cli.php update

This commit is contained in:
Roman 2021-04-07 00:55:53 +02:00
parent af27b7c302
commit c339ae0584


@ -178,8 +178,63 @@ function onMaintenance(array $argv) {
} }
} }
_exit("Maintenance disabled"); _exit("Maintenance disabled");
} else if ($action === "update") {
// TODO: find that dynamically
$pullBranch = "root/master";
$pushBranch = "origin/master";
printLine("$ git fetch " . str_replace("/", " ", $pullBranch));
exec("git fetch " . str_replace("/", " ", $pullBranch), $gitFetch, $ret);
if ($ret !== 0) {
_exit(implode(PHP_EOL, $gitFetch));
printLine("$ git log HEAD..$pullBranch --oneline");
exec("git log HEAD..$pullBranch --oneline", $gitLog, $ret);
if ($ret !== 0) {
_exit(implode(PHP_EOL, $gitLog));
} else if (count($gitLog) === 0) {
_exit("Already up to date.");
printLine("Found updates, checking repository state");
printLine("$ git diff-index --quiet HEAD --"); // check for any uncommitted changes
exec("git diff-index --quiet HEAD --", $gitDiff, $ret);
if ($ret !== 0) {
_exit("You have uncommitted changes. Please commit them before updating.");
printLine("$ git rev-list HEAD...$pushBranch --ignore-submodules --count");
exec("git rev-list HEAD...$pushBranch --ignore-submodules --count", $gitRevList, $ret);
if ($ret !== 0) {
_exit("HEAD is behind your local branch. Please push your commits before updating.");
// enable maintenance mode if it wasn't turned on before
if (!$isMaintenanceEnabled) {
printLine("Turning on maintenance mode");
onMaintenance(["cli.php", "maintenance", "on"]);
printLine("Ready to update, pulling and merging");
printLine("$ git pull $pullBranch");
exec("git pull $pullBranch", $gitPull, $ret);
if ($ret !== 0) {
printLine("Update could not be applied, check the following git message.");
printLine("Follow the instructions and afterwards turn off the maintenance mode again using:");
printLine("cli.php maintenance off");
_exit(implode(PHP_EOL, $gitLog));
// disable maintenance mode again
if (!$isMaintenanceEnabled) {
printLine("Turning off maintenance mode");
onMaintenance(["cli.php", "maintenance", "off"]);
} else { } else {
_exit("Usage: cli.php maintenance <status|on|off>"); _exit("Usage: cli.php maintenance <status|on|off|update>");
} }
} }