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2021-01-07 15:54:19 +01:00
namespace Api {
use Driver\SQL\Condition\Compare;
abstract class FileAPI extends Request {
protected function checkDirectory($parentId) {
if ($parentId === null) {
return true;
$sql = $this->user->getSQL();
$res = $sql->select("directory")
->where(new Compare("uid", $parentId))
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if ($this->success) {
if (empty($res)) {
return $this->createError("Parent directory not found");
} else if(!$res[0]["directory"]) {
return $this->createError("Parent file is not a directory");
return $this->success;
protected function downloadFile($name, $path) {
if (!file_exists($path)) {
die("404 - File does not exist anymore");
} else if(!is_file($path) || !is_readable($path)) {
die("403 - Unable to download file.");
} else {
$mimeType = @mime_content_type($path);
if ($mimeType) {
header("Content-Type: $mimeType");
$name = trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $name));
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$name");
//No cache
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: public');
//Define file size
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path));
protected function isInDirectory($fileId, $directoryId) {
$sql = $this->user->getSQL();
namespace Api\File {
use Api\FileAPI;
use Api\Parameter\Parameter;
use Api\Parameter\StringType;
use Driver\SQL\Condition\Compare;
use Driver\SQL\Condition\CondIn;
use Objects\User;
class ValidateToken extends FileAPI {
public function __construct(User $user, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array(
'token' => new StringType('token', 36, false)
$this->csrfTokenRequired = false;
public function execute($values = array()) {
if (!parent::execute($values)) {
return false;
$sql = $this->user->getSQL();
$token = $this->getParam("token");
$res = $sql->select("UserFile.uid", "valid_until", "token_type", "maxFiles", "maxSize", "extensions", "name", "path", "directory")
->leftJoin("UserFileTokenFile", "UserFileToken.uid", "token_id")
->innerJoin("UserFile", "UserFile.uid", "file_id")
->where(new Compare("token", $token))
->where(new Compare("valid_until", $sql->now(), ">"))
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if ($this->success) {
if (empty($res)) {
return $this->createError("Invalid Token");
} else {
$row = $res[0];
$this->result["token"] = array(
"type" => $row["token_type"],
"valid_until" => $row["valid_until"]
$this->result["files"] = array();
foreach ($res as $row) {
$file = array(
"isDirectory" => $row["directory"],
"name" => $row["name"],
"uid" => $row["uid"]
if ($file["isDirectory"]) {
$file["items"] = array();
} else {
$file["size"] = @filesize($row["path"]);
$file["mimeType"] = @mime_content_type($row["path"]);
$this->result["files"][] = $file;
if ($row["token_type"] === "upload") {
$this->result["restrictions"] = array(
"maxFiles" => $row["maxFiles"] ?? 0,
"maxSize" => $row["maxSize"] ?? 0,
"extensions" => $row["extensions"] ?? ""
return $this->success;
class RevokeToken extends FileAPI {
public function __construct(User $user, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array(
"token" => new StringType("token", 36)
$this->loginRequired = true;
$this->csrfTokenRequired = true;
public function execute($values = array()) {
if (!parent::execute($values)) {
return false;
$sql = $this->user->getSQL();
$token = $this->getParam("token");
$res = $sql->select($sql->count())
->where(new Compare("user_id", $this->user->getId()))
->where(new Compare("token", $token))
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if ($this->success) {
if(empty($res)) {
return $this->getParam("Invalid token");
} else {
$res = $sql->update("UserToken")
->set("valid_until", new \DateTime())
->where(new Compare("user_id", $this->user->getId()))
->where(new Compare("token", $token))
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
return $this->success;
class ListFiles extends FileAPI {
public function __construct(User $user, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array(
"directory" => new Parameter("directory", Parameter::TYPE_INT, true, null)
$this->loginRequired = true;
