schemes" => ["$protocol"], "paths" => $paths, "definitions" => $definitions ]; return \yaml_emit($yamlData); } }