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import {Table, TableBody, TableCell, TableHead, TableRow} from "@material-ui/core";
import ArrowUpwardIcon from "@material-ui/icons/ArrowUpward";
import ArrowDownwardIcon from "@material-ui/icons/ArrowDownward";
import React, {useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useState} from "react";
import usePagination from "../hooks/pagination";
import {parse} from "date-fns";
import "./data-table.css";
import {LocaleContext} from "../locale";
import clsx from "clsx";
import {Box} from "@mui/material";
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import {formatDate} from "../util";
export function DataTable(props) {
const { className, placeholder,
fetchData, onClick, onFilter,
defaultSortColumn, defaultSortOrder,
columns, ...other } = props;
const {currentLocale, requestModules, translate: L} = useContext(LocaleContext);
2023-01-07 15:34:05 +01:00
const [doFetchData, setFetchData] = useState(false);
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
const [sortAscending, setSortAscending] = useState(["asc","ascending"].includes(defaultSortOrder?.toLowerCase));
const [sortColumn, setSortColumn] = useState(defaultSortColumn || null);
const pagination = usePagination();
const sortable = props.hasOwnProperty("sortable") ? !!props.sortable : true;
const onFetchData = useCallback((force = false) => {
if (doFetchData || force) {
const orderBy = columns[sortColumn]?.field || null;
const sortOrder = sortAscending ? "asc" : "desc";
fetchData(pagination.getPage(), pagination.getPageSize(), orderBy, sortOrder).then(([data, dataPagination]) => {
if (data) {
}, [doFetchData, columns, sortColumn, sortAscending, pagination]);
// pagination changed?
useEffect(() => {
let forceFetch = (pagination.getPageSize() < pagination.getTotal());
}, [pagination.data.pageSize, pagination.data.current]);
// sorting changed
useEffect(() => {
}, [sortAscending, sortColumn]);
let headerRow = [];
const onChangeSort = useCallback((index, column) => {
if (sortable && column.sortable) {
if (sortColumn === index) {
} else {
}, [onFetchData, sortColumn, sortAscending]);
for (const [index, column] of columns.entries()) {
if (!(column instanceof DataColumn)) {
throw new Error("DataTable can only have DataColumn-objects as column definition, got: " + typeof column);
if (sortable && column.sortable) {
headerRow.push(<TableCell key={"col-" + index} className={"sortable"}
title={L("general.sort_by") + ": " + column.label}
onClick={() => onChangeSort(index, column) }>
{sortColumn === index ? (sortAscending ? <ArrowUpwardIcon /> : <ArrowDownwardIcon />): <></>}{column.renderHead(index)}
} else {
headerRow.push(<TableCell key={"col-" + index}>
const numColumns = columns.length;
let rows = [];
if (data) {
for (const [key, entry] of Object.entries(data)) {
let row = [];
for (const [index, column] of columns.entries()) {
2023-01-14 09:51:46 +01:00
row.push(<TableCell key={"col-" + index}>{column.renderData(L, entry)}</TableCell>);
rows.push(<TableRow key={"row-" + key}>{ row }</TableRow>);
} else if (placeholder) {
rows.push(<TableRow key={"row-placeholder"}>
<TableCell colSpan={numColumns}>
{ placeholder }
let columnElements = [];
if (columns) {
for (const [key, column] of Object.entries(columns)) {
const centered = column.alignment === "center";
const sortable = doSort && (!column.hasOwnProperty("sortable") || !!column.sortable);
const label = column.label;
if (!sortable) {
<TableCell key={"column-" + key} className={clsx(centered && classes.columnCenter)}>
{ label }
} else {
<TableCell key={"column-" + key} label={L("Sort By") + ": " + label} className={clsx(classes.clickable, centered && classes.columnCenter)}
onClick={() => (key === sortColumn ? setSortAscending(!sortAscending) : setSortColumn(key)) }>
{ key === sortColumn ?