$this->csrfTokenRequired = false;
private function &findDirectory(&$files, $id) {
if ($id !== null) {
$id = (string)$id;
if (isset($files[$id])) {
return $files[$id]["items"];
} else {
foreach ($files as &$dir) {
if ($dir["isDirectory"]) {
$target =& $this->findDirectory($dir["items"], $id);
if ($target !== $dir) {
return $target;
return $files;
} else {
return $files;
public function execute($values = array()) {
if (!parent::execute($values)) {
return false;
$sql = $this->user->getSQL();
$res = $sql->select(
"UserFile.uid", "UserFile.directory", "UserFile.path", "UserFile.name",
"UserFile.user_id", "parentTable.uid as parentId", "parentTable.name as parentName")
->leftJoin("UserFile", "UserFile.parent_id", "parentTable.uid", "parentTable")
->where(new Compare("UserFile.user_id", $this->user->getId()))
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if ($this->success) {
$files = array();
foreach ($res as $row) {
$fileId = (string)$row["uid"];
$parentId = $row["parentId"];
$fileName = $row["name"];
$isDirectory = $row["directory"];
$fileElement = array("uid" => $fileId, "name" => $fileName, "isDirectory" => $isDirectory);
if ($isDirectory) {
$fileElement["items"] = array();
} else {
$fileElement["size"] = @filesize($row["path"]);
$fileElement["mimeType"] = @mime_content_type($row["path"]);
$dir =& $this->findDirectory($files, $parentId);
$dir[$fileId] = $fileElement;
$directoryId = $this->getParam("directory");
if (!is_null($directoryId)) {
$wantedDir =& $this->findDirectory($files, $directoryId);
if ($files === $wantedDir) {
$files = array();
} else {
$files = $wantedDir;
$this->result["files"] = $files;
return $this->success;
class ListTokens extends FileAPI {
public function __construct(User $user, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array());
$this->loginRequired = true;
$this->csrfTokenRequired = false;
public function execute($values = array()) {
if (!parent::execute($values)) {
return false;
$sql = $this->user->getSQL();
$res = $sql->select("uid","token","valid_until","token_type", "maxFiles", "maxSize", "extensions")
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if ($this->success) {
$this->result["tokens"] = array();
foreach ($res as $row) {
$tokenType = $row["token_type"];
if ($tokenType !== "upload") {
$this->result["tokens"][] = $row;
return $this->success;
class CreateDirectory extends FileAPI {
public function __construct(User $user, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array(
'name' => new StringType('name', 32),
'parentId' => new Parameter('parentId', Parameter::TYPE_INT, true, null)
$this->loginRequired = true;
$this->csrfTokenRequired = false;
public function execute($values = array()) {
if (!parent::execute($values)) {
return false;
$sql = $this->user->getSQL();
$name = $this->getParam('name');
$parentId = $this->getParam("parentId");
if (!$this->checkDirectory($parentId)) {
return $this->success;
$res = $sql->insert("UserFile", array("directory", "name", "user_id", "parent_id"))
->addRow(true, $name, $this->user->getId(), $parentId)
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
return $this->success;
class Rename extends FileAPI { }
class Move extends FileAPI { }
class Upload extends FileAPI {
public function __construct(User $user, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array(
'parentId' => new Parameter('parentId', Parameter::TYPE_INT, true, null),
'token' => new StringType('token', 36, true, null)
$this->csrfTokenRequired = false;
public function execute($values = array()) {
if (!parent::execute($values)) {
return false;
$token = $this->getParam("token");
if (!$this->user->isLoggedIn() && is_null($token)) {
return $this->createError("Permission denied (expected token)");
$sql = $this->user->getSQL();
$parentId = $this->getParam("parentId");
if (!is_null($token) && !is_null($parentId)) {
return $this->createError("Cannot upload to parent directory using token");
if (!is_null($parentId) && !$this->checkDirectory($parentId)) {
return $this->success;
$fileKeys = array_keys($_FILES);
$numFilesUploaded = count($fileKeys);
if (!is_null($token)) {
$res = $sql->select("uid", "token_type", "maxFiles", "maxSize", "extensions", "user_id")
