context->getSQL(); $res = $sql->select(new Count()) ->from("Group") ->whereEq("name", $name) ->execute(); $this->success = ($res !== FALSE); $this->lastError = $sql->getLastError(); return $this->success && $res[0]["count"] > 0; } } } namespace Core\API\Groups { use Core\API\GroupsAPI; use Core\API\Parameter\Parameter; use Core\API\Parameter\StringType; use Core\API\Traits\Pagination; use Core\Driver\SQL\Column\Column; use Core\Driver\SQL\Condition\Compare; use Core\Driver\SQL\Expression\Alias; use Core\Driver\SQL\Expression\Count; use Core\Driver\SQL\Join\InnerJoin; use Core\Driver\SQL\Query\Insert; use Core\Objects\Context; use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\Group; use Core\Objects\DatabaseEntity\User; class Fetch extends GroupsAPI { use Pagination; private int $groupCount; public function __construct(Context $context, $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, self::getPaginationParameters(['id', 'name', 'member_count']) ); $this->groupCount = 0; } public function _execute(): bool { $sql = $this->context->getSQL(); if (!$this->initPagination($sql, Group::class)) { return false; } $nmTable = User::getHandler($sql)->getNMRelation("groups")->getTableName(); $memberCount = new Alias($sql->select(new Count()) ->from($nmTable) ->whereEq("group_id", new Column("")), "memberCount"); $groupsQuery = $this->createPaginationQuery($sql, [$memberCount]); $groups = $groupsQuery->execute(); if ($groups !== false && $groups !== null) { $this->result["groups"] = []; foreach ($groups as $group) { $groupData = $group->jsonSerialize(); $groupData["memberCount"] = $group["memberCount"]; $this->result["groups"][] = $groupData; } } else { return $this->createError("Error fetching groups: " . $sql->getLastError()); } return $this->success; } public static function getDefaultACL(Insert $insert): void { $insert->addRow(self::getEndpoint(), [Group::ADMIN, Group::SUPPORT], "Allows users to fetch available groups"); } } class Get extends GroupsAPI { public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, [ "id" => new Parameter("id", Parameter::TYPE_INT) ]); } protected function _execute(): bool { $sql = $this->context->getSQL(); $groupId = $this->getParam("id"); $group = Group::find($sql, $groupId); if ($group === false) { return $this->createError("Error fetching group: " . $sql->getLastError()); } else if ($group === null) { return $this->createError("Group not found"); } else { $this->result["group"] = $group->jsonSerialize(); } return true; } public static function getDefaultACL(Insert $insert): void { $insert->addRow(self::getEndpoint(), [Group::ADMIN, Group::SUPPORT], "Allows users to get details about a group"); } } class GetMembers extends GroupsAPI { use Pagination; public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) { $paginationParams = self::getPaginationParameters(["id", "name", "fullName"]); $paginationParams["id"] = new Parameter("id", Parameter::TYPE_INT); parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, $paginationParams); } protected function _execute(): bool { $sql = $this->context->getSQL(); $nmTable = User::getHandler($sql)->getNMRelation("groups")->getTableName(); $condition = new Compare("group_id", $this->getParam("id")); $nmJoin = new InnerJoin($nmTable, "$nmTable.user_id", ""); if (!$this->initPagination($sql, User::class, $condition, 100, [$nmJoin])) { return false; } $userQuery = $this->createPaginationQuery($sql, null, [$nmJoin]); $users = $userQuery->execute(); if ($users !== false && $users !== null) { $this->result["members"] = []; foreach ($users as $user) { $this->result["users"][] = $user->jsonSerialize(["id", "name", "fullName", "profilePicture"]); } } else { return $this->createError("Error fetching group members: " . $sql->getLastError()); } return true; } public static function getDefaultACL(Insert $insert): void { $insert->addRow(self::getEndpoint(), [Group::ADMIN, Group::SUPPORT], "Allows users to fetch members of a group"); } } class Create extends GroupsAPI { public function __construct(Context $context, $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, array( 'name' => new StringType('name', 32), 'color' => new StringType('color', 10), )); } public function _execute(): bool { $name = $this->getParam("name"); if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/", $name) !