<Grid container alignItems={"center"} spacing={1} direction={"row"} className={classes.gridSorted}>
<Grid item>{ sortAscending ? <ArrowUpwardIcon fontSize={"small"} /> : <ArrowDownwardIcon fontSize={"small"} /> }</Grid>
<Grid item>{ label }</Grid>
<Grid item/>
</Grid> :
const getValue = useCallback((entry, key) => {
if (typeof columns[key]?.value === 'function') {
return columns[key].value(entry);
} else {
return entry[columns[key]?.value] ?? null;
}, [columns]);
let numColumns = columns ? Object.keys(columns).length : 0;
const compare = (a,b,callback) => {
let definedA = a !== null && typeof a !== 'undefined';
let definedB = b !== null && typeof b !== 'undefined';
if (!definedA && !definedB) {
return 0;
} else if (!definedA) {
return 1;
} else if (!definedB) {
return -1;
} else {
return callback(a,b);
let rows = [];
const hasClickHandler = typeof onClick === 'function';
if (data !== null && columns) {
let hidden = 0;
let sortedEntries = data.slice();
if (sortColumn && columns[sortColumn]) {
let sortFunction;
if (typeof columns[sortColumn]?.compare === 'function') {
sortFunction = columns[sortColumn].compare;
} else if (columns[sortColumn]?.type === Date) {
sortFunction = (a, b) => compare(a, b, (a,b) => a.getTime() - b.getTime());
} else if (columns[sortColumn]?.type === Number) {
sortFunction = (a, b) => compare(a, b, (a,b) => a - b);
} else {
sortFunction = ((a, b) =>
compare(a, b, (a,b) => a.toString().toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toString().toLowerCase()))
sortedEntries.sort((a, b) => {
let entryA = getValue(a, sortColumn);
let entryB = getValue(b, sortColumn);
return sortFunction(entryA, entryB);
if (!sortAscending) {
sortedEntries = sortedEntries.reverse();
Array.from(Array(sortedEntries.length).keys()).forEach(rowIndex => {
if (typeof props.filter === 'function' && !props.filter(sortedEntries[rowIndex])) {
let rowData = [];
for (const [key, column] of Object.entries(columns)) {
let value = getValue(sortedEntries[rowIndex], key);
if (typeof column.render === 'function') {
value = column.render(sortedEntries[rowIndex], value);
rowData.push(<TableCell key={"column-" + key} className={clsx(column.alignment === "center" && classes.columnCenter)}>
{ value }
<TableRow key={"entry-" + rowIndex}
className={clsx(hasClickHandler && classes.clickable)}
onClick={() => hasClickHandler && onClick(sortedEntries[rowIndex])}>
{ rowData }
if (hidden > 0) {
rows.push(<TableRow key={"row-hidden"}>
<TableCell colSpan={numColumns} className={classes.hidden}>
{ "(" + (hidden > 1
? sprintf(L("%d rows hidden due to filter"), hidden)
: L("1 rows hidden due to filter")) + ")"
} else if (rows.length === 0 && placeholder) {
rows.push(<TableRow key={"row-placeholder"}>
<TableCell colSpan={numColumns} className={classes.hidden}>
{ placeholder }
} else if (columns && data === null) {
rows.push(<TableRow key={"loading"}>
<TableCell colSpan={numColumns} className={classes.columnCenter}>
<Grid container alignItems={"center"} spacing={1} justifyContent={"center"}>
<Grid item>{L("Loading")}</Grid>
<Grid item><CircularProgress size={15}/></Grid>
return <Box position={"relative"}>
<Table className={clsx("data-table", className)} size="small" {...other}>
{ headerRow }
{ rows }
{pagination.renderPagination(L, rows.length)}
export class DataColumn {
constructor(label, field = null, sortable = true) {
this.label = label;
this.field = field;
this.sortable = sortable;
compare(a, b) {
throw new Error("Not implemented: compare");
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renderData(L, entry) {
return entry[this.field]
renderHead() {
return this.label;
export class StringColumn extends DataColumn {
constructor(label, field = null, sortable = true, caseSensitive = false) {
super(label, field, sortable);
this.caseSensitve = caseSensitive;
compare(a, b) {
if (this.caseSensitve) {
return a.toString().localeCompare(b.toString());
} else {
return a.toString().toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toString().toLowerCase());
export class NumericColumn extends DataColumn {
constructor(label, field = null, sortable = true) {
super(label, field, sortable);
compare(a, b) {
return a - b;
export class DateTimeColumn extends DataColumn {
constructor(label, field = null, sortable = true, format = "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") {
super(label, field, sortable);
this.format = format;
compare(a, b) {
if (typeof a === 'string') {
a = parse(a, this.format, new Date()).getTime();
if (typeof b === 'string') {
b = parse(b, this.format, new Date()).getTime();
return a - b;
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renderData(L, entry) {
return formatDate(L, super.renderData(L, entry));