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2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
namespace Configuration;
2020-04-03 15:56:04 +02:00
use Driver\SQL\SQL;
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
use \Driver\SQL\Strategy\SetNullStrategy;
use \Driver\SQL\Strategy\CascadeStrategy;
class CreateDatabase {
2020-06-25 16:54:58 +02:00
// NOTE:
// explicit serial ids removed due to postgres' serial implementation
2020-04-03 15:56:04 +02:00
public static function createQueries(SQL $sql) {
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
$queries = array();
// Language
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Language")
->addString("code", 5)
->addString("name", 32)
2020-06-25 16:58:26 +02:00
$queries[] = $sql->insert("Language", array("code", "name"))
2020-06-25 16:54:58 +02:00
->addRow( "en_US", 'American English')
->addRow( "de_DE", 'Deutsch Standard');
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("User")
->addString("email", 64, true)
->addString("name", 32)
2020-06-23 18:40:43 +02:00
->addString("password", 128)
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
->addInt("language_id", true, 1)
2020-04-04 01:15:59 +02:00
->addDateTime("registered_at", false, $sql->currentTimestamp())
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
->foreignKey("language_id", "Language", "uid", new SetNullStrategy());
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Session")
->addBool("active", true)
->addString("ipAddress", 45)
->addString("os", 64)
->addString("browser", 64)
->addJson("data", false, '{}')
->addBool("stay_logged_in", true)
2020-06-14 19:39:52 +02:00
->addString("csrf_token", 16 )
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
->primaryKey("uid", "user_id")
->foreignKey("user_id", "User", "uid", new CascadeStrategy());
2020-06-17 20:20:31 +02:00
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("UserInvitation")
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("UserToken")
->addString("token", 36)
2020-06-22 21:50:58 +02:00
->addEnum("token_type", array("password_reset", "email_confirm"))
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
2020-06-22 21:50:58 +02:00
->addBool("used", false)
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
->foreignKey("user_id", "User", "uid", new CascadeStrategy());
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Group")
->addString("name", 32)
->addString("color", 10)
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
2020-06-25 16:58:26 +02:00
$queries[] = $sql->insert("Group", array("name", "color"))
2020-06-25 16:54:58 +02:00
->addRow(USER_GROUP_MODERATOR_NAME, "#007bff")
->addRow(USER_GROUP_SUPPORT_NAME, "#28a745")
->addRow(USER_GROUP_ADMIN_NAME, "#dc3545");
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("UserGroup")
->unique("user_id", "group_id")
2020-06-23 16:41:08 +02:00
->foreignKey("user_id", "User", "uid", new CascadeStrategy())
->foreignKey("group_id", "Group", "uid", new CascadeStrategy());
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
2020-04-02 21:19:06 +02:00
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Notification")
->addDateTime("created_at", false, $sql->currentTimestamp())
->addString("title", 32)
->addString("message", 256)
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("UserNotification")
->foreignKey("user_id", "User", "uid")
->foreignKey("notification_id", "Notification", "uid")
->unique("user_id", "notification_id");
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("GroupNotification")
->foreignKey("group_id", "Group", "uid")
->foreignKey("notification_id", "Notification", "uid")
->unique("group_id", "notification_id");
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("ApiKey")
->addBool("active", true)
->addString("api_key", 64)
->foreignKey("user_id", "User", "uid");
2020-06-17 23:50:08 +02:00
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Visitor")
->addInt("count", false, 1)
->addString("cookie", 26)
->unique("month", "cookie");
2020-06-19 13:13:13 +02:00
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Route")
->addString("request", 128)
->addEnum("action", array("redirect_temporary", "redirect_permanently", "static", "dynamic"))
->addString("target", 128)
->addString("extra", 64, true)
->addBool("active", true)
2020-06-20 15:49:53 +02:00
$queries[] = $sql->insert("Route", array("request", "action", "target", "extra"))
->addRow("^/admin(/.*)?$", "dynamic", "\\Documents\\Admin", NULL)
2020-06-20 15:49:53 +02:00
->addRow("^/register(/)?$", "dynamic", "\\Documents\\Account", "\\Views\\Account\\Register")
->addRow("^/confirmEmail(/)?$", "dynamic", "\\Documents\\Account", "\\Views\\Account\\ConfirmEmail")
->addRow("^/acceptInvite(/)?$", "dynamic", "\\Documents\\Account", "\\Views\\Account\\AcceptInvite")
2020-06-26 14:58:17 +02:00
->addRow("^/resetPassword(/)?$", "dynamic", "\\Documents\\Account", "\\Views\\Account\\ResetPassword")
2020-06-22 19:09:02 +02:00
->addRow("^/$", "static", "/static/welcome.html", NULL);
2020-06-19 13:13:13 +02:00
2020-06-25 16:54:58 +02:00
$queries[] = $sql->createTable("Settings")
->addString("name", 32)
->addString("value", 1024, true)
2020-06-26 14:58:17 +02:00
->addBool("private", false)
2020-06-25 16:54:58 +02:00
2020-06-26 14:58:17 +02:00
$settingsQuery = $sql->insert("Settings", array("name", "value", "private"))
2020-06-25 16:54:58 +02:00
// ->addRow("mail_enabled", "0") # this key will be set during installation
2020-06-26 14:58:17 +02:00
->addRow("mail_host", "", false)
->addRow("mail_port", "", false)
->addRow("mail_username", "", false)
->addRow("mail_password", "", true)
->addRow("mail_from", "", false)
->addRow("message_confirm_email", self::MessageConfirmEmail(), false)
->addRow("message_accept_invite", self::MessageAcceptInvite(), false)
->addRow("message_reset_password", self::MessageResetPassword(), false);
2020-06-25 16:54:58 +02:00
$queries[] = $settingsQuery;
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00
return $queries;
2020-06-26 14:58:17 +02:00
private static function MessageConfirmEmail() : string {
return str_replace("\n", "", intendCode(
"Hello {{username}},<br>
You recently created an account on {{site_name}}. Please click on the following link to
confirm your email address and complete your registration. If you haven't registered an
account, you can simply ignore this email. The link is valid for the next 48 hours:<br><br>
<a href=\"{{link}}\">{{confirm_link}}</a><br><br>
Best Regards<br>
{{site_name}} Administration", false
private static function MessageAcceptInvite() : string {
return str_replace("\n", "", intendCode(
"Hello {{username}},<br>
You were invited to create an account on {{site_name}}. Please click on the following link to
confirm your email address and complete your registration by choosing a new password.
If you want to decline the invitation, you can simply ignore this email. The link is valid for the next 48 hours:<br><br>
<a href=\"{{link}}\">{{link}}</a><br><br>
Best Regards<br>
{{site_name}} Administration", false
private static function MessageResetPassword() : string {
return str_replace("\n", "", intendCode(
"Hello {{username}},<br>
you requested a password reset on {{sitename}}. Please click on the following link to
choose a new password. If this request was not intended, you can simply ignore the email. The Link is valid for one hour:<br><br>
<a href=\"{{link}}\">{{link}}</a><br><br>
Best Regards<br>
{{site_name}} Administration", false
2020-04-02 00:02:51 +02:00