->where(new Compare("token", $token))
->where(new Compare("valid_until", $sql->now(), ">="))
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if (!$this->success) {
return false;
if (empty($res) || $res[0]["token_type"] !== "upload") {
return $this->createError("Permission denied (token)");
$tokenId = $res[0]["uid"];
$maxFiles = $res[0]["maxFiles"] ?? 0;
$maxSize = $res[0]["maxSize"] ?? 0;
$userId = $res[0]["user_id"];
$extensions = explode(",", strtolower($res[0]["extensions"] ?? ""));
$res = $sql->select($sql->count())
->innerJoin("UserFileToken", "token_id", "UserFileToken.uid")
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if (!$this->success) {
return false;
$count = $res[0]["count"];
if ($maxFiles > 0 && $numFilesUploaded > 0 && $numFilesUploaded + $count > $maxFiles) {
return $this->createError("File limit exceeded. Currently uploaded $count / $maxFiles count");
if ($maxSize > 0 || !empty($extensions)) {
foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
$name = $file["name"];
if ($maxSize > 0 && $file["size"] > $maxSize) {
return $this->createError("File Size limit of $maxSize bytes exceeded for file $name");
$dotPos = strrpos($name, ".");
$ext = ($dotPos !== false ? strtolower(substr($name, $dotPos + 1)) : false);
if (!empty($extensions) && $ext !== false && !in_array($ext, $extensions)) {
return $this->createError("File '$name' has prohibited extension. Allowed extensions: " . implode(",", $extensions));
} else {
$userId = $this->user->getId();
if ($numFilesUploaded === 0) {
return $this->createError("No file uploaded");
$uploadDir = realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/files/uploaded/");
if (!is_writable($uploadDir)) {
return $this->createError("Upload directory is not writable");
$fileIds = array();
foreach ($_FILES as $key => $file) {
$fileName = $file["name"];
$tmpPath = $file["tmp_name"];
$md5Hash = hash_file('md5', $tmpPath);
$sha1Hash = hash_file('sha1', $tmpPath);
$filePath = $uploadDir . "/" . $md5Hash . $sha1Hash;
if (move_uploaded_file($tmpPath, $filePath)) {
$res = $sql->insert("UserFile", array("name", "directory", "path", "user_id", "parent_id"))
->addRow($fileName, false, $filePath, $userId, $parentId)
if ($res === false) {
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
$this->success = false;
return false;
} else {
$fileIds[] = $sql->getLastInsertId();
} else {
return $this->createError("Could not create file: " . $fileName);
if (!is_null($token)) {
$query = $sql->insert("UserFileTokenFile", array("file_id", "token_id"));
foreach ($fileIds as $fileId) {
$query->addRow($fileId, $tokenId);
$res = $query->execute();
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
return $this->success;
class Download extends FileAPI {
public function __construct(User $user, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array(
"id" => new Parameter("id", Parameter::TYPE_INT),
"token" => new StringType("token", 36, true, null)
$this->csrfTokenRequired = false;
public function execute($values = array()) {
if (!parent::execute($values)) {
return false;
$token = $this->getParam("token");
if (!$this->user->isLoggedIn() && is_null($token)) {
return $this->createError("Permission denied (expected token)");
$sql = $this->user->getSQL();
$fileId = $this->getParam("id");
$query = $sql->select("path", "name")
->where(new Compare("UserFile.uid", $fileId));
if (is_null($token)) {
$query->where(new Compare("user_id", $this->user->getId()));
} else {
$query->innerJoin("UserFileTokenFile", "UserFile.uid", "file_id")
->innerJoin("UserFileToken", "UserFileToken.uid", "token_id")
->where(new Compare("token", $token));
$res = $query->execute();
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if ($this->success) {
if (empty($res)) {
if (is_null($token)) {
return $this->createError("File not found");
} else {
return $this->createError("Permission denied (token)");
} else {
if ($res[0]["directory"]) {
return $this->createError("Cannot download directory (yet)");
} else {
$path = $res[0]["path"];
$name = $res[0]["name"];
$this->downloadFile($name, $path);
return $this->success;
class Delete extends FileAPI {
public function __construct(User $user, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array(