== 1) { return $this->createError("Invalid name"); } $color = $this->getParam("color"); if (preg_match("/^#[a-fA-F0-9]{3,6}$/", $color) !== 1) { return $this->createError("Invalid color"); } $exists = $this->groupExists($name); if (!$this->success) { return false; } else if ($exists) { return $this->createError("A group with this name already exists"); } $sql = $this->context->getSQL(); $group = new Group(null, $name, $color); $this->success = ($group->save($sql) !== FALSE); $this->lastError = $sql->getLastError(); if ($this->success) { $this->result["id"] = $group->getId(); } return $this->success; } public static function getDefaultACL(Insert $insert): void { $insert->addRow(self::getEndpoint(), [Group::ADMIN], "Allows users to create a new group"); } } class Delete extends GroupsAPI { public function __construct(Context $context, $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, array( 'id' => new Parameter('id', Parameter::TYPE_INT) )); } public function _execute(): bool { $id = $this->getParam("id"); if (in_array($id, array_keys(Group::GROUPS))) { return $this->createError("You cannot delete a default group."); } $sql = $this->context->getSQL(); $group = Group::find($sql, $id); if ($group === false) { return $this->createError("Error fetching group: " . $sql->getLastError()); } else if ($group === null) { return $this->createError("This group does not exist."); } else { $this->success = ($group->delete($sql) !== FALSE); $this->lastError = $sql->getLastError(); return $this->success; } } public static function getDefaultACL(Insert $insert): void { $insert->addRow(self::getEndpoint(), [Group::ADMIN], "Allows users to delete a group"); } } class AddMember extends GroupsAPI { public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, [ new Parameter("id", Parameter::TYPE_INT), new Parameter("userId", Parameter::TYPE_INT) ]); } protected function _execute(): bool { $sql = $this->context->getSQL(); $groupId = $this->getParam("id"); $userId = $this->getParam("userId"); $group = Group::find($sql, $groupId); if ($group === false) { return $this->createError("Error fetching group: " . $sql->getLastError()); } else if ($group === null) { return $this->createError("This group does not exist."); } $user = User::find($sql, $userId, true); if ($user === false) { return $this->createError("Error fetching user: " . $sql->getLastError()); } else if ($user === null) { return $this->createError("This user does not exist."); } else if (isset($user->getGroups()[$groupId])) { return $this->createError("This user is already member of this group."); } $user->groups[$groupId] = $group; $this->success = $user->save($sql, ["groups"], true); if (!$this->success) { return $this->createError("Error saving user: " . $sql->getLastError()); } else { return true; } } public static function getDefaultACL(Insert $insert): void { $insert->addRow(self::getEndpoint(), [Group::ADMIN], "Allows users to add members to a group"); } } class RemoveMember extends GroupsAPI { public function __construct(Context $context, bool $externalCall = false) { parent::__construct($context, $externalCall, [ new Parameter("id", Parameter::TYPE_INT), new Parameter("userId", Parameter::TYPE_INT) ]); } protected function _execute(): bool { $sql = $this->context->getSQL(); $groupId = $this->getParam("id"); $userId = $this->getParam("userId"); $group = Group::find($sql, $groupId); if ($group === false) { return $this->createError("Error fetching group: " . $sql->getLastError()); } else if ($group === null) { return $this->createError("This group does not exist."); } $user = User::find($sql, $userId, true); if ($user === false) { return $this->createError("Error fetching user: " . $sql->getLastError()); } else if ($user === null) { return $this->createError("This user does not exist."); } else if (!isset($user->getGroups()[$groupId])) { return $this->createError("This user is not member of this group."); } unset($user->groups[$groupId]); $this->success = $user->save($sql, ["groups"], true); if (!$this->success) { return $this->createError("Error saving user: " . $sql->getLastError()); } else { return true; } } public static function getDefaultACL(Insert $insert): void { $insert->addRow(self::getEndpoint(), [Group::ADMIN], "Allows users to remove members from a group"); } } }