"id" => new Parameter("id", Parameter::TYPE_INT),
"token" => new StringType("token", 36, true, null)
public function execute($values = array()) {
if (!parent::execute($values)) {
return false;
return $this->success;
class CreateUploadToken extends FileAPI {
public function __construct(User $user, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array(
"maxFiles" => new Parameter("maxFiles", Parameter::TYPE_INT, true, 1),
"maxSize" => new Parameter("maxSize", Parameter::TYPE_INT, true, null),
"extensions" => new StringType("extensions", 64, true, null),
"durability" => new Parameter("durability", Parameter::TYPE_INT, true, 60*24*2)
$this->loginRequired = true;
$this->csrfTokenRequired = false;
public function execute($values = array()) {
if (!parent::execute($values)) {
return false;
$maxFiles = $this->getParam("maxFiles");
$maxSize = $this->getParam("maxSize");
$extensions = $this->getParam("extensions");
$durability = $this->getParam("durability");
if (!is_null($maxFiles) && $maxFiles < 0) {
return $this->createError("Invalid number of maximum files.");
if (!is_null($maxSize) && $maxSize < 0) {
return $this->createError("Invalid maximum size for uploaded files.");
if (!is_null($durability) && $durability < 0) {
return $this->createError("Invalid durability.");
if (!is_null($extensions)) {
$extensions = explode(",",$extensions);
foreach ($extensions as $i => $ext) {
if (strlen($ext) === 0 || (strlen($ext) === 1 && $ext[0] === ".")) {
unset ($extensions[$i]);
} else if ($ext[0] === ".") {
$extensions[$i] = substr($ext, 1);
$extensions = implode(",", $extensions);
$sql = $this->user->getSQL();
$token = generateRandomString(36);
$validUntil = (new \DateTime())->modify("+$durability HOURS");
$res = $sql->insert("UserFileToken",
array("token", "token_type", "maxSize", "maxFiles", "extensions", "valid_until", "user_id"))
->addRow($token, "upload", $maxSize, $maxFiles, $extensions, $validUntil, $this->user->getId())
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if ($this->success) {
$this->result["token"] = $token;
$this->result["tokenId"] = $sql->getLastInsertId();
return $this->success;
class CreateDownloadToken extends FileAPI {
public function __construct(User $user, bool $externalCall = false) {
parent::__construct($user, $externalCall, array(
"durability" => new Parameter("durability", Parameter::TYPE_INT, true, 60*24*2),
"files" => new Parameter("files", Parameter::TYPE_ARRAY, false)
$this->loginRequired = true;
$this->csrfTokenRequired = false;
public function execute($values = array()) {
if (!parent::execute($values)) {
return false;
$durability = $this->getParam("durability");
$fileIds = $this->getParam("files");
if (!is_null($durability) && $durability < 0) {
return $this->createError("Invalid durability.");
foreach ($fileIds as $fileId) {
if (!is_int($fileId) && is_numeric($fileId)) {
$fileId = intval($fileId);
if (!is_int($fileId) || $fileId < 1) {
return $this->createError("Invalid file id: $fileId");
$fileIds = array_unique($fileIds);
// Check for files:
$sql = $this->user->getSQL();
$res = $sql->select("uid")
->where(new CondIn("uid", $fileIds))
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if (!$this->success) {
return false;
if (count($res) !== count($fileIds)) {
$foundFiles = array_map(function ($row) { return $row["uid"]; }, $res);
foreach ($fileIds as $fileId) {
if (!in_array($fileId, $foundFiles)) {
return $this->createError("File not found: $fileId");
// Insert
$token = generateRandomString(36);
$validUntil = (new \DateTime())->modify("+$durability HOURS");
$res = $sql->insert("UserFileToken", array("token_type", "valid_until", "user_id", "token"))
->addRow("download", $validUntil, $this->user->getId(), $token)
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if (!$this->success) {
return false;
$tokenId = $sql->getLastInsertId();
$query = $sql->insert("UserFileTokenFile", array("token_id", "file_id"));
foreach ($fileIds as $fileId) {
$query->addRow($tokenId, $fileId);
$res = $query->execute();
$this->success = ($res !== false);
$this->lastError = $sql->getLastError();
if ($this->success) {
$this->result["token"] = $token;
return $this